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Dumbledore sat at the head of the table calmly looking down at y/n who sat there working thought her memory. How could he know about the Dark Lords plan for her.

"So i see that your confused" he said looking at her though his half moon specials. y/n looked up at him and slowly nodded.

Dumbledore smiled at her and continued. "I do have my ways, but please don't make the wrong choices in this situation" he paused, a silence filled the room.

"Professor, well nothing is determined. A simple thought" she added. Dumbledore once again smiled. "I see" He thought got a moment. "You may go y/n"

Y/n left the office and headed straight to her brothers room.

as soon as she arrived in the common room she didn't have to look far find draco. who was accompanied my Lorenzo. "Assholes, get a room" "PDA much" she laughed before thumping down on the leather couch.

Lorenzo and Draco shot up from their position on the back chair. "uh hey y/n" draco stuttered "you won't tell dad right" he finished

y/n laughed before looking at her brother. "Obviously, i don't like dollar store Elsa" she paused laughing at her own nick me for her father. "You guys should be more careful, if someone else were to walk in you both would be dead" suddenly an idea popped into her head.

"OH SHIT, you guys could go to the room of requirements so no one knows and spermy can't find out" she yelled excitedly. Both Enzo and Draco followed in the same reaction. "You know elsa jr, i have no idea why we didn't think of that" he said nudging draco.

"awh, you guys hanging out without me" A new voice asked. Everyone knew it was Mattheo who was previously passed out on his bed ten minutes ago.

"Never" Enzo replied cuddling draco. "Enzo your such a bottom" Mattheo said looking down at the pair. Y/n laughed while the boy became red.

"We'll see about that" He snapped pulling draco out of the common room. At this y/n burst out laughing.

After she calmed down Mattheo asked her where the boys went. "Oh the room of requirements" she replied settling down next to him in the couch.

Mattheo pouted for a second before protesting. "Wasn't that our spot in 2nd year" this made
y/n tense up a bit. of course it was their place but theo kinda ruined it for them last year.

Mattheo realized what he said after y/n stayed silent. "y/n, i never got to tell you how sorry i am. for everything really. truthfully i don't even remember what happened between me and her" he started looking into her eyes. She listened to every word closely

"I miss us, I miss the old us. Not this forced relationship by my father. But you being mine. Can we please start over?" he asked hopefully.

She stayed silent for a second, in consideration.
"Mattheo, i will admit it but yes you didn't hurt me, but i do to miss us, you. so i'll agree to start over. Once. but if you mess up i'm done" she said releasing a breath she didn't know she was holding.

Mattheos eyes lit up with joy instantly.
"Okay, i have to start this right" He stood up and began to pull y/n up with him.

"Riddle, where are we going" y/n asked laughed while being pulled out of the common room.

"Shh Malfoy, you'll find out soon" he replied in a quiet whisper. Soon enough they where emerging through the doors of the astronomy tower. They couldn't really go their place because of a "lovely" couple so their second place will do.

"Wanna play 21 questions?" Mattheo asked sitting at the edge of the tower next to y/n.

She lay looking up at the stars, locating many constellations. "Why not" she shrugged. "With or without veritaserum?" she asked.

Mattheo smiled and held up a vail of the obvious veritaserum. He passed her a vial and took one for himself. They both downed them and began to ask away.

"I'll go first, how tall are you? " y/n asked
"6'0, okay my turn" he thought for a moment before continuing. "Favorite color?"

Y/n smiled before instantly answering. " Violet"

They game went on exactly like that before it was the final question. Mattheos turn to ask.

"y/n do you still love me?"

Without any hesitation she replied "yes"

y/n sat at her desk writing a letter to her favorite person.


School is fine, my grades are doing fine. But there is one thing. I think i'd be better to talk about in person.

I was wondering if i could come to the manor later today for a hour or so to talk about it?

I Love you

She rolled the message up and sent her owl away. Her mom always answered quickly so a reply should be back in a few hours.

Plus her mother was the only person she could think to talk to about Dumbledore and what he knows.

All three boys were in the common room when y/n arrived. "Draco why aren't you sitting?" she asked as she took a seat next to mattheo.

Enzo smirked and Draco began embarrassed. Between the two of them y/n figured on the situation pretty quickly.

"Oh my god. goodbye" she laughed before pulling mattheo with her to to kitchens

"make me cookies you peasant" she ordered to mattheo who looked at her in disbelief.

"me?" he questions. "who else, me and the elves need to catch up" y/n said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"and if i don't" he complained. Y/n sent death glares at him, but on the contrary she had an innocent smile on her lips. "I'll tell you dad, i mean i am his favorite"

"Damn okay" Mattheo said rolling up his sleeves. He then began to collect the ingredients for the cookies.

After about 45 minutes the baked goods were finished and y/n was ready to steal them all.

(She successfully did to just that)

y/n sat in her dormitory with a plate of cookies on one side of her and a book in her hands, well before she had to get up and let the owl in with her mothers reply.


i'm glad your grades are good, that's wonderful. Of course you can come here darling. 

I love you,


P.S the port key is the rose petal in the envelope.

Y/n smiled at the reply before putting her book away and getting dressed. She carefully grabbed the petal and the next thing she new she faces the front doors of Malfoy Manor.

The first thing she saw when entering was Naraissa, who ran to her with open arms, hugging her daughter tightly.

"So my love, what did you want to talk about" She  asked sitting down in the large sitting room.

"okay mum, it's kind of a long story, but last evening dumbledore asked me to join him in his office. Once we were sat down he said he new about the plans of me joining the Death eaters" y/n explained

Cissys eyes went wide in shock before she responded. "honey, we should talk to the dark lord, he'll know" she smiled warmly at her before leading her to the familiar meeting room.

okay so idk about the writing style but i thought i'd try it out but idk.

ANYWAYS THIS IS A BIG THANKS FOR 90K/ 89.9k reads! i never thought that we would get this far but we have so i love and thank you all so much for reading this far !

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