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In the common room with Theo, Enzo, and Draco

"Im bored" Enzo groaned

Both Mattheo and Draco became extremely annoyed after hearing that repeated sentence about 16 times.

"I KNOW" Enzo bursted out. "You know what?" Mattheo asked.

Enzo laughed before replying and telling the both about his plans for a classic game of truth or dare.

"Okay, I'll get y/n and you two go invite all the fun slytherins to play with us" Enzo said getting up from his spot by the low burning fire.

"get your lazy ass up, it's 12 pm" Lorenzo Berkshire yelled as he walked into y/n's dorm only to see her still passed out.

Y/n groaned and stretched as she sat up to see what Lorenzo thought was so important. She then sat on her bed staring blankly at the wall waiting for Enzo to explain.

Without giving the simplest bit of an explanation he was standing in front of the wardrobe.

After a few moments of thinking he decided on a "sexy" black skin tight dress. The only problem being that y/n immediately vetoed it and opted for a pair of black sweatpants she stole from draco and enzo's slytherin sweater.

As they arrived in the common room they saw multiple people sitting down and others filling in around them.

"Lorenzo what are we doing" she whispered.
"Oh i forgot to tell you, we're doing truth or dare with the "fun" slytherins" he said cheerfully

They both sat down in their normal spots next to Mattheo and Draco.  The group so far consisted of Theodore, Pansy, Vincent, and Gregory.

"y/n are those my pants" Draco asked as his sister sat next to him on the opposite side as Lorenzo.

"Of course my outfit is sponsored by my two favorite people" she said smiling at the pair.

After a few more minutes of chatting the game finally began. In fact it revealed Crabbe had a secret crush and that y/n and Enzo had to say dare for the next 3 rounds.

The room had become full of laughter, sadly it didn't last long. An unfamiliar voice spoke out from the entrance of the common room.

All ahold it to be Astoria Greengrass. She fake pouted before speaking again. "Playing without me, i'm sad" she laughed again before sitting down next to mattheo.

Mattheo made sure to slide over closed to y/n away from Astoria. "Let's play" she said smirking.

No one said anything, just sitting in silence. "Fine i'll start" she said looking around the circle

"ahh, y/n truth or dare" she smirked while making eye contact


Astoria smiled before looking around. "I dare you to make out with hmm Theodore"

Y/n moved closer to Theodore. While Mattheo leaned back ignoring the situation in a whole.

Theodore smirked at Mattheo before leaning into y/n. After they pulled away she went back next to mattheo.

Tension filled the room while Astoria ate every bit up, enjoying herself.

"Well this was fun, i'm going to go my dorm"
y/n said getting up, but Mattheo did the same. "I'll go with you"

"Well that was fun, should we continue" Pansy said as the pair left.

They both stayed silent on the wall back to the dorm. Some how they both knew what the other was thinking.

When they entered the room y/n spoke first  and Mattheo smirked.

"Oh shut up" she laughed.

Mattheo pulled her close to his chest before whispering into her ear. "You're mine and only mine"

"yeah, and you're mine" she said pulling away and leading him further into the room.


YOU NASTIES.... (Bonus chapter two)

Mattheo unwrapped his arm from around y/n's waist who was still asleep after the events that took place earlier.

"Hey love we have to meet draco and enzo for dinner in 10" he said gently shaking her awake.

"Y/n get up" mattheo said while getting dressed.

"Sorry to break it to you but i can't exactly stand, nor walk. Therefor i'll be staying here until thin" she said with an annoyed smile.

"Fine, i'll carry you then" he then grinned walking towards her

quick thank you for 119k <3 ily

uhh i don't feel like editing this so sorry for mistakes i'm tired

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