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tonight was the night, Theo and I would be inseparable. No one really back from the holiday vacation yet, so what better to do.

New year's eve was always something Enzo and I  did together. it's just been out thing, but noooo this bitch is on some private island.

When i waked down to the dining hall i saw the most unexpected thing. I- well I mean i never thought i'd see this.

Mattheo was being a complete ass. um well he was beating a third years ass.

with no surprise he still looked hot, which really wasn't a surprise. 

"MATTHEO RIDDLE, GET YOUR ASS OFF OFF THAT THIRD YEAR NOW" Theos shocked eyes met mine as he look up from his business.

With a pout and a groan he got up and walked to stand besides me.

Quickly i asked a 5tb year to take the 3rd year over to the hospital wing, who quickly did what i asked.

I thanked the boy, and turned to face mattheo.


Theo's face soon had a smirk on it "Oh malfoy, feisty are we now"

I could feel the red in my cheeks growing. not now, WHY NOW.

"Go theo, i'll be there in a minute " I sent him away to the dining hall while i went off to the washroom to make sure i wasn't to red. i really need to fix this shit

After dinner, Mattheo and i walked together back  to our common room "Okay Mattheo, please explain why you where fighting a third year?" I ask walking backwards, facing him

" He said you where hot" Theo mummed

"huh, what was that?" i said, being the one with a growing smirk

"FINE" mattheo huffed
"he said you were hot, and that's my job" he said louder this time

"okay riddle, do you not feel at least a bit bad about fighting a third year" i questioned

"not at all, i'm mattheo riddle" he said laughing

" Touché"I laughed and took his hand, directing him away from our normal path to the dungeons

" you wanna go on a walk i'm assuming. " he laughed, knows me way to well.

"what about going back to the common room?" he asks

"Youre no fun, I get it's new year's eve but all the older years are going to be you know being older years" I say in a fussy tone

"Fine, the common room can wait" he sounded cocky as ever.

"Oo Oo can we go to the astronomy tower pleaseeeeee" I'm practically begging, he never wants to go up there, he's probably afraid of heights, pussy

"Fine Malfoy only this one time" He smiled a bit while I lead the way up to the astronomy tower.

Looking up at the stars i could tell that it was going to be the most magical, beautiful place at Hogwarts tonight.

Theo won't admit it but this bitch actually does enjoy it up here. "Y/N ITS ALMOST 12!!!!" He really is six at heart sometimes.

I laugh a join him at the edge of the tower, looking over the railing.

The school lights an amazing firework show as the clock turns 12 every year. "10... 9... 8...." all the houses were out under the astronomy
tower looking up into the sky counting down till the new year (at least the ones that were back) .      "5..4..3..2..." Theo's and I eyes lock as everyone shoutedn one.

Riddle - |Mattheo Riddle| Under RevisionWhere stories live. Discover now