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Everyone was staying between the Malfoy Manor and Berkshire Manor. Moving around and hanging out with one another became a distraction from the events at Hogwarts.

One night the group was sitting in the dinning room when Lucius decided to speak up. He's loved to do that recently.

"Severus will be the new headmaster for the upcoming year" Lucius smiled as he spoke

"As in Uncle Sev?" Draco questioned

Lucius said nothing while Narsissa nodded, before excusing herself from the room.

Later that night the four teens sat in y/n's room bored out of their minds.  Who knew a Manor could be so boring. Finally y/n spoke up. "Wanna sneak out?"

The boys looked dumbfounded, the innocent one was becoming the bad influence. "Theoretically where would we go?" Mattheo asked putting down the book he was reading.

"Uh how about we go shopping" she said cheerfully.

"I'm in" Enzo said. Draco nodded in agreement. Finally Mattheo agreed and they began to get ready. How hard can sneaking out really be.

"Shut up before you get up caught with your loud ass" y/n whisper yelled at her brother.

"you're mean" he whisper back.

"What are you four doing" Narcissa asked turning the hallway light on.

"Uh nothing" Draco answered quickly while the other three nodded.

Narcissa smiled before holding a finger to her lips and shutting off the light once more.

"Damn, i love your mom" Enzo said in awh

y/n took the chance to slap him. "Us too please do shut up before our favorite barbie finds us"

It didn't take long for them to exit the Manor and to decided on a few muggle shops.

"Here we are" y/n said smiling in front of a store front.

"Chairs?" Theo questioned. "no stupid, clairs, now let's go inside" she giggled pushing them all inside

As soon as they were inside Draco was amazing by all the choices of Jewelry. His face soon lit up with what to him was an amazing idea. "I'm getting my ears pierced" Before anyone had the chance to stop him he was already talking to the lady at the front.

Soon enough anyone looking into the store from outside could see a platinum blond siting in a purple chair waiting excitedly for his ears to be pierced.

"MOTHERFUCKER" he screamed as his ears were punctured with a weirdly shaped muggle device.

"We should get best friend necklaces" Enzo said staring at the glittered jewelry.

"Agreed" y/n said peering down at them.

"What are we looking at" Draco and Theo asked while stranded next the y/n and Enzo.

The four of them walked out with new necklaces and new earrings, well at least draco did.

"So where to next" Theo asked

They spend the rest the evening walking to different shops finding cloths and accessories.

A few weeks past since their adventure and Draco had been able to keep his new "bling" hidden from Lucius. During those few weeks Bellatrix, Regulus, and Narcissa planned the twins 17th birthday ball.

Quick pause
Hers the dress i imagine for her bc i want to

Quick pauseHers the dress i imagine for her bc i want to

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Or something similar, idk

Continue besties

"Why do your boobs always look so good" Enzo said walking into her bedroom.

"i'm not sure" she said in awh while she just stood there looking at herself in the mirror.

Enzo and y/n met Draco and Theo in Draco's room to finish getting ready.

As soon as they were satisfied with their looks they exited down the stairs. Draco and Enzo first, then y/n and Mattheo.

As they came into view from downstairs you could hear the gasp from Narcissa and Bellatrix when they saw y/n and Mattheo walking down together laughing silently at one another.

"I remember when you were like that with that one Ravenclaw boy" Bella said elbowing Narissa gently in the side.

Narcissa became a red from blushing but blamed it on how beautiful her daughter looked and how hot the room was. Bella rolled her eyes and led her sister over to greet the four kids.

"Y/n you look stunning Happy birthday " Bellatrix said pulling her niece into a hug. y/n smiled "thank you auntie Bella"

Bellatrix went on to talk to Draco and the other boys, while Narsissa had a different plan for her favorite child.

"Oh honey you look amazing, i do have a surprise for you though" she winked and held out her hand. y/n accepted and followed her mom.

After a minute or so they arrive at the library. "Mom, not the be inpatient or ungrateful, but why are we in the library" she asked, this made Narsissa chuckle. "Just follow me"

A bit of wandering later and Cissy led them to a back shelf that contained mostly romance novels.

"OoO this is my favorite one" y/n said excitedly reaching for a book. As soon as she pulled the book a room was uncovered to reveal a simple lounge area with a few book shelves.

y/n took a glance at the shelves to realize they were filled with more of her favorite books. When she looked over at be mother she noticed a small book in her hands.

"Honey, when i was your age i started a journal, or you could call it a diary" she laughed. "anyways we all know it, but a dark time is coming up, maybe writing could bring up a little light" Narcissa smiled warmly as her daughter hugged her tightly.

"Where'd you two disappear off to" Draco asked as he spotted his mom and sister.

"Oh just on a stroll, chatting" Narsissa answered.

"Narsissa!" Regulus called from another room.

"I'll be right there" she hollered back. "As i was saying, guest should arrive soon, I love you guys" she gushed before running off to help Regulus.

"Enzo who's all coming ?" Mattheo asked as they waiting at the main entrance to greet people.

"Uh the Parkinson's, Zabini's, Notts, Greengrasses, and hella purebloods" he said checking people off an imagine list

"Enzo you look like an idiot" y/n said laughing at her best friend.

"No i'm just funny"

"Hold up did you say the Green asses" y/n asked suddenly

"I'm pretty sure I said Greengrasses not asses but yes that's the family wh- Ohhhh" Enzo said after finally connecting the dots.

"Mattheo Marvolo Riddle, you're not leaving my side all night" y/n said

"Allll night" he smirked


"It was worth a shot" he said shrugging

Guys there's 3 more chapters after this :(

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