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I'm sitting at Breakfast, todays the day our 4th year finally begins. Who knows, will this year be different than all the past years. Filled with crying, laughing, and occasional waves of a overly red faces. Thanks so Mattheo.

I must have been in what seemed like a trace, because Mattheo spoke inbetween a laugh and a concerned voice.

"Darling are you okay" He said trying to contain a minimal laugh.

"Oh, Yeah im fine" I say with a half hearted smile.

I honestly want to be back daydreaming about the adventures that took place over the summer.

"Oh really, you seem kinda you know out of it" He said it little more cocky this time around.

I smiled at Mattheo and reasured him that I was fine and he was just overthinking. "I'm heading to the pitch, Tryouts are in 10 minutes" I said getting a bit more excited for the day.

He wished me luck and I began to make my way out of the Great Hall.

"Sister Dearest" Dracos normal cheeky grin was comeing from behind me. I didnt even have to see him, It just the tone and way he speaks that gives it away.

"Not you leaving without me, you know im trying out too" he began "Well technically i dont need to, ive been on the team for two years" he said proudly.

I laugh and a smirk grows across my lips as I turn to face him. "Oh hello, brother dearest. I msut have forgot, I though you got kicked off because the stunt you pulled last year" I say back to Draco.

An angered look grows on Dracos face, but quickly turns into a stupid look as he trys to contain his laughter, same going for me.

Neither of us could hold it any longer.

It take about four minutes to for us to finally shut up. Our outburst earned us a few concered and annoyed glances.

Before we end up being late Draco and I start for the Pitch.

"Y/N, HURRY UP, WE START IN THREE MINUTES" draco yells from outside the locker rooms.

"Okay, IM COMING" I yell as I run out dressed in my Gear.

"What are you trying for again?" Draco asks

" You're actually stupid, Im going for chaser" I say with a huge smiel on my face.

Finally i'll be able to play with my brother, well i- uh- hopefully.

"Malfo-" Flint starts "Both of you?" he asked in an either confused of concered tone.

"whatever, get into possision and get ready"

After Hours of tryouts I was dead, like actually dead. I slowly made my way to the locker rooms after making sure non of the boy where in the locker room, and got changed.

After getting ready I make my way back to the Slytherin Common rooms. "I'm actually not sure if ill be able to walk" I yell to Enzo, as I walk into the main area. Enzo sitting on the couch doing homework.

"Y/N!" Enzo begins, he stops suddenly, and clears his throut. "Mother, I need help with Divination" He said all formaly.

When Lorenzo says he needs help, that means he wants to get the answers without any work, which is pretty typical.
"Fin-" I begin, then is cut of by the one and only Marcus Flint.
"Malfoy, Welcome to the team" He says as he throughs a Slytherin Jersey at me.

Hey so I want to clear so stuff up about year 4. Yes I know theres no quidditch in 4th year. But I dont give two fucks so yes theres still the triwizard turniments but theres quidditch on the side, let y/n have her moment smh. i- uh yall might kill me for the next chapter

Riddle - |Mattheo Riddle| Under RevisionWhere stories live. Discover now