Bounus Chapter Three

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For our Queen, Narcissa <3
(Chapter 46 in depth)

Y/n found herself returning to the little room frequently. It was a room where she could do whatever she wanted, in all honesty she just wanted to get a break from her life, her life really was crazy.
Her favorite part of the room was her moms old journal, it told stories of her moms life from every year at Hogwarts.

1971, The summer before Narcissa Black's Fifth Year at Hogwarts.

Narcissa stood with her head held high as she walked through the ball room with her two older sisters and parents. It was the end of summer ball, this year hosted by their cousins, Orion and Walburga Black.
All eyes where on the girls as they approached the main area of the hall room. In the front Orion and Walburga stood with Regulus and Sirius. Sirius looked pained to even be standing there.

Drulla and Cygnus slightly nodded their heads before going to stand next to the couple. Cygnus and Orion moved from the front to another group of men which all held champaign in fancy glasses. Wlaburga told Sirius and Regulus to go associate with other people while Drulla told the girl to again, talk to young men.
Narcissa tried to ignore it, to not get her hopes up but she over heard her parents speaking of the soon to be sixth year, Lucius Malfoy had taken a liking to the girl.

It wasn't a lie, the blond boy had been watching her since she arrived.

"Narcissa, is it?" The young Malfoy asked stepping in front of her. The voice partly startled her, she politely smiled and nodded.
"Well, Narcissa. Would you like to dance?" He questioned.

Narcissa could feel her heart beat speed up, "I'd love to."

Lucius took her hand, guiding her to the dance floor. He placed his hands on her waist and her on his shoulders. He lead her with the music, she stared into his eyes, he never once looked away from her.
From afar Drulla watched her daughters. Bellatrix having small talk with a tall Rodolphus Lestrange, Andromeda with Sirius and Regulus, and Finally Narcissa with Lucious Malfoy. She smiled at the sight.

Before the end of the night Abarax Malfoy approached Drulla, the two where known to have a past together, that was before his wife and Cygnus. "Drulla." He spoke stepping next to her holding a wine glass.

"Abarax, what a pleasure." She said sarcastically. She'd never gotten over them not working out.
"I see the interest my son has in your daughter." He glanced over at the woman.

Drulla kept her gaze onwards. "As do I."

"He's expressed to me that he wouldn't mind having her had his betrothed." Abarax took a sip of the liquid in his glass.
Drulla felt some sort of jealousy towards her daughter, she'd get the life she never got, to be a Malfoy.

"Narcissa would love to be with Lucius." She finally looked up at Abarax who smiled widely.

"So it's decided, Narcissa is Lucius's" He paused "Very well, they will be told soon."

Platform 9 3/4 -Hogwarts Express

Andromeda and Narcissa were led by their parents towards the platform. The family kept their heads held high with a specific look of luxury and high status, it helped that both girls were dressed like an Empress. The girls said their goodbyes quickly before entering the train, they each went a different way.
Narcissa was a prefect this year so instead of normally sitting with Andy, she went towards the front.

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