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Enzo was ecstatic when i told him cedric has asked me. and of course him and draco where already going together.

A week before the ball enzo was already planing our looks. classic Enzo. Draco tried to hide it but he truthfully was excited.

Overall the girls around school where most excited. I understand how. the halls are decorated in beautiful winter decorations, ranging from snowflakes to crystals.

The thing worse than girls screaming and squeaking about the ball, is enzo screaming and squeaking about it.  He reminds me of girls in muggle movies.

"Y/n have you picked a dress yet?" enzo questions while we walk in hogsmade. 

"nope" i reply back knowing he'll freak

"SERIOUSLY DO I HAVE TO DO EVERYTHING" he complains while dragging me to a dress shop

"IM KIDDING, MOMMY SENT ME A DRESS" I say while cracking up at his mom behavior.

"y/n i hate you" enzo said we a snarky tone.

The Ball approached closer and closer. People finding last minute dates, dresses, suits, you name it.

Enzo and I plan to get ready together obviously. but he insists we start getting ready 4 hours before hand because quote on quote "i can be a piece of work" like go off enzo.

My thoughts where discontinued by the sound of footsteps behind me.  It was flint.
"Malfoy, the games been canceled, were playing hufflepuff a week after  the ball instead" he sounded annoyed and obviously angered dumbledore called off the match.

"okay flint" i said looking back into the fire

"oh and y/n are you okay. i never got the chance to ask" his voice came off nice and calmed. Not to mention he never calls anyone by their first name.

I look back up at him, "thank you mar- flint, it means a lot, and yes i'm fine" i say back giving flint a soft smile.

"okay goodnight malfoy" he replies before walking away

After Flint left the sounds of footsteps came from the boys dormitories. it was enzo and draco hand in hand.

"sissy it's time for dinner" draco says happily.

I get off the coach near my spot by the fire and begin to walk with them toward to dinning hall. i heard dumbledore say something about mashed potatoes. for once i'm thankful for him.

We reached the hall and sat down at our regular spots. only this time mattheo and astoria sat two seat down. I wasn't as bothered as before because i had cedric.

The slytherin table wasn't very full yet so cedric had no problem making his way over to me. I had my back turned so technically i couldn't see him coming. I only knew it was him when i heard his laugh.

"hi love" he smiled as i turned to face him

"hello darling" he replied "i have something for you, i saw it in hogsmade at thoght if you" he said still with the brightest smile on his face.

"ced you didn't have to-" i begin but he refuses to let me continue.

"i did" he smiles as he hands me a small box.
"i'd love to stay but some people wouldn't appreciate it" he motions over at mattheo, who's knuckles where as white as a ghost.

"okay ced, thank you" i say giving him a kiss on his cheek. he walks back over to the hufflepuff table.

i look over at enzo ho is practically jumping out of his seat because of his excitement.
"open it open it open it Y/N OPEN IT" he's practically screaming at his point

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