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Somehow Theo convinced his father, Voldy Moldy to let him stay at the manor with us over the summer. It's not like voldemort wouldn't be at the manor every other night. We love death eaters...

Enzo, Theo, Draco, and I have nightly adventures. Well technically every night we're all up messing around running though out the manor, inside and out.

Riding our brooms around the star filled night skies.

The nights filled with laughter and jokes.

Secrets being shared in the sitting room around the fireplace.

Theo and I sharing secret kisses in the shadows.

Waking up to Theo in my bed because of a stupid nightmare, sometime Enzo because he got lonely.

Enzo and Draco finally getting along after almost 6 years of hating each other.

My best friend and my brother finally getting along was the best thing through out the summer so far.

Well... no... Yesterday my mother let me know that my father agreed to let me try out for the House Quidditch Team was definitely in the top 10 best moments so far.

A small knock on my door made my come back to reality after reliving all my memories so far.
"come in" i said softly, it was the middle of the night... all three boys began to walk though my bedroom door.

They all had smirks on there face. They wanted something.

"Y/n, wanna go fly" they all asked in unison.

"Are you stupid" I said sternly. A panic look soon grew onto all three boys faces.

"oh- oka" they began

"OBVIOUSLY LETS GO" I whisper yelled getting out of bed quickly as possible.

All the smiles grew back as all four of us ran out of my bedroom.

We ran down to the cabin sized shed and grabbed our brooms.

The night was cloudless, perfect for flying. The stars always being my favorite part of the sky.

"Lorenzo, Draco, race me" Theo said in a competitive tone.

"WHAT ABOUT ME" I said with a laugh before either of the boys could reply.

"Oh sorry darling, I wasn't sure if you'd be able to keep up" Mattheo said with a smile and wink.

"Oh sorry darling" I mimic

"Fine fine, you can race." Theo said raising his hands in defeat.

We settled on a place to race to, which happened to be the abandoned fair grounds.

The boys all flew about the starting point with cocky grins in there faces.

"Tsk Tsk Tsk to bad i have to beat you, my love" I whispered into Theo's ear.

"GO" I yell out to they boys while Theo is still distracted knowing he's the only one who could really keep keep up.

"i tried to tell you" I yell to the boys as they land on the ground looking dumbfounded on how I won.

"Cheater" Theo said in a pouty voice.

The next morning I woke up to all three boys sleeping next to me. Theo next to me with our hands interlocked, Enzo on the opposite side of Theo, sandwiching me in between them, and Draco at the end of the bed by our feet.

Now this, this is my comfort place. A soft smile grew on my face. Who knows where i'd be without them.

so hi guys. i've decided i'm just skipping 3rd year :) but on the other hand this is hands down on of my favorite chapters....

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