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"Maybe this year will be different" Theo let out a sigh holding onto my hand a little tighter.

We're on our way to school, our 4th year to be exact. Who knows what's going to happen how.

Harry and I have gotten really close.

Possibly because of 3rd year and how i'm related to his godfather. But still, i can't shake off the feeling that something fucked up is going to happen.

"Darling you okay" Theo whispers into my ear, not trying to wake Draco or Enzo.

"I'm fine love" I said softly

"I think i'll just sleep" I said laying my head onto Theo's shoulder, then closing my eyes thinking back to summer.

The good memories at the malfoy manor.

I was awoken by being shaken awake by Draco, who's face was oddly red. "Y/n, help me wake up Theo, he's not fun to wake up" Draco said with a small laugh.

Getting up to wake theo I noticed Enzo, he also seemed red and embarrassed. Maybe I'm imagining it, i brush it off and being i wake Theo up.

"ENZO WALK FASTER" i yell in annoyance as Enzo walks slowly to the carriages.

He knows how annoying he is as well. I bet he has a shit eating grin on his face too.

Finally we reach the carriages, we find a open one, Enzo and Draco sit a little closer than usual, but they have gotten close lately.

Maybe Lorenzo is trying to befriend my twin for me, or he's trying to replace me.

nah, everyone knows i'ts y/n and Enzo, not draco and enzo, like that just sounds fucked up.

After a shortish ride we make our way up to to castle, all the corridor windows filled with light, which all shines down reflecting into the lake.

We follow the rest of the students  to the great hall, wait for the feast to began and the first year to be sorted. 

Finally the best part of the evening. Enzo and I's house shorting competition.

It takes about 10 minutes for the first years to make their way across the lake and into the great hall. Everyone was tired and Hungry.

Fucking  Dumbledore won't let us eat either.

"uhhh, SLYTHERIN" Enzo yells obviously under pressure wanting to finally win. I mean I do win every year.

"No stupid it a ravenclaw" as i finish my sentence the shorting hat yells out

"RAVENCLAW" Then a burst of cheers from the Ravenclaws flood through the great hall.

After the sorting hat Draco seems a bit pissed while Theo had a smirk growing.

Draco gives a low scowl and throwing three Galleons over the table into Theo's lap.
I slap theo's arm, "ARE YOU GUYS REALLY BETTING ON US" I ask laughing loudly

"YES SISTER DEAR, AND YOU LOST ME MONEY" Draco yells back in a pissy tone.

The four of us walk down the the dungeons. It was only two years ago I was day dreaming about Mattheo Riddle and now he's one of my best friends.

The thought of second year makes me blush. Damn. Maybe I never got over that crush.

We all sit near the fire, Enzo and Draco sitting in the leather chairs facing the small couch. Theo and I cuddled up on the couch per usuald.

First day back tomorrow, first day of classes. First day of fourth year.

This should be fun.

"Mom, Dad, im tired. Tuck me in" Enzo said in a whiny voice.

"LORENZO ITS BEEN TWO YEARS" I laugh at the memory of the train ride.

Before I can continue Draco offers to do it, I have no idea why but uh yeah.

The boys get up and walk to their dorm, this year they've been put in the same dorm. so makes sense.

"ENZO, TOMORROW WERE FINDING BLAISE, WE HAVNT ANNOYED HIM IN LIKR THREE MONTHS" I yell before Enzo full disappears down the hallway.

A muffled "OKAY" is all i can hear before he's out of range.

"Darling are you tired" Theo asked in a whisper
I nod and he asked me to get up.


Hey guys, i'm going to keep this simple. Thank you so much for 5k reads, like actually thank you so much

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