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theo came barging into the dormitory looking pissed. well no, he was fuming. pissed being an understatement.
"Theo, what's wrong?" I asked softly hoping it was just a minor issue.

theo looked back at me with sorrow full eye. pleading for something. "y/n. i need you to know now much i love you."

I nodded slowly and he continued.
"About eight months ago when we first started dating. I slept with Astoria" he then tilted his head down, refusing to make eye contact.

But that's all it took. It took only those four words to break me.
Without thinking I was up and out of his bed, throwing off his hoodie, making my way to the door.

Before I left I slowly walked over to Mattheo. He looked up at me with tears forming in the bridge of this eyes.
Slowly I gently put my hand up to his cheek.
"goodbye Mattheo"

after she left is when i realized how fucked up i am. anger and sadness both take over my body.
Without thinking i'm destroying everything i'm sight.

My room a mess. Me and y/n a mess. All because I fucked up.

That's when i saw it. It was hers. her slytherin hoodie.

It took a single price of clothing to completely fuck me up. I felt my knees buckle and then the cold floors. The tears that where once fighting to flow, finally came. they didn't stop either.

(3 days later)

"y/n please open the door, you need to eat" enzo's calm soothing voice echoed around my empty room.


"NO LORENZO SHES MY LITTLE BABY SISTER" he yelled back a little less quite.

"GO AWAY" I yell back "IF YOU GO ILL COME DOWN FOR DINNER" I say pleading for them to leave already

we all know i'm not going to dinner. 

distantly from the hallway I hear draco and enzo bickering

"i told you good cop bad cop wasn't a good idea" Enzo says annoyed with Draco

"It was worth a try" draco said with a small laugh.

This did end up getting a small laugh out of me. Maybe I will go to dinner tonight.

slowly i get up actually trying to look a tiny bit presentable. 

my mirror shows my face covered in mascara smudges. tear stains. and ofc my eyes where still puffy and red.

"Oh darling you need some work" enzo said softly with a warm smile after coming up behind me.

"yeah i guess so" i reply

I sat down letting him do his magic  

"Love, i'm finished" he says after 10 minutes

"I look. well. like myself" a smile forms on my face. "Can I choose the outfit though" "you never let me"

"fine, only because you're becoming a depressed bitch" enzo saids before we both die laughing.

After pulling out selfs together once again enzo shots my a quick look of relief. He just needed to hear my laugh to know i'd be okay.

"Mattheo. Riddle. is a bitch, but you y/n malfoy. you are hot" enzo says as we leave my dorm

Entering the great hall was amazing. Snape didn't look as upset once he saw me. Maybe he was finally warming up to me.

"SISSY" Draco yells as he frantically gets up from is seat. He runs as fast as possible to hug me. We both laugh before he pulls me into a hug.

Before pulling away he whispers into my ear "sissy, eat. oh and i'll kill him. or hex him"

A smile forms on my face. "probably hex him. mother and father wouldn't be to pleased with us"

"nope not at all" he replies

I look at the slytherin table after breaking away from dracos grasp. and there he was. sitting next to her. but staring up at me.

Riddle - |Mattheo Riddle| Under RevisionWhere stories live. Discover now