Bonus Chapter

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After the events that occurred in her 7th year, her little group decided that another school year was probably their best option. 

When they first arrived, they learned that Hermione was the only golden trio member returning, this made y/n sad, so she did the most obvious thing to her and became friends with her as well. 

Throughout the course of the school year, the two girls became close friends. When others found out, they were surprised to see a Slytherin and a Gryffidor. Except when they learned y/n was the Slytherin it wasn't exactly a surprise, as she'd done it before, 

After the school year was finished, they parted their ways, they'd still owl one another and meet up for a girls day, usually once a week. It wasn't sad for the girls, just a reminder how far an unexpected friendship can go. 

During the Battle, Narcissa lost her Husband, Lucius. After about a month she was partially done grieving and decided to call her kids together. 

"Mommm" They four kids called out while entering the Manor. It was the same as they remembered, except Narcissa was tired of it, it only made her sad. She had a plan.

Over the course of two months they began to "redo" the Malfoy Manor. After they were finished it seemed like a brand new house. The curtains were replaced, not so dark and heavy, now they were a light material that let light in. They were also re-decorated. Plants now scattered the halls making everything homey. 

After Graduating and their project with Narcissa, it was time for them to get their jobs, and they couldn't think of anything other than being together. 


"Professor, Riddle?" a student asked looking up at y/n during an Astronomy class. 

"yes hon" she said with care, the student then replied that the Headmistress requested to see her.

On her way she recognized a familiar face, Neville Longbottom. "Hey Neville" she said excitedly. 

His eyes lit up when he saw her walking towards him. "What are you doing here?" she asked. 

"Professor Sprout is training me to take over as Herbology Professor" he responded.

For the next few minutes they had some small talk before y/n remembered why she was in this part of the school. "Bye Neville, see you around" she said before hurrying off to the office. 

When she entered, sitting around Minerva's Desk was Draco, Lorenzo, and Mattheo. "Why are you always late? Mattheo asked, he looked as if he'd die of boredom at any moment. 

She stuck her tongue out at him and took a seat next to him anyways. "Asshole" she said under her breath, and Mattheo both grinned. 

Mcgonagall rolled her eyes before fake coughing to hide a small snicker. 

"I've called you all here to discuss your applications' ' she started before being interrupted. 

"why am I here then, I already work here" Y/n said 

"I'll get there" she replied before continuing "Draco Malfoy, after extensive thought you've been approved for the position, working alongside poppy pomfrey" she smiled, Draco was beaming "Lorenzo Berksire, new potion professor i see. Ah and lastly Mattheo Riddle, Care of Magical Creatures, why am I not surprised, Im happy to have the four of you back in the castle"

The four friends all were beaming, they wouldn't be separated, and they'd be able to cause all the mischief they wanted.


"MATTHEO MARVALO RIDDLE I HATE YOU SO MUCH" Y/n screamed out while Enzo held her hand tightly

5 hours later, a few additons to the Riddles were introduced into the family,

Beginning with Xavier Lorenzo Riddle, Zander Lucius Riddle, and Finally Cecelia Rae Riddle, it went from y/n loving a Riddle  to her being in love with her little Riddles.

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