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Enzo and I sat in his dorm catching up on girl talk. it's very calming to be able and finally tell someone about the events over break.

"WAIT ONE SECON-" Enzo started excitedly

"Lorenzo Berkshire I do not want the whole castle hearing" I say with a sarcastic laugh.

"I am sooo sorry" he says matching my  sarcasm

"okay so you're telling me, mattheo told you he loved you and you didn't say it back" Enzo took this well.

"Now now technically it just took me half a day to say it back. BUT I SAID IT BACK" Lorenzo looked at me like i was dumb, then soon after breaking out into laughter.

Let's just say Enzo's laugh is very contagious.

"Look who has to shut the fuck up now, if you don't want the whole school to know" Enzo said in a cocky tone, settling down from our fit.

The days leading up tell school starting back went slowly.

With Theo, Enzo, and occasionally Draco to spend time with it was pretty bearable.

Not to mention I had to do my task at some point. Very fucking boring. we knew.

"bitch wait one fucking second" Y/n was telling me about the adventures of y/n while Enzo is alway.

I feel like she's obligated to tell me this shit like right after it happens.

I mean i am her bestie, there for I put up with a lot of shit she does.

The least she could do is tell me these things right away. smh.

"Yes, yes we kissed. once. maybe twice. maybe i swerved him " "that's it enzo" y/n's cheeks got all red as she spoke.

as far as I can remember about y/n and crushes is she loses interest quickly. very very very quickly.

i'm surprised she's held on the Mattheo for so long, what has it been six seven months. shocking.

(school starts the next day btw)

"LORENZO BERKSHIRE, GIVE MY TIE BACK RIGHT NOW" i screamed at the top of my lungs.

I'm assuming the whole Slytherin common room could hear me from Enzo's dorm.

"NO BITCH, THIS ONES MINE" Enzo yelled in a whinnying tone.

"FINE THEN IM TAKING THIS ONE" I grab the one sitting on his night stand.

"NOOO Y/N I LIKE THAT ONEEE" I run out of his dorm before he can take that one too.

My alarm went off letting me know that I needed to get up before Snape decided he didn't have mercy on certain slytherins.

and that ladies and gentlemen is sexist.

After finishing getting ready I made my way to the common room, Enzo was waiting for me by the fireplace.

"Finally, it took you ages. Let's go before Snape kills us.

Enzo and I got situated in our seats right before Snape came barging in.

He's quite extra to be honest. Especially with his cape.

"I'm sure you all know about the attacks on Muggle Born students" He began.

"Well there's been more attacks recently. Teachers have been behind to talk about shutting down Hogwarts for students safety. I figured you all should know"  Snapes cold empty voice shut the entire class up completely.

Anything but having to go home i thought of all the horrible things at the Malfoy Manor.

My father. Death Eaters in and out all the time. Not seeing anyone. My father. Oh and My father. Not to mention Voldemort and his tasks, but then there's the good things.

Few but there still there. My mother. Riding brooms with Draco.

I miss those nights, more than anything to be honest.

The thing is I can't leave hogwarts it's like my actually home.

But if we do get sent home I might as  well have started the task the Dark Lord assigned .

"HI! harry" I said all sweet and innocent voice. it always works.

"Oh hello y/n, can I help you" Harry said very politely and kind  tone, compared how he talks to other Slytherins *cough cough Draco*

"Oh it was just that i was wondering if you could help me study, you seem to be better than most people" I said happily.

"Uh yeah, i'd love to" Harry said with blush becoming visible on his cheeks.

"Thank you Harry, I'll see you in the library tomorrow at... let say 6:30" I walked away with a small wave towards Harry. I kinda feel bad for him, he's so easily manipulated.

"Hey love, i'm studying with Potter tomorrow at 6:30" I said to Theo when I saw him sitting on my bed.

"Seriously" Theo said in a whinny voice

"Mattheo, I have to start with this task some time, but if it will make you feel better you can sit in the library to make sure "nothing happens" while potter and I are studying" I said suggestively.

Theo seemed to like this idea and agreed, he than set off for his room.

(6 pm the next day)

"THEO" i screamed

"IT IS 6 PM WAKE UP, YOU DO NOT NEED ANY MORE NAPS" I yelled, trying to wake him up.

he shoves his head into his pillow and turns away from me. "pleas y/n five more minutes" he sayings sleepily and muffled.

"Fine have it your way, i'll be in the library with harry alone" at my statement Theo was up and ready to go in Five minutes.

It would have been quicker if i let him, he tried to go right after jumping out of bed.

Of course I had him go comb his hair.

Walking down the the library hand in hand with Theo was something i'd never get old of.

Correction walking anywhere with Theo, even not holding his hand was amazing.

Something i've realized about him is he's different around me. and only me.

He's rude and toxic to everyone else. This is why I call him mine. it's because he's different. and he's mine.

As we were walking down the corridor I looked down into one of the intersecting corridors and saw Enzo and Evie walking Hand and Hand just like Theo and I.

This is definitely going to be in tomorrow's Girl talk.

We entered the library and got situated. I sat at a table almost fully in the back, while Theo sat directly behind me.

6:30 rolled around pretty quickly and Harry came through the Library doors. "Good evening Harry" I said in a cheery whisper.

"Good Evening y/n, are you ready?" Harry asks smiling

"Oh yea, I need help with transfiguration. I can never turn my Raven into a Goblet. It seems impossible" I add with a small laugh making sure to stay in a whisper.

"Seriously y/n still, it's been months" Harry laughed then started showing me tips and the right way to transform it.

hey. so i'm sorry for not updating sooner today, but school started for me today so not a lot if time for me to write. Anyways i want to thank you for 1.9k reads. We are so close to 2k. So thank you and goodnight :)

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