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it was the least to say that Lucius was upset when he found out his son was dating Lorenzo. He was more or less furious. How could his only son be dating another boy, no Heir would be certain

In his eyes this was unacceptable. And he wasn't about to let this relationship go on any further.

Y/n was also furious to say the least when she found out about the letter her older brother received last night at dinner.

"oh hell no" she yelled in frustration as she paced her brothers dormitory. The boys looked up at her with sad eyes.

"He can't just do this, we aren't going to let him" she continued. Both Draco and Lorenzo tensed up at her statement.

It was a subtle motion but she still picked it up. "Right ?" she said making eye contact with Draco.

He paused and thought about his answer, looking at Lorenzo for help. "y/n, we really don't have an option." he whispered, whilst his voice broke and cracked.

"but-t" she tried to argue but deep down she knew it couldn't work. Pureblood family's would go to any extent to make sure their blood line continued and that they woolf have a male heir to everything. A relationship with Lorenzo and Draco wouldn't work in their society and expectations.

Her eyes softened as she brought both the boys into a hug. "We'll figure something out" she whispered into their ears.

A knock at the door broke the trio up, as y/n went to answer. It was a random third year slytherin. "y/n? you're needed by dumbledore" they said before running off again.

y/n sighed before leaving the boys and heading to dumbledore's office

As she reached the corridor containing his office, she spotted him awaiting her by the two statues. "hello y/n" he said peeking over his half moon spectacles.

"Evening professor, not to be rude by why did you call?" she asked. The old man smiled before answering "that will be answered very soon" "A gum drop would be nice this evening " he said looking down at the young girl.

Before she could say anything in return, the statues began to twist and turn to reveal a set of stairs.

Dumbledore motioned for y/n to follow before he made his way up the stairs. He took his seat while y/n took in the looks and wonders if the office.

A circle room littered with books, paintings, quills, and everything in between. Y/n took her seat across from the professor.

"So, i hear that you're expected to become a death eater sometime soon" he said confidently. this man really gets to the point.

y/n was at a loss for words. how could her head master know something only her "boyfriend" and brother know about, well besides the death eaters at the meeting.

"uh no" she smiled cheekily

short chapter, but we're coming to big things coming hopefully soon

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