Bonus Chaper Two

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Quick A/N
Hi loves, I really needed to give a thank you to everyone who's showed support throughout the process of me writing Riddle and Riddles. Everyone's feedback means so much to me, it makes me feel like I can improve my writing skills so much and provide you guys with a better reading experience, so thank you so much for everything.

(requested) (smut warning) i never thought i'd be saying that.
I now give you flash back to chapter 43 <3

"you're mine and only mine" she said pulling him further into the room.

Mattheo grinned looking down at the blond, he wasn't sure how he didn't realize how much he loved her sooner. Thank god for his dad.

Carefully, Mattheo pushed a loose piece of hair behind her ear, a second later he gently cups his hands around her cheeks.

An urge to be his and only his, y/n pulled his body closer to hers, looking into his eyes and slightly nodding, he pulled his lips to her's. So many thoughts ran through his head, her lips, smooth, her face, perfect. Her. Perfect.

Mattheo and y/n only broke their kiss for air, neither of them wanted anything to end. Their tongues fought for dominance, their kiss moving from loving and caring to intense, still loving but in a different manor.

Mattheo's hands ran down her waist, his cold rings sending shivers throughout her body.He began to leave a trail of kisses, love bites, down her jaw line down to her neck. It took barely any time before he found a sensitive spot that made her squirm in place. A soft moan left her lips. This small action made Mattheo smirk, he made his way back to her sweet spot, making sure to spend extra time there.

"Jump" He demanded.

y/n listened, her lips finding his again afterwards. Slowly, not wanting to break their kiss he walked to her bed, gently laying her down. "Are you sure ?" he questioned before going further. y/n gave a quick "mhm" before leaning back into his lips.

Mattheo lifted the hem of her shirt, she got the point and lifted up her back so he could remove it with ease. He looked down at her in awh, she was gorgeous. Slowly he began to leave a trail of kissing again, going back to her sensitive spots on her neck and then again down her exposed breast and stomach.

Theo pulled away for a split second, removing his shirt, her hands moved around his body, pulling him closer her. She lifted her back up, motioning for him to removed her shorts, she wanted him. all of him.

Once again he gazed at her and took in all of her "Darling you're gorgeous, do you know that" Mattheo whispered. A second later he got up off the bed from his position, removing his grey sweatpants, then quickly moved back to her, in that time she removed her bra, that now sat on the floor somewhere in the room.

y/n looked at Mattheo, she didn't want to wait. "Fuck me Mattheo"

The sound of her voice made him melt.

Without hesitation he pulls off her underwear tossing them somewhere into the darkness as well. He then did the same to himself.

Carefully he climbed onto the bed, positioning it in her entrance. "You're okay with this?" he asked one last time. She nodded quickly.

He entered her slowly, moving back a few times, giving her a chance to adjust. Her back arched in pleasure and she held back a moan. He then began to thrust into her with more force and speed.  A loud moan escaped her lips as Mattheo kept going. It didn't take him long to find her g-spot, making sure he hit it every time. Quickening his pace she grabbed the bed sheets.

"Fuck, you feel so good" he groaned into her, throwing his head back.

Mattheo thrusted into her, hitting her g-spot, she moaned from pleasure. "T-theo I'm going to" she was breathless, he kept going without hesitation or any slow, her nails dug into her back leaving a trail of red scratches down to his lower torso.

A second later Mattheo stutters "I-i'm about to cum."

She reached her climax, bucking her hips, she let out another loud moan, arching her back,

Mattheo could feel the warm liquid on his dick. A second later he threw his head back grunting slightly.

Y/n was overflowing with liquids when he pulled out, collapsing next to her.

Mattheo got up, only to grab his t-shirt to clean her up.

The two lay in a comfortable silence, Mattheo had his arms around her waist holding her close to him. "I love you" he whispered. Y/n smiled to herself, turning to face him. "I love you too"

Mattheo unwrapped his arm from around y/n's waist who was still asleep after the events that took place earlier.

"Hey love we have to meet draco and enzo for dinner in 10" he said gently shaking her awake.

"Y/n get up" Mattheo said while getting dressed.

"Sorry to break it to you but I can't exactly stand, nor walk. Therefor i'll be staying here until thin" she said with an annoyed smile.

"Fine, i'll carry you then" he then grinned walking towards her, she smiled looking over at the boy.

don't judge me this is embarrassing, but people asked for it...
bye 😭

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