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"y/n Malfoy, you're telling me that you and Mattheo Riddle fucked" Lorenzo said while sitting across from y/n during a girl talk.

*insert dramatic gasp from y/n* "Lorenzo Berkshire, you're telling me that you and Draco Malfoy fucked" Y/n grinned cheekily.

"That's unfair, he's my boyfriend" Enzo pouted.
"Secret boyfriend" she corrected. "But Mattheo is my fiancé"

"touché" he laughed. "so, how's daddy dark lord?"

"oh he's fine, killing people left and right but there's nothing new" "Oh shit i'm meeting Neville, meet at the lake later ?"

Lorenzo nodded and y/n left for greenhouse.

"Neville!" she called out when she arrived. Which she did find Neville tending to a few older plants.

"Oh hello y/n" he said cheerfully. "do you want to go on a walk?" he asked setting down a watering can.

"Yeah that sounds pleasant" she said waiting for neville at the door.

They walked throughout the castle having small talk.

"So, how are you and Mattheo, last I heard you two got back together" Neville questioned.

"Yeah, we got back together and it's going well" she said thinking back to the other night, smiling to herself. "Has anyone caught your eye?" y/n laughed

Neville's face became a light pink then into a medium red. "Well"

*Insert another gasp from y/n* "NEVILLE LONGBOTTOM HAS A CRUSH, WHO IS IT!" y/n yelled excitedly.

"Y/N! lower your voice." he said getting embarrassed.

"okay, okay. Now who is it?"

"It's a 5th year Ravenclaw named Luna Lovegood" he whispered now being a dark red.

"Awhhh Neville that's wonderful, i've talked to her once or twice and she really is nice" "you know what, i'm going to set you two up" y/n said excitedly

Neville smiled to himself but stayed quiet. The two continued on their walk.

A familiar pair of hands wrapped around y/n's waist as she stood waiting for Neville outside the bathroom. "Hello love" they whispered into her ear.

"Hi Theo" she grinned turning to face him.

He leaned in for a kiss, which made y/n's stomach full with butterflies.

Soon after, Neville finished in the bathroom. He then greeted Mattheo before excusing himself for a study "date" with Ginny Weasley and Luna.

"wanna go to the lake with me to meet with Enzo?" she asked walking next to Mattheo, who had his arm wrapped around her waist.

"Yeah why not" They both stayed quiet for a moment before Mattheo spoke up. "I am glad you can walk again" he grinned.

y/n slapped his arm before laughing and running through the corridors to find Lorenzo.

"ugh, get a room" y/n said as she found her best friend and brother in a full blown make out seesh.

"Go away" Draco said shoeing away his younger sister.

"Uhh no, he was my best friend before your makeout buddy"

The group of slytherins sat in y/n's dorm hanging out when a familiar owl arriving at the window.

"I'll get it" Draco called standing up.

"It's from mumsie" he said hanging it to his sister.

Y/n carefully opened it, her eyes scanning the letter.

Riddle - |Mattheo Riddle| Under RevisionWhere stories live. Discover now