Part 13

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"Jenny, Bebe's been out since yesterday morning. I'm worried about her." Doug said, looking at his wife. Jen nodded. "Did she grab her phone before she left? We could call it." She said. She walked up to her room and dialed Bebes phone number.

"Hang on, that's not right." Doug mumbled. He ran upstairs and came back down a few minutes later. He held up bebe's phone. "We have no way of reaching her. Let's go over to the campus and see if any of the professors have seen her." Doug said. He gathered his keys and was almost out the door.

"I'll stay with the kids. Go ask around. Call me with any information you get. I love you." Jen said. Doug smiled and left, closing the door as quietly as he could.


Bebe woke up to someone standing over her. The girl seemed to be 24 at the oldest. He's hair was in 2 braids, and she was wearing pink pajamas with a unicorn on it.

Bebe was startled but couldn't move. She hoped ignoring the other girl would cause her to leave.

"I'm Kelsey. What's your name?" Kelsey asked, standing over the side of the bassinet.

"Kelsey, what did I tell you about coming in here without permission?" Anna asked from the door.

"Not to. Sorry mama, but I wanted to meet the baby." Kelsey said. Anna smiled.

"Okay silly, go downstairs. Pop made pancakes for breakfast." Anna said.

"Yum!" Kelsey cheered, running out of the nursery. Anna walked over to the bassinet and picked up Bebe.

"The big kids can be silly, but they're very nice. I'm sure you'll get on." Anna told Bebe, carrying her downstairs.

There were ten other kids: 7 bois and 3 girls. Four of the boys were wearing tshirts and jeans with video game characters. The other three boys wore blue overalls with a plain colored t shirt underneath. The other 3 girls were wearing Disney shirts and pink jeans.

"Kids, this is Bebe. She's little, so be gentle with her." Anna said. The others all looked up and waved, Kelsey  waving the most.

Anna carried Bebe into the living room and sat on the couch. Leo walked in with a bottle in hand. "Do you want to feed her or should I?" He asked. Bebe frowned. Anna wiped the hair out of her forehead.

"I will. I think she's still frightened. Your a big presence Leo." Anna chuckled. She took the bottle from Leo and removed the soother from bebes mouth. "Open up little one. You need to eat." Anna crooned. Bebe was hungry, but she didn't want to deal with this. Anna smiled. "Either mama can feed you or pop will. Which will it be?" She asked in a soft voice, smile still on her face.

Bebe opened her mouth. Anna was the lesser of 2 evils, anyway. Anna placed the tip of the bottle in bebes mouth and Bebe drank the milk, as quick as she could.

"Slow down sweetie. We don't want you to get a tummy ache or choke." Anna warned. Bebe slowed down a bit, trying to get through the bottle before long.

Leo went to the dining room the check on the other kids. Bebe could hear him clearly.

"Alright kids, you can go and play. You'll get to meet Bebe when she's done with breakfast." Leo said. The sound of chairs sliding back and ten pairs of feet ran upstairs.

Bebe didn't even realized her bottle was empty until Anna removed it. She lifted Bebe over her shoulder and patted her back. "Alright, let's go meet your siblings." Anna said.

"No." Bebe said quietly. Why would she need to meet everyone if she wouldn't be here long anyway? As soon as she got put down for a nap, she was escaping.

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