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Winter break was coming quickly and Jen and Doug were trying to plan what they would do this year. They gathered the kids in the living room to talk about options.

"So, we though that if you would like to stay here for the break you can, but if you would like to see your families for the holidays, we won't deny you that." Hen said.

"I wanna stay, please." Bebe said.

"So do I." Mark said.

"Me three!" Lucy cheered. They all looked at Antonio.

"I'd like to go home and see my family for the break." Antonio said.

"Of course buddy. Just let us know and we can take you back if you want. And when you want to come back, we'll be here." Doug said.


The kids were in the playroom, coloring and playing with blocks. Bebe was on the floor with Antonio and Mark was at the table with Lucy.

"You excited to see your family?" Lucy asked, looking at Antonio. He shrugged. "Yeah, but it's just gonna be me and my dad. Mom moved out for work last year, and I haven't seen her lately cause she's so busy." Antonio said.

"Sowwy bout dat." Bebe mumbled, now laying on her back. Her eyes started closing and reopened a couple times before they stayed closed.

"Should we get mommy or daddy?" Mark asked. Lucy nodded. Mark crawled over to the door and opened it. He saw Doug walking up the stairs. "Daddy, we need you." He called quietly.

Doug walked into the playroom and mark sat away from the door.

"What's up bubba? Did someone have an accident?" Doug asked.

"No daddy, Bebe sweepin." Lucy said from the table. She pointed at her sister. Doug picked Bebe up and cradled her.

"I think it's nap time, kiddos. Let's go." Doug cooed. He walked to the nursery and Mark Lucy and Antonio followed him. Doug put Bebe in her crib and put her pacifier in her mouth. He then picked up Lucy and put her in her crib. He put mark and Antonio in their cribs as well and made sure all 4 of them had their pacis. 

"Night daddy, wuv you." Lucy lisped, holding her stuffies.

"Love you too little one." Doug said smiling. Doug walked out of the nursery and closed the door.


Five days later, Antonio was packing some sweaters and jeans for his visit home. He threw in a pair of gray sweatpants, and a red onesie. It was a last minute choice, but it would make a good undershirt. He thought for a minute more as Jen came into the room.

"Do you mind if I bring this? Is that okay?" He asked, holding up his pacifier.

"Of course honey." Hen said. Antonio smiled and put the pacifier in his suitcase. He zipped the case up and picked it up. "Ready to go?" Jen asked. Antonio nodded. He walked downstairs with Jen.

Doug was on the living room couch, watching mark Lucy and Bebe.

"We're heading out now, I'll be back late tonight. Jen said. She walked over to Doug and they kissed. "Bye babies, mommy will see you later." She cooed, waving to the 3 other kids.

"Bye bye mommy." They called, waving. Jen turned and left with Antonio.


Jen drove down the highway, Christmas music playing on the radio. Antonio sat quietly with his red bandana in his hand.

"Are you sad that I'm going home for a bit?" Antonio asked, looking guilty. Jen looked at him for a second before looking back at the road.

"No sweetie, you made a choice and we support it. We'll see you again in January when you come back." Jen said. She was a little sad, but she didn't want Antonio to know that. She continued driving and about an hour later, arrived to Antonio's house.

"Thank you for driving me, Jen. I'll let you know when I'm ready to come home." Antonio said. He got out and got his suitcase from the trunk. He waved to Jen and walked into the house. Jen pulled out of the driveway and smiled. Antonio used the word home. Jen was happy that Antonio felt safe with her and Doug, and couldn't wait until all the kids were back home.


Back at home, Doug was busy with bath night. Lucy and Bebe were in their cribs, waiting as he bathes Mark. When Mark was clean, Doug picked him up and dried him off, carrying him to the nursery in a towel. He laid mark on the changing table and got him diapered, putting him in footies. Doug carries him back to his crib and gave him his pacifier.

After repeating the process with Bebe and Lucy, Doug has all the kids in bed. He turned on the baby monitor and turned off the light, leaving the nursery. He went downstairs to wait for Jen. 


"Dad, are you here?" Antonio called as he walked into the house. 

"Hey Antonio. I feel like I haven't seen you in forever." His dad said, walking out to greet him. He hugged Antonio and Antonio hummed him back. "So, doing any fun extra curricular?" 

"Yeah, a couple." Antonio said, keeping his answer short.

"I'm glad. Why don't you get settled and we'll order some dinner?" His dad said.

"Sounds great dad." Antonio smiled, walking to his bedroom.


After 3 slices of stuffed crust pepperoni pizza, Antonio went to bed, satisfied and happy. He took his pacifier out of his bag and after thought, he put it in his mouth and sucked, drifting off gently.

Hours later, he woke up cold. Pulling his blanket up should gave helped, but he still felt cold. It was then that he realized why: he wet the bed. He stared in horror as even the blanket had a wet patch.

A knock on his door scared him as he tried to hide the accident. His dad walked in and stared as Antonio frantically his his pacifier under his pillo.

"What is this? Why is your blanket wet? And what are you hiding?" His dad asked, his words annoyed. He walked to his sons bed and ripped off the blanket.

"You peed the bed like a baby. And what is that under your pillow, Antonio, show me." He said. Antonio looked down with his face raging pink. He pulled the pacifier out to show his dad.

"Is that what that extra curricular is? Acting like a baby?" His dad was angry now. "Get out of my house right now. I don't want to see you anymore!" He screamed. Antonio leaped up and grabbed his backpack and pacifier, running out of the house. He could barely see through his tears as he ran down the snowy street, slippping on ice and falling into a snowbank. He cried and put his pacifier in his zipper pocket, pulling out his phone and clicking on Jen's number. He put the phone to his ear and waited.

"Hello?" Came jens voice.

"Mommy, can you bring me home now?" Antonio asked through sobs.

"Mommy will be right there baby. Hang tight." Jen cooed soothingly. She hung up the phone and Antonio cried, his bum growing cold and wet.

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