Untitled Part 20

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Anna smiled and looked at Antonio. "I've missed you, honey. It's been too long since I've seen you." She said.

Mark looked at Anna, then at Antonio. "What's happening here?" He asked, a bit startled.

"You disappeared a year and a half ago, and then you kidnap my friend? Why would you do that?"" Antonio asked, looking hurt. He stepped back to put more space between him and his mom.

Bebe whimpered, and Anna walked closer to Mark. Antonio stepped in front of Mark so that Anna couldn't get to Bebe. "Don't. Can you not see that she's scared?" He asked. He turned and brushed ebbed hair back. "It's okay Bebe. We're gonna go back home." He told her. 

"Antonio, come move in to mine and Leo's house. I want to catch up with you, now that I know you're okay." Anna said. Antonio shook his head.

"No. You're crazy. We're leaving, and I don't ever want to see you again." Antonio told her, a year rolling down his cheek. He stomped back to the car that him, Mark and Lucy arrived in, and the others followed him.

"Ashton? Cole? Are you coming?" Leo said, looking at the other boys.

"No. We're done with this. Come on, cole." Ash said. He walked over to the other groups car. "I don't mean to be a bother, but would you guys mind giving us a ride back to campus?" He asked.

"Not at all. Hop in." Mark replied, buckling Bebe into a car seat. Ash and cole got into the car and Antonio drove off, leaving Anna and Leo in the distance.


"Jen? Doug? We're back." Mark called as he walked into the house. Antonio and Lucy followed him. He walked into the living room and saw the parents sitting on the couch. Jen set her coffee down and greeted the kids.

"Hey guys, how was your- oh my god, Bebe! My sweet baby, are you alright?" Jen said, rushing over to Mark. She carefully took Bebe from him and held her close, kissing the top of her head. Bebe started crying, relieved and exhausted.

"Where did you guys find her?" Doug asked, joining the group.

"She was running with two boys, they were coming from a house a half mile away." Lucy explained. She rubbed Bene's back and Jen bounced her.

"Okay, I'm gonna go calm Bebe down. I'll be upstairs if anyone needs me." Jen said. She left the room and carried Bebe up to the nursery. Doug  looked at all the other kids.

"Alright kiddos, now that bebe's back home, you can regress again if you want. I know you could all use some stress relief." He said. Lucy smiled and hugged him.

"Fank you." She smiled, starting to slip back into her headspace. She ran upstairs with Mark and Antonio and they went to the playroom to color.

Jen sat in the rocking chair in the nursery, rocking Bebe. The small girl stopped crying and was snuggling close to Jen, so happy to be back home. Jen placed a pacifier in her mouth and kissed her forehead. "I'm so happy you're home, sweetie. Mommy missed you very much." Jen cooed. She continued rocking until Bebe fell asleep, and then put her in her crib for a nap. She left the nursery and shut off the lights, closing the door.

While dinner was being made, Jen was showing Bebe around the house in order to reintroduce her to everything.

"Remember this, sweetie? This is yours and your siblings playroom." She said, walking around the playroom with her. She picked up a few toys to show Bebe, and she smiled and held them.

"Jenny, food's ready." Doug said, standing in the hall.

"Okay." Jen said, walking out of the playroom. Doug reached out to take Bebe and Jen handed her to him.

"What's up with daddy's little girl, huh? Ready for dinner?" Doug cooed, walking down to the kitchen. He put Bebe in her high chair and tied a bib around her neck. He set a small bowl of pasta on the tray and grabbed a spoonful, holding it for Bebe to see. She stared at it and then looked up at Doug, not sure what to do.

"What's wrong sweetie? It's yummy, you'll like it." Jen said, looking at Bebe. She only babbled and made grabby hands at Doug. He picked her up and went to make a bottle for her. Doug carried her back to the living room and sat on the couch. 

Lucy mark and Antonio looked over at them from the kitchen.

"Is Bebe alright?" Lucy asked quietly. Jen nodded. 

"I think she's feeling better. We just need to help her feel better and realize she's home." Jen told her.

"Otay." Lucy said, biting her pasta.

From the living room, everyone could hear Bebe babbling, and Doug trying to get her to eat.

"Do you want to hold the bottle yourself, baby?" Doug asked. Bebe nodded and wrapped her hands around the bottle, drinking it. Doug set her down in her playpen and kissed her on the forehead. "Daddy will be back in a little bit, I'm gonna go eat dinner." He coos, going to the kitchen table to eat with everyone else.

Bebe watched the rest of the family and focused on drinking her bottle, trying to finish quickly.

When the bottle was empty, Bebe babbled out for one of the parents. Doug got up and walked into the living room to pick her up. He held her to his chest and patted her back. Bebe let out a soft belch and looked at Doug.

"Here kiddo." He said, putting a pacifier in bebe's mouth. She smiled and sucked on the soother. Doug carried her back to the kitchen table and held her in one arm so he could finish his dinner. Bebe brushed her hand across his cheek and giggled. Doug smiled.

"Sweetie, let daddy eat. So silly." Jen laughed. She finished her food and started to clear the table. She turned to Mark Lucy and Antonio. "Alright babies, let's get you ready for bed, then you can play for a while before night night." She said. The theee smiled and followed her upstairs.

When Doug finished eating, he put his bowl in the sink and carried Bebe upstairs. He dressed her into a pair of footie pajamas and laid her down in her crib, turning on the mobile.

By 8, all four kids were tucked in for the night, all the lights in the nursery off. Bebe laid in her crib, sleeping soundly. She started fussing, having a creepy dream.

It started off in a dark room, and she was unable to move. She looked around and saw Anna looking down at her, smiling in a creepy way.

"Mama's glad you're back, and you're never leave again." She cooed. Bebe tried to get away, but Anna picked her up, holding her tightly to her chest. Bebe cried, shaking helplessly. 

Anna patted her back and kissed her forehead, carrying  Bebe into the master bedroom. She sat down on the bed next to Leo, and Bebe became cradled in between them. Their eyes went dark as they started singing a slow, creepy lullaby. They leaned closer together and as they did, Bebe began to sink lower and lower, until she fell into darkness.

Bebe sobbed loudly, her pacifier falling out of her mouth. The nursery door swung open and the light flicked on as Jen and Doug rushed into the room. Doug scooped up Bebe and cradled her.

"What's wrong baby? Daddy's here, nothing can hurt you now." He cooed, rubbing bebe's back. He put her pacifier back in her mouth and she slowly calmed down. Doug kissed the top of her head and set her on the changing table. "Let's get you changed, kiddo." He said softly.

When Bebe was changed, Doug picked her back up and sat in the rocking chair with her. She clutched his shirt in her fist. She sucked her pacifier and slowly fell back to sleep, calm when he realized she was safe. Doug put her back in her crib and he and Jen left the nursery, turning off the light and shutting the door.

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