Part 30

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Jake opened his eyes a few hours later. He was still sleepy, and his eyes were bleary, but he was ready to wake up. He tried sitting up, but nothing happened, and he remembered suddenly what happened earlier.

He tried sitting up, but his body was numb. He started crying, losing his pacifier. The door opened, and Leo walked into the room.

"What's the matter, fussy boy? Are you ready to get out?" Leo cooed. He picked Jake up and held him close.

"Can't move, papa." Jake whined. Leo bounced him and patted his back.

"I know, but that's what happens when babies act out. You'll be able to move ina little while, but until then, just calm down." Leo said. He carried Jake downstairs and laid him in the playpen.

"Papa will be right back." Leo said, walking into the kitchen.

Footsteps approached, and Jake looked up, thinking it was Leo. His heart sank. It was his brothers.

"Too bad you're a baby now, Jake." Dan said.

"At least he can't pick on anyone anymore." Paul said. Nick and Drew nodded in agreement.

"I can hear you, you know. Stop talking about me like a baby." Jake grumbled.

"Alright." Dan said, leading the other boys away, leaving Jake alone. Jake frowned. This was bullshit. He had been a jerk, yes, but he didn't want to be treated as a baby.

Leo walked back in and picked Jake up. "Why don't we go see mama? She hasn't gotten to spend much time with her baby boy." Leo cooed, carrying Jake up to the master bedroom.

Anna was sitting on hers and Leo's bed, holding Kelsey. She smiled when she saw Jake and leaned over to kiss Leo.

"I'll take Kelsey for a while. Jakey wanted to see his mama." Leo said. He set Jake down next to Anna and took Kelsey in his arms. "He can't move right now, so he's a bit upset, but he'll be a good boy." Leo said.

Anna looked down at Jake and smiled, rubbing his tummy. "Was someone a fussy boy for papa? You can't win, little one. Mama and papa know what's best for you, and the sooner you realize that, the better." Anna cooed.

Jake scrunched his face and scowled. He hated being talked down to like a baby. Anna smiled at him and tutted gently.

"None of those grumpy faces, kiddo." She said, popping a pacifier in jakes mouth. Jake was annoyed, but sucked on the pacifier, finding it calming.


Cole was up and running with mark, playing super babies. They wanted the other kids to play too, but Antonio and Lucy were playing with plushies, and ash was coloring.

"Where's Bebe, maybe she want to play?" Cole asked.

"Bebe's taking a nap, so I need to to quiet down a little, please." Doug said, coming up the stairs. He heard a sudden cry from the nursery and sighed.

"Did we wake her up? Sorry daddy." Mark said, looking upset.

"No, she's probably just hungry." Doug said, walking into the nursery with the two following him. He walked over to bend's crib and looked down at her.

"Hi sweet pea, are you ready to eat?" He cooed softly, picking Bebe up. She stopped crying soon after and cuddled into Doug's arms.

"Why is Bebe so little?" Cole asked. Doug thought about it.

"I don't know, bubba. She's always been little, since the first time she got here." Doug said. He walked downstairs and into the kitchen. He saw Jen sitting at the counter and kissed her, hugging her with one arm.

"There's my baby girl." Jen cooed, smiling at Bebe. She gently took the girl in her arms and rocked her.

A small gasp came from around the corner, followed by crying. Doug went over to see Lucy, who ran into another room quietly. He followed her, worried that she was upset.

"Lucy, baby, where are you?" He asked, looking around for her. He crouched down and saw her curled up under a blanket, sniffling. He scooped her up and rocked her.

"You don't want me anymore." She cried, tears rolling down her cheeks. This made Doug sad.

"Of course we want you, sweetheart. Why would you even ask?" He cooed he smoothed Lucy's hair back as she buried her face in his shoulder.

"Mommy said 'baby girl' and only meant Bebe. I'm a baby too." Lucy pouted, getting sad again.

"Yes you are, angel. Mommy and I have two baby girls, and we would never change that. We love you both the same, Lucy, I promise." Doug soothed. He held Lucy close and when her crying finally stopped, he wiped away her tears gently.

"Wuv you, Daddy" Lucy said, hugging Doug.

"I love you too, baby girl."

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