Untitled Part 11

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The next day, everyone was in the kitchen, eating breakfast at the kitchen table.

"Did you guys have fun last night?" Jen asked Lucy Mark and Bebe. "Yeah! We colowed and watched a movie." Lucy said. "Sounds fun." Jen remarked smiling. She looked at Antonio who looked sleepy.

"You okay sweetie?" She asked. "Yeah, just sweepy." Antonio mumbled. He continues eating his cereal. "You can take a nap after breakfast if you want." Jen told him. He nodded.

When everyone was done eating, Jen cleared the table and put the bowls in the sink. Doug walked over to Antonio and smoothed his hair back. "Still sleepy bubba?" He asked. "Yeah." Antonio said. "I'll take you upstairs and you can sleep a while longer." Doug said. He picked up Antonio and carried him upstairs.


"I'll be back in an hour or 2 to wake you up. Sleep tight." Doug cooed, putting Antonio in his crib. He gave him his pacifier and turned on the baby monitor. He left the room and closed the door behind him.

He went back downstairs where Jen was in the living room with the other kids, watching cartoons. "Who wants milk or juice?" Doug asked the kids. "Me pwease." Mark said. Lucy nodded. Doug went to get bottles for them, and got one for Bebe to.

He gave Lucy and mark their milk and picked Bebe up, bringing her to the couch. "Do you know how old she is right now Jenny?" Doug asked his wife. "8 months I think." Jen told him. Doug held Bebe and fed her the bottle.

Mark turned and held out his arms, looking at his daddy. "Up daddy." He said. Doug handed Bebe to Jen and picked mark up. He carried him to the couch and sat him on his lap.

"You didn't get to be very little yet, huh bubba? Yeah, you had to be more independent." Doug cooed. He cradled Mark and fed him, hummin softly. Lucy toddled over to the couch and climbed to sit next to her parents.

When mark finished his bottle, Doug lifted him over his shoulder and burped him. "Wove you daddy." Mark said. "Love you to bubba." Doug said, kissing marks forehead. Jen finished feeding Bebe and burped her, and patted Lucy's back.


Antonio turned in his sleep, kicking lightly. He started kicking more and mumbling behind his pacifier, having a nightmare. He tuned again and his blanket got tangled in his feet. 

"Daddy!" He cried, sitting up. "Mommy help!" He yelled. Doug and Jen ran into the nursery, the other kids behind them. Doug went to Antonio's crib and picked him up. "Hey, it's okay. What's wrong, kiddo?" Doug asked, rocking the boy. "Nightmawe." Antonio whispered. Tears slipped down his cheeks. Jen walked over and kissed Antonio's cheek. "It's okay little one, the bad dreams can't hurt you anymore." She cooed.

Lucy mark and Bebe say on the floor, about to cry. Seeing their brother cry made them sad. Doug noticed this. "Please take the other babies to the playroom. The last thing we need is 4 fussy rugrats." Doug said quietly. Jen nodded.

"Tonio sad?" Lucy asked. "He's a little sad baby, but daddy's gonna make him feel better. Go follow mommy." Doug said. 

Jen left the nursery with the others, and Doug was left with Antonio. "Okay Antonio, daddy is here. What was that icky dream about?" Doug asked. "My dad... I mean my birth dad.... he kicked me out again and he tried to hurt me. Then he found out house and tried to hurt you guys. It was scary." Antonio replies. Doug shook his head. 

"No no bubba, that's all over now. That man is a fool for kicking you out. It's a shame that he couldn't accept you, but you have people right here that love and care about you so so much." Doug told him, kissing his forehead. Antonio curled into dougs arms and smiled. "I think it's time for a change. That nightmare did a number on you." Doug said. He carried Antonio over to the changing table and laid him down.

Antonio looked embarrassed. He closed his eyes and whimpers. Doug made a cquick job of wiping him clean, sprinkling on powder and taping on a snug new diaper. He picked Antonio back up and carried him to the playroom.


"Okay bubba, you play with your brother and sisters and mommy and I will be downstairs." Doug said, sitting Antonio down in a chair at the coloring table. He then left the room and closed the door.

"Are you okay bubby?" Mark asked. Antonio modded. "I just had a bad dweam." He told mark. "Luckily it can't get you now. Dreams hate when you're awake." Lucy said. "That's true." Antonio agreed. He picked up a crayon and a Batman coloring page.

From behind them, they heard Bebe chilling on the floor on her tummy, moving a stuffed animal around. 

"Come color, it's fun." Lucy called out. Bebe say up and crawled over to the table, sitting in the last empty seat. She took a finding Nemo coloring page and picked up an orange crayon.

"I hope it's almost lunch time. I'm hungry." Mark said, looking at the clock. "But it's only 11:30, so it will probably take longer." He added. He sighed, and the other 3 could hear his stomach growl.

"You could ask for a snack. I'm sure cereal puffs or crackers would be okay to eat before lunch." Antonio said. Mark stood up and went to the playroom door, opening it. 

"Daddy, can I have a snack?" He called. He sat near the stairs and waited for his answer. Soon, Doug was climbing the stairs and looked at mark.

"Lunch is almost ready, bubba. No snack right now. 5 more minutes and then you can eat." Doug told him. "Okay." Mark said. Doug picked him up. "You can come help me set the table." He said, carrying mark downstairs.


Doug went to get Lucy, Bebe and Antonio a few minutes later. He carried Bebe and Lucy, and Antonio walked behind him. He set the girls down at their seats in the table and placed Antonio in his seat. There was a bowl of spaghetti at each spot, and plastic forks for the kids.

Once again, Bebe was against eating. She sat in her high chair and just looked at the food, kicking her feet lightly.

"Bebe, you need to eat. Do you want me to feed you?" Jen asked. Bebe shook her head. "No hungry." Bebe mumbles. She huffed quietly and put her head down on her tray. Jen got up and went to get a bottle for Bebe, hoping she would drink it at least. She didn't.

Doug carries her around the living room and rubbed her back. She couldn't stop crying, and Doug couldn't figure out what was wrong.

"What's the matter baby girl?" He cooed, bouncing her up and down. He went up to the nursery with her in his arms, sitting in the rocking chair with her. After a few minutes, she calmed down. "Can you tell daddy why you were so sad?" Doug asked and looked into Bebe's eyes. 

"I just don't get hungry." Bebe muttered. Doug hugged her.

"Let me know when you're ready to eat, okay kiddo?" He said. Bebe nodded. 

"Can I have my paci and stuffie?" She asked. Doug got up and got the stuffed animal, tucking it into Ben's arms. Then, he got her pacifier and popped it into her mouth. He kissed the top of her head and carried her back downstairs, sitting on the couch with her in his arms.

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