Part 39

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Leo sat Jake down in the playpen, and Anna sat Kelsey beside him, then handed Phoebe to Leo. Phoebe went still, quiet as a mouse.

"I think you need some time to bond with Papa. You've been naughty lately, and you're usually a good little girl." Leo said, sitting on the couch with Phoebe.

She quietly watched the show, and before she knew it, a bottle was brought to her lips.

"Come on, kiddo, drink up. If you cooperate, you can try a sippy cup later." Leo said. Phoebe sighed and latched onto the bottle. Even though she was supposedly being treated like a toddler, she felt more like a baby.

Leo rubbed her back and rocked her, and phoebe nestled close to him.

"See baby? You like to be small. You're all cuddled up to papa, and you can hardly keep your eyes open."

Phoebe blushed and unlatched from the bottle. Leo guided it back to her lips, but she didn't accept it.

"I think she's done, babe." Anna said, looking down at Phoebe. The girl reached her arms out, and Anna scooped her up, patting her back.

"My sweet little phoebe, did you want your mama?" Anna cooed, and phoebe nodded.

"I'm gonna make a bottle for the other babies, and then we can make a snack for the big kids." Leo said, going to the kitchen.


"Daddy, up pease?" Lucy lisped, lifting her arms up to Doug.

"Of course, my little Lucy." Doug cooed, picking Lucy up. She squealed happily and hugged his neck, burying her face in his shoulder.

"Daddy, come see what we made!" Cole called, waving Doug into the living room. He smiled at the sight of Bebe on the floor, wrapped in blankets.

"She's a baby burrito." Mark giggled, smiling at Bebe. The little one giggled herself, kicking from behind the blanket.

"Well that's the cutest darn burrito I've ever seen. Nice job boys, but I think it's time to unwrap your baby sister, don't you think?" Doug said.

Mark and cole nodded, and slowly moved the blankets, freeing Bebe. Doug scooped her up gently, and held one of the girls in each arm.

"Let's go get a little nap in, alright? I don't want you boys to get grumpy." Doug said, leading the boys upstairs.


Phoebe sat in the playpen, shifting her weight nervously. She had to pee, but she didn't want to use her diaper.

"Papa?" She asked quietly, looking at Leo.

"Yeah little one?" He asked, seeing her worried face.

"Gotta use the potty." Phoebe whispered. Leo walked over and kneeled in front of her.

"Only big kids and grown ups use the potty. Babies use their diapers." He said.

Phoebe's heart sank. She knew he would say that. After a futile attempt to hold it in, phoebe's bladder gave out, and she wet her diaper. She was shocked, and hung her head.

"All done?" Leo cooed, picking phoebe up again, and she whimpered quietly.

"It's alright baby, Papa's just gonna change your diaper, then we can come back downstairs." He said, carrying phoebe up to hers and Kelsey's nursery.

"Don't wanna be a baby." Phoebe whispered behind her pacifier. Leo chuckled and kissed her forehead before rolling her onesie up.

"It's too late for that, little one. If you can behave and prove to us that you're a good girl, maybe you can be a big kid again."

Phoebe cried as she was changed, and Leo shushed her softly. When she was clean, he went to wash his hands and when he returned, he picked phoebe back up and sat her in her crib.

"You need to calm down. Stay here, and we'll get you in a little bit."

Phoebe sniffled and sucked her pacifier, lifting herself with the bars. She looked out the door as far as she could see, and there was no one coming as far as she could tell.

She wanted to climb out and try and reason with Leo, but he got upset if they misbehaved in any way.

Just then, Anna came into the nursery, leaning over the side of Phoebe's crib.

"Hey baby, are you feeling better?" She cooed, scooping phoebe up and carrying her to the rocking chair.

Phoebe shook her head and snuggled close to Anna. Anna rubbed her back and hummed softly.

"I know papa can be unreasonable, but we're just trying to get your behavior under control. It's not so bad to be a baby." Anna said, kissing phoebe's temple.

Phoebe closed her eyes, sucking her pacifier. She's so sleepy and needs a nap.

"Alright baby girl, you go to sleep. Mama will stay as long as you want her to." Anna cooed, rocking gently.

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