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Jen and Doug were tidying the house, chatting about how the rest of the day would look. Bebe was still asleep, and had been for a few hours.

"I need to run out and get some more medicine for Bebe, do you think you'll be okay with all the kids for a while?" Jen asked.

"Of course honey. It's almost nap time anyway, it's gonna be fine." Doug replied. He hugged Jen and kissed her.

"Alright, I'll be back in a bit." Jen said. She grabbed her purse and coat and headed out the door. Doug smiled and headed up to the playroom.


"Hey kiddos, let's go get ready for nap time." He said. The boys all nodded and started putting their toys away, but Lucy didn't budge. "Lucy, put away your toys please." He said.

"No night night, daddy." Lucy pouted, crossing her arms. Doug walked over to her and knelt down, looking at her eyes.

"Yes kiddo, you're getting cranky. You can play after you wake up." Doug said.

Lucy still wouldn't do as she was told. Doug sighed softly and picked her up, carrying her to the time out room. Lucy started crying.

"I know you're upset, but daddy just wants you to sit here for a few minutes until you're ready to behave." Doug said, sitting her in the corner. He set a timer and left the room, going back to the playroom. 

He picked up mark and Antonio and carried them to the nursery. After a quick diaper check, he laid them down in their cribs and turned on their mobiles, turning off the light.

"Sleep tight, little ones." He said, leaving the nursery. 

When 5 minutes passed, Doug went to retrieve Lucy. He picked her up and kissed the top of her head, rubbing her back.

"Sorry, daddy." She mumbled.

"It's alright, baby girl. Are you ready for your nap?" He asked. Lucy nodded.

Doug carried her to the nursery and checked her diaper. It was wet. He removed the wet diaper and wiped Lucy clean, sprinkling her with baby powder. He put a new diaper on her and refastened her onesie, picking her up and putting her in her crib. He popped a clean pacifier in her mouth and tucked her in with her blanket, turning on her mobile.

He stopped by the playroom again and looked at ash and cole.

"Come on guys, let's get you set up in the living room." He said. The older boys followed him downstairs and Doug grabbed a few pillows and blankets, setting them on the couches. "I know you're still waiting for your beds to come in, they should be here this week." He said.

"It's okay, the couch is comfy anyway." Ash said. He curled up under his blanket and laid down. Doug smiled and went back to the master bedroom to check on Bebe. She was awake, though she still looked sleepy.

"Hey, sweetpea. Is someone ready for a bottle?" Doug cooed, picking Bebe up. He rubbed her back and looked down at her. "I think someone needs a new diaper." He said. He laid down a changing mat and laid Bebe down on it, grabbing a new diaper, wipes, rash cream, and baby powder.

Bebe started crying, upset.

"I know, kiddo, daddy will be quick." Doug cooed, removing bebes onesie. He got the dirty diaper off and lifted bebes legs, wiping her bottom. He placed some rash cream on her and lowered her onto the clean diaper, sprinkling powder on her. He secured the diaper and redid bebes onesie, picking her back up. He kissed her cheek and rocked her gently.

"Hopefully your tummy will feel better soon, and all that inckiness gets out of your system." Doug said. He washed his hands and laid Bebe in her bassinet, going downstairs to make a bottle.

When he returned, he picked Bebe up and sat on his and jens bed, holding Bebe in one arm, the bottle in his other hand. She latched on easily and started drinking, calming down. She closed her eyes and dozed off, only having a quarter of the bottle.

Doug replaced it with her pacifier and laid her back down in her bassinet. He turned on the baby monitor and left the room, going downstairs to clean up a bit.


Jen returned just after nap time and smiled when she walked into the house. Ash, cole, mark, Antonio and Lucy were in the living room, playing.

"Hi babies." She said, walking into the living room, and the kids ran over to her, hugging her. 

"Mommy, do you wanna see my picture?" Lucy asked, looking up at Jen.

"Of course, sweetie." Jen replied. The boys slowly let go, and Lucy walked with Jen to the coffee table, holding her hands. There was a piece of baby pink construction paper with 8 stick figures, all labeled with their respective names.

"It's us, mommy." Lucy beamed, smiling. Jen smiled and took the paper, looking closely at the drawing.

"It's beautiful, baby girl. Let's go hang it up on the fridge." Jen said, and Lucy skipped into the kitchen, bouncing on her heels as she watched Jen pin the picture to the fridge.

They returned to the living room and Jen kissed Doug, sitting next to him. "Is Bebe asleep?" She asked.

"Yeah, but she should be up in a little while, and then we can get her to take some medicine. Hopefully she'll feel better by tomorrow." Doug replied. He and Jen left the kids to play a while longer as they went to prepare lunch.


Bebe started fussing in her sleep, having a bad dream. She started crying, and after a couple minutes, Doug walked into the room. He picked up Bebe and held her close.

"What's the matter, baby girl? Did you have a nightmare?" He asked. Bebe nodded, sniffling. Doug kissed her forehead and sat on the bed, rocking her. "Don't worry, daddy's right here. Nothings gonna hurt you, kiddo." He cooed.

Bebe sucked get pacifier and cuddled closer to him.

They sat like this for a while before Doug stood, placing Bebe back in the playpen. She got upset again and reached out for him.

"Daddy stay?" She asked. Doug scooped her up and sat with her again.

"Yes, daddy will stay. At least your fevers gone down." Doug said. He pulled out his phone and put on some lullabies, setting the volume down a bit.

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