First change

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Bebe opened hey eyes slowly and yawned. She stretched and felt something cold. She rolled to the side and still felt cold.

At some point during her nap, she wet her diaper. She whimpered and almost started crying, but the door opened just in time. Doug walked in and saw her distress.

"What's the matter baby girl?" He asked, picking her up. He could tell as soon as he was holding her what the problem was. "I think someone needs her diaper changed." He cooed. He carried her to the changing table and laid her down, unsnapping her onesie. He removed her wet diaper and cleaned her up, dusting her with baby powder and putting a new diaper on her. He closed her onesie back up and picked her up.

Antonio was looking around in his crib for something, his face scared.

"What's wrong bubba?" Doug asked.

"Bandana... lost." Antonio replied on the verge of tears. Doug walked over to his crib and bent down, holding Bebe right in 1 arm. He looked under the crib and came back a minutes later, the red bandana in his free hand.

"Here bubba." He cooed, handing the red bandana to Antonio. He clutched it tightly and smiled.

"Tank oo, daddy." He said. Doug picked him up I his other arm, and carried them downstairs. He put them down on the living room floor and looked at Jen.

"I'm gonna go get mark and Lucy. It's a little early, but I think we can put the babies down for bed early tonight." Mark said. Jen nodded. She walked into the living room and pulled a playpen out of the closet. She set it up and placed Bebe in it.


"Mark, Lucy, time to wake up." Doug said as he entered the nursery. Mark and Lucy sat up in their cribs and looked at him.

"What time it daddy?" Lucy asked sleepily rubbing her eyes.

"Almost 3 baby. Your little siblings woke up a little early, so mommy and I decided you can all be up now." Doug said. He picked her up out of her crib and then picked Mark up. He put mark on the flor and him and Lucy followed Doug downstairs. They saw Bebe in her playpen playing with some squishy blocks. Antonio was on the floor next to her looking at a little book with fabric pages.

"Who wants a snack?" Hen asked from the kitchen. Lucy Mark and Antonio all raised their hands. Jen walked into the living room with 3 bowls of cereal puffs and gave one to each kid. She then picked Bebe up and carried her into the kitchen. "Do you want something sweetie?"

Bebe nodded. Jen got her a bottle and put some chocolate milk in it. She screwed on the lid and gave Bebe the bottle.


While the 3 older kids were in the playroom, Jen and Doug were in the living room. Bebe was in a baby bouncer, jumping and smiling.

"Bebe got into her headspace very quickly. When she woke up after nap time, she needed a change. I thought it would take a little longer, honestly." Doug told Jen.

"I think they're all going into headspace. The only one I'm not sure about is Mark. I think he's scared to let his guard down and be taken care of." Jen said.

"He wanted his paci at nap time, so he's regressing at least a little." Doug added. Jen nodded.

There was a sudden cry from upstairs, and Doug ran up to see what happened.


"Markie, what's wrong?" Lucy asked, trying to comfort her brother. The door opened and Doug walked in. He picked up mark.

"What's wrong bubba? Why are you so upset?" He cooed, rocking Mark gently.

"Accident." Mark whispered to Doug. He carried him back to the nursery.


"It's alright kiddo, daddy will get you cleaned up." Doug said as he laid mark on the change table. He took off his sweatpants and set them aside. Mark was crying, so Doug changed him quickly.

When Mark was in a fresh diaper, Doug put his onesie back on him and picked him up. "There there, you're all clean. That wasn't so bad, was it?" Doug said.

"Can I have my paci?" Mark asked. Doug nodded, and got it from his crib for him. Mark sucked on it happily. Doug brought him back to the playroom and sat him on the floor.

Antonio crawled over to him.

"You okay bubby?" He asked. Mark nodded. Lucy crawled over and hugged mark.

"Gwad you betta." She said. Doug smiled and looked at Lucy and Antonio.

"Do you 2 need a change?" He asked. Lucy and Antonio shook their heads. "Okay. Daddy's going to make dinner. I'll come get you when it's ready." 

He left the playroom, and the 3 siblings went to color.


"Dinner time." Doug said, poking his head into the playroom. Antonio stayed planted on the ground, so Doug pinned him up. Lucy held her arms out, and Doug picked her up in his other arm. Mark toddled out behind him, and scooted down the stairs on his bum.

Jen was holding Bebe on the couch, feeding her a bottle. It had ensure in it, because Bebe needed more calories, but didn't want to eat food.

"Jenny, she can't live off of liquids forever." Doug said as he set Lucy and Antonio at the table. Mark sat next to his brother.

"I know. Tomorrow I'll see if she'll try some solid food. She's pretty little." Jen told him. Doug nodded and went to get food for the other kids. He put a plate of chicken nuggets, French fries and broccoli in front of each of them, and they started eating.

"Thank oo." They called at him. He smiled.

Jen turned Bebe on her shoulder and patted her back until she burped. "Okay baby, what do you want to do?" Jen cooed. Bebe pointed to Doug. Doug took Bebe from Jen and bounced her gently.

"I'll go give Bebe a quick bath, then we'll be back." Doug said and went upstairs.

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