Untitled Part 23

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The next morning, Jen and Doug walked into the nursery to find three of the babies smiling and babbling at each other, but Bebe was still asleep.

"Why don't you start changing the other kids? I'll take care of Bebe." Jen said, kissing Doug.

"Sounds good." He said. He went to each of the cribs, checking to see who needed to be changed. Lucy and Antonio were clean, but marks diaper was wet. Doug picked him up and took him to the changing table, cleaning him and putting him in a fresh diaper.

Jen walked over to bebe's crib and picked her up. The little one was still swaddled, so Jen laid her on the floor to unwrap the swaddle. When Bebe was unwrapped, Jen picked her up and laid her on the changing table. When the diaper change started, Bebe woke up. She looked up at Jen and smiled, sucking her pacifier.

"Good morning baby girl." Jen cooed happily. She sprinkled powder on beneath front and bottom, then slid a clean diaper under her, pulling it up and taping it shut. Jen went to wash her hands, and when she came back, she picked Bebe up and carried her downstairs.

Doug brought the boys down, and when Bebe was safe in her playpen, Jen carried Lucy downstairs. "Okay kiddos, time for breakfast." Jen said, clapping. The kids were carried into the kitchen and sat in their seats. Jen helped Doug make the food, which was warm applesauce mixed into oatmeal.

After breakfast, mark, Lucy and Antonio were allowed to go to the playroom, and Jen and Doug brought Bebe to the living room to talk.

"Alright kiddo, what happened with your sister last night?" Doug asked softly, looking down at Bebe. She looked guilty, but she tried to say what happened. She froze. She couldn't do it.

"It's okay, sweet pea, we just want to know what the problem was.

"Bad thoughts." Bebe mumbled. That's all she could say right now, but she remembered all too well what caused her outburst.

*flash to bebe's thoughts ~5:00 pm~ the previous night*

Bebe was sleepy and bored, and drifted off for a nap.  She felt safe and comfy in her playpen, back at home with her family.

Her thoughts turned bad, as she started to remember one of her worst days at Anna and Leo's.


Anna was out grocery shopping, so it was just Leo at home with the kids. Bebe was in her bouncy chair in the living room, watching as the other kids ran around, playing hide and seek. She glanced up at Leo, sitting on the couch. She wanted anna, not Leo.

"Hi baby girl, how are you?" Leo cooed, leaning forward to see Bebe better. She frowned and kicked her feet. Leo sat back. Bebe was usually fussy, and he thought she was just having a bad day. Little did he know, Bebe was coming out of her headspace.

Kelsey and Jake ran by, yelling loudly.

"Hey, quiet down, you two." Leo called.

"Sorry papa." Jake said, running back of with kelsey. Bebe looked back at them. As long as they didn't bother her, she should be okay.

Bebe started to get restless. She started squirming, trying to get out of her seat. Leo walked over to her and kneeled down, unbuckling her seat. He picked her up, and she flipped out.

"Let go of me! Put me down, Leo!" She yelled, hitting Leo's arms. He only tightened his grip and carried Bebe upstairs to her nursery. He walked into the room and shut the door.

Bebe was still struggling against him, trying to break free of his grip. Leo hit her bottom with his hand, which made Bebe stop.

"Bebe, papa is very upset with you right now. I don't know what the matter is, but you just broke three  rules." Leo said.

"You hit me." Bebe said, shocked. There were tears in her eyes, and she was ready to fight back. Leo simply placed a clean soother in her mouth and  sat in the rocking chair, cradling her.

"You were very naughty just now. You called me by my name, you hit and you're out of your headspace. First, I'm going to stay in here with you for a few minutes to make sure you get your attitude in check. Second, you will stay up here until dinner time, maybe even later." Leo said. He was stern, and Bebe was nervous.

"Please, I don't want this." She cried, her eyes watering. Leo rocked a bit to soother her.

"I'm sorry baby, but crying isn't going to solve anything. You were naughty, and now you're going to face the consequences." Leo said. He rubbed ebbed back and laid her in her bassinet. She whimpered and kicked her legs.  

Leo let Bebe cry herself out, and after about five minutes, she was asleep. Her face was pink, and  she looked exhausted, but she would probably be back in her headspace when she woke up. Leo left the nursery after turning on the baby monitor and mobile, turning off the light.

When Bebe woke up, she looked around her nursery. She was still big, so she had to be careful around Leo.

The nursery door opened and Anna walked in. Bebe sat up and turned to face Anna, reaching her arms out.

"Are you out of your headspace, baby girl?" Anna asked. Bebe shook her head. She didn't want Anna to try and get her back into her headspace. Anna picked her up and held her to her chest. "Are you telling the truth, baby, or are you lying to stay out of your headspace?" Anna pressed. Bebe shook her head, and sucked on her paci.

The nursery door opened again, and Leo walked in. 

"Did Bebe ever get back into her headspace?" Leo asked. Anna shook her head.

"No she didn't, and when I asked her about it, she lied." Anna said. Bebe buried her face in Anna's shoulder, not wanting Leo to confront her.

"Baby girl, you're not being very cooperative today. I think you need a punishment." Leo said sternly.

"No." Bebe mumbled, muffled by Anna's shoulder. She felt Leo grab her from under the armpits from behind her back, and she tried fighting him. She was stuck kicking her legs in the air as Leo carried her to her bassinet. He grabbed a blanket out of it, laying it on the changing table. He checked her diaper before swaddling her. Bebe struggled and reached her arms out the try and move Leo's hands, but he was stronger than her. He pressed her left arm to her side and pulled the corner of the blanket up, tucking it under her right side. He pressed her right arm at her side to keep her in place and he pulled up th bottom of her blanket, tucking it in under her feet. He pulled the right side up and  tucked it into the left. He picked her back up and laid her down in her bassinet.

"Alright little one, you're going to stay up here. If you behave tomorrow, you'll be allowed to leave your nursery. If not, you'll stay up here until you behave." Leo said. Bebe whimpered. Leo turned on her mobile and baby monitor and left the nursery.

"I know you're upset, baby girl, but you need to learn to be a baby. If you cooperate, everything will be easier for you." Anna cooed. She kissed the top of bebe's forehead and left the nursery, turning off the light and shutting the door.

/end memory/

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