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[this chapter will revolve around Anna and Leo's house, does not affect the other chapters of the story]

Kelsey could hardly believe this was real. Though it's only been a week or so since she was brought back down to infancy, it felt like years. Being the baby of the family sucked, and she couldn't stand it.

Every day was the same old routine. She would get woken up by Anna or Leo and get  a diaper change, which was still very embarrassing, and then she was taken to the kitchen for breakfast.

She envied the other kids, and though she and Jake used to get along, now he seemed to like to torment her.

"Mama, kelsey's getting fussy!" Was his go to tactic for making Kelsey miserable. If he was picking on her and she snapped at him, he would call that phrase out, and Anna would be there in an instant.

"Is it nap time already? Come on, baby girl, let's go get you tucked in." Anna would say, scooping Kelsey up. 

Why did she always get the short end of the stick? No matter how many times she voiced her woes, they would go unheard. She would get a pacifier popped into her mouth to keep her quiet and calm, but this always added to her frustration.

One morning in particular was the worst, and it stirred something inside of Kelsey.

(3rd person POV)

Kelsey woke up in her crib as she always did and sighed. She was losing her patience with this. Why she didn't just leave, she didn't know. Quite frankly, Anna and Leo would make it impossible for her to go, since the whole incident with bebe, ash and cole.

The nursery door opened and in walked Leo, smiling brightly at her.

"Good morning baby girl, how are you today?" He cooed, picking her up. Kelsey tried getting out of Leo's grasp, but he wouldn't budge. "That's not good, little one. Papa doesn't want you to get hurt." He scolded lightly, laying her on the changing table.

Kelsey sat up and tried to jump down, but Leo held her down, pulling the safety strap over her tummy. Kelsey started whining, unhappy with her situation. Leo ignored her shouting as he changed her, used to how upset she got.

When she was in a fresh diaper, Leo picked her up and kissed her temple.

"I know you're grumpy, but papa just wants what's best for you." He said, carrying her downstairs.

"If you want what's best for me, why don't you stop forcing this age on me. Can't you see that it's not who I am? I haven't gotten into a baby headspace since the day I first came here. If it hasn't happened yet, I don't think it ever will." Kelsey argued. She stared at Leo for a moment, waiting for him to say something.

"Wearing and usin diapers tells me otherwise. It only took a few days in them for you to lose control of your body's function. If that doesn't scream 'baby' to you, little one, then I don't know what will." Leo cooed, hands on his knees, crouching to be at eye level with Kelsey.

The girl sighed and hung her head. She sat quietly and let Leo feed her her breakfast, unable to argue again for the time being. Hopefully Leo wouldn't tell Anna about her little outburst, because that would mean Anna would be extra doting, and Kelsey didn't want that.

After breakfast, Kelsey was sat in her playpen in the living room, left to her own devices until her morning nap. She played with her blocks for a little while, growing bored soon after.

That was another thing she hated about being a baby: it was boring. She could only play with a toy for so long before it grew old.

She looked up to see Jake walk in, smirking.

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