Part 33

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Cole opened his eyes the next morning and stretched, curling back into his blankets. He felt something cold and wet around his waist and whimpered.

"Daddy?" He asked, sitting up. His bedroom door opened and Doug walked in.

"Morning bubba. Let's check you diaper." Doug said, walking over to cole's toddler bed. 

Cole whimpered and fidgeted. "Wet, daddy." He mumbled. Doug picked him up and confirmed the state of his diaper.

"Okay, kiddo, let's get you cleaned up." Doug said. He laid cole down on the floor and grabbed a clean diaper, wipes and baby powder.

Doug quickly changed cole into a clean diaper and washed his hands. When he came back into the room, he picked out some soft overalls and a t shirt for cole.

Cole sucked his pacifier as he was dressed, trying to calm himself. Doug finished the outfit with a pair of soft ankle socks, sitting cole up.

"There you go, kiddo. Let's go get some breakfast." He said, picking cole up. He carried him down to the living room and sat him on the floor. "Daddy will be back in a few minutes, he's gonna help mommy get your brothers and sisters." He said, going back upstairs.


Jake sat sleepily on the floor, playing with a teddy bear. Leo was on the couch with Kelsey in his lap, feeding her a bottle.

"Papa, can we play with Kelsey soon?" Elle asked, pointing to herself and phoebe.

"After her bottle. You two can sit with Jakey and wait." Leo said. The two other girls smiled and sat next to Jake.

Feeling a sudden pain in his stomach, Jake winced. He kept playing with the bear, trying to ignore the pain.

A few minutes later, it came back, gettin worse this time. Jake whined, trying to hold it in. He went to shift his position when it all came out. Jake was relieved and horrified at himself.

Elle plugged her nose, wincing. "Eww. Papa, Jakey pooped." She whined. Jake looked over at her with a scowl.

Leo burped Kelsey and sat her down in the playpen. He walked back over to Jake and laid him down. Elle started giggling, and Jake scrunched up his nose.

"Stop!" He said, annoyed. Leo popped a pacifier in his mouth, shushing him.

"Alright jakey, settle down. Let's go change your diaper." Leo said, picking him back up. He carried him up to his nursery, laying him down on the changing table.

Jake squirmed a bit, uncomfortable by the mess. Leo removed his onesie and dirty diaper, wiping him clean and dusting him with baby powder. He taped a clean diaper onto Jake, leaving to wash his hands.

When Leo returned, he dressed Jake in a clean onesie and picked him up, rubbing his back. "Good job, little one. Let's go get a bottle, then you can have your nap." Leo said, walking back downstairs.

He walked into the living room where the girls were playing and looked at Elle.

"Ellie baby, you need to say sorry to Jakey, you hurt his feelings." Leo said. Elle turned and looked at Jake, who had tears on his face.

"Sorry, jakey." She said quietly.

"Thank you, sweetie. That was nice." Leo said, patting her back. He went to make a bottle and sat on the couch with Jake cradled in his arm. He watched the girls as he fed Jake, making sure they behaved.

When Jake finished his bottle, Leo burped him and carried him back up to his nursery.

"Papa?" Jake asked in a sleepy voice.

"What's the matter, bubba?" Leo said.

"How much longer do I hafta be a baby?" Jake mumbled. Leo held him close to his chest and kissed the top of his head.

"For as long as mama and I see fit." Leo cooed. He laid Jake down in his crib and turned on his mobile, leaving the nursery.

Jake whimpered, but sucked on his pacifier, soon falling asleep.

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