Part 34

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"Let go! You'll rip her!" Came Lucy's voice from the playroom that afternoon. Jen and Doug rushed up to the playroom to see what happened.

"Lucy, what's the matter?" Doug asked when he opened the door. Lucy and ash stood facing each other, Lucy's stuffed cat between them, stretching by the arms.

Ash pulled the cat again, and Lucy stumbled, falling back and landing on her butt. She began to cry, holding her stuffie close. Doug reached out and scooped her up, rubbing her back.

"Shh, it's alright baby. Are you hurt?" He asked softly.

Mark, Antonio and cole looked over, wide eyed and startled. Bebe was resting on a beanbag, sleeping and sucking on her pacifier.

"Ash, that wasn't nice. I think you need a little time out." Jen said, holding out her hand to ash. He stood still, but after a look from Doug, he grabbed Jen's hand and let her walk him out of the room.

"I'm sorry, mommy." He said sadly, lip wobbling.

"I know you are, bubba, but you still need a bit of quiet time. You just stay here, I'll come get you shortly." Jen said. She walked ash into the time out room and sat him facing the corner. She kissed his head and closed the door, walking back into the playroom.

"Here, take Lucy. I'm gonna stay here with the other kids." Doug said, passing Lucy into Jen's arms. She carried the little girl into the nursery and sat in the rocking chair, holding her close.

"What happened with you and ash, baby? You get along so well?" Jen asked, rocking Lucy.

"He tried taking Princess. I told him he can't have her, but he kept pulling on her." Lucy whimpered. She snuggled into Jen and popped her thumb in her mouth.

"I'll get your paci for you. It's not good to suck your thumb." Jen said. She got up and grabbed Lucy's pacifier from her crib, placing it in her mouth. She walked back into the playroom and walked in, seeing Doug coloring a picture with the other boys.

"I'm gonna go get Ash. You stay here with Daddy." Jen said, sitting Lucy down in Doug's lap. She left the room and walked into the time out room.

"Okay kiddo, let's go say sorry to lulu." Jen said, grabbing Ash's hand again and walking him back to the playroom.

Ash looked at Lucy, who had a tear still running down her cheek, holding Princess close to her chest.

"I'm sorry, Lucy. I just wanted to see her." Ash said, walking over to her and Doug. Lucy looked up at Doug, then at ash and smiled.

"It's otay. Pwease don't do it again tho." She said. She reached her arms out and hugged ash. Jen and Doug smiled, and Doug sat Lucy down on the floor, standing up. He did a headcount of the kids and his heart skipped a beat.

"Where's Bebe?" He asked, looking at his wife.

"I swore she was in here. Where did she go?" Jen said, running out of the room.

Doug crouched down and looked at the other kids.

"Stay here, kiddos. Mommy and I are going to get Bebe." He said in a calm voice. The kids nodded and Doug left the room. He decided to look in the nursery first.

Bebe was not in there, and she wasn't in the kitchen or living room either.

"She's so little. I hope she didn't try to go outside." Jen said. She was getting worried. Bebe never usually wandered around the house, she was a good girl.

Doug headed back upstairs to see if she went back to the playroom, when he heard a sniffle coming from his and hens room. He backup and went in there, looking around.

The sniffle came again from under the bed. Doug kneeled down and lifted the blanket, relieved when he saw Bebe.

"What are you doing under there, baby girl?" He asked, reaching in to pull Bebe out. He pulled her into his arms and cradled her close to his chest, kissing her forehead.

Bebe just sucked her pacifier, tears rolling down her cheek.

"Did Lucy and Ash's yelling upset you?" He asked softly, and Bebe nodded. Doug kissed her forehead again and stood.

"They're all done now. They're getting along just fine. You scared me and mommy a lot." Doug continued softly, rocking Bebe as he rubbed her back.

Bebe whimpered, laying here head on Doug's shoulder. She didn't like upsetting people.

Doug carried Bebe back into the playroom and looked at ash and Lucy.

"Bebe, where did you run off to, silly?" Lucy fake scolded, giggling.

"I think she was a bit scared by you and ash yelling. Can you give her a little apology?" Doug asked. Lucy frowned.

"Sowwy, sissy. Didn't mean to scare you." She said, hugging Bebe.

"Me too, Bebe. Sorry." Ash said.

"Thank you, you two. Now, let's go get a snack and watch a movie." Doug said. The kids all followed him down to the kitchen, where Jen sat at the counter.

"Bebe's alright. She got herself under our bed." Doug said. He placed Bebe into Jen's arms and went to fix a snack and drinks for the older kids.

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