Part 35

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After a movie, the little ones were in various stages of nap time. Lucy and cole were desperate to stay awake, sitting as straight as they could. Ash and mark were nodding off, both comfy were they sat. Antonio's was just about ready to fall asleep, and Bebe was already out like a light.

Jen carried Bebe up first and put her in her crib, turning on her mobile. She went back downstairs to help Doug with the rest of the babies.

Doug carried mark and Antonio to the nursery, laying them down in their cribs and meeting with Jen to put down the other three.

Jen picked up Lucy while Doug walked up with ash and cole, holding their hands. He brought them into their room and got them tucked in, meeting Jen in the nursery.

Lucy, however, was more reluctant than her siblings.

"No night night." She whimpered, burying her face in Jens shoulder. Jen rubbed back and sat in the rocking chair.

"Yes, baby girl, you're sleepy. It'll just be a nap, and then you can play with the others when you wake up." Jen soothed.

Lucy wasn't having it. She began to cry and clutched Jen's shirt in her hands.

Jen stood and walked to hers and Doug's room so she wouldn't disturb the other babies.

"What has gotten into you, sweetheart? Are you still upset about earlier when ash took princess?" Jen cooed, bouncing Lucy.

The girl continued to cry. Jen laid her down on the floor and checked her diaper, finding it wet. She grabbed changing supplies and cleaned Lucy up, taping a clean diaper snuggly around her waist.

Still, Lucy was upset.

Doug walked into the room and she reached her arms out to him, making grabby hands. He picked her up and cradled her, kissing her forehead.

"Will you tell daddy what's wrong, baby girl?" Doug asked softly, kissing the small girl on the temple.

"No night night." Lucy repeated, unable to express the reason why. Doug and Jen looked at each other, unsure what to do.

"What if you take your nap in mommy and daddy's room? Will that make you feel better?" Jen asked.

Lucy was interested, and her tears slowly stopped.

"I'll grab the playpen. Stay with mommy, love." Doug said, passing Lucy back to Jen. He left to room to grab the playpen. Jen rocked Lucy, rubbing her back.

"Do you just need more time with mommy and daddy? It's hard to share sometimes, huh?" Jen cooed.

Lucy nodded, sleepily sucking her pacifier.

Doug returned and set up the playpen, placing it at the foot of the bed. Jen laid Lucy down and she snuggled in, snoring softly.

The parents smiled, sitting on their bed and enjoying their quiet time together. The babies were always so well behaved, times like this felt so out of the blue. Luckily for them, the babies rarely fussed this much, and we're usually calmed down in just a few minutes.

Jen and Doug watched tv quietly as they relaxed. Now that the littles were all napping, they could have some time together.


Jake was getting used to being treated like a baby. Since he napped so regularly, he was sleepy around the same hours each day and didn't have much energy to fight Anna and Leo.

He did like playing with Kelsey, just like old times. They would stack blocks really high, only to knock them over and giggle up a storm. If they behaved, they got to watch a show before their nap, usually something geared for little babies and toddlers, but it kept their attention.

Jake even found himself wanting to snuggle closely with his papa, especially if he was sleepy. He like being rocked to sleep in the big rocking chair, it always made him feel so little and safe.

Today, Jake was very happy. He watched as Elle and Phoebe set up a big parade of stuffed animals and March around the living room, giggling at the girls antics.

Leo and Anna sat on the couch, watching the kids interact.

"Mama, where's Kelsey?" Elle asked, walking up to Anna.

"She's napping, sweetie. She'll be up in a little bit." Anna said.

"Aww, but we wanted to play." Phoebe added, looking upset.

Jake looked between the girls and picked up a rattle, shaking it to get their attention. Leo noticed this and chuckled.

"I think Jakey would like to play. Right bubba?" He cooed.

Jake nodded, pacifier bobbing in his mouth. Elle and phoebe sat on the floor next to Jake and began to build a big block pyramid.

"Ready Jakey?" Elle said, looking at the boy. He nodded, and the three kids knocked the blocks over, watching them fall to the floor with a thud.

Leo leaned in close to Anna and whispered in her ear.

"What do you say we keep Jake in a young headspace? He doesn't pick on the other kids anymore, and he's much more cooperative. I'm sure Kelsey doesn't mind having someone her age to play with, too."

Anna thought about this.

"I'm okay with that. It's good to se our little boy being a good kid. He used to be such a bully. Not that I like to talk badly about the kids, but you've seen it too." Anna said.

Jake looked over at the grown ups, wondering what they were talking about. Before he could listen in, however, his attention was pulled away by Drew and Paul, who ran into the room with small nerf guns.

"The living room's safe, dumb dumb. Right Jake?" Paul said.

Jake sucked on his pacifier in response.

"He's too little to understand the rules, buttface." Drew argued. He picked up a block and threw it at Paul's shoulder, laughing.

"Okay, enough of that, boys. Say you're sorry." Leo said, looking at e older two.

"Sorry." The boys said together, looking down at their feet.

Jake giggled. Big kids were so silly.

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