Part 27

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After a day of rest, Bebe was feeling much better. She was ready to go play with her brothers an sister, and sat up, babbling happily.

"Good morning, kiddo. Someone's happy this morning." Doug cooed, lifting Bebe out of her bassinet. He laid her on the floor and changed her diaper, placing her in a fresh one. When that was done, Doug carried her to the nursery and grabbed a yellow onesie, placing it on Bebe. He fastened it and picked her back up, carrying her downstairs.

Doug sat Bebe in her high chair and grabbed a bowl of oatmeal for her. He carried it to the tray and set it down, scooping some up on a baby spoon. 

Bebe was finally in a better place to eat, and after a few minutes, the bowl was empty.

"Good job, kiddo. Now let's get you a bottle." Doug cooed. He went to make a bottle and scooped Bebe up, bringing her into the living room. He sat on the couch and held Bebe in one arm, the bottle in his free hand.

Bebe latched onto the bottle and drank the formula happily. Doug hummed lightly, making Bebe smile softly. After the bottle was empty, Bebe was burped and carried upstairs to the playroom.

"Alright little ones, play nicely." Doug said, waving to the kids before he left the room. Lucy crawled over to her and hugged her.

"Hi Bebe, feewin better?" She asked, and Bebe nodded, smiling. "Dat's good. Come color." Lucy said, leading Bebe over to the play table. She sat down next to her and handed her a crayon and a princess coloring book.

"Fank you." Bebe said behind her pacifier, starting to color a beauty and the beast page.

After almost an hour, Doug walked back into the playroom and scooped Bebe up, kissin the top of her head. "Time for a nap, kiddos." He said. The five older kids put their stuff away, Lucy being the first to do so. She didn't want to go to time out again.

Doug carried Bebe into the nursery and laid her down in her crib. "First time back in your nursery, sweetie, are you happy?" He asked, turning on her mobile. Bebe nodded and shut her eyes sleepily, sucking on her pacifier.

Jen came in next with Lucy, laying her on the change table for a quick change. Once the small girl was in a fresh diaper, Jen laid her in her own crib.

"Night night, baby. See you in a little while." Jen cooed, kissing Lucy's forehead.

After another couple minutes, mark and Antonio were put in their cribs too, leaving just ash and cole awake.

Their new beds had finally come in, and were set up in the guest bedroom. The walls had been covered with light blue paint  and superhero posters, and the beds had superhero themed sheets.

"Thank you!" Ash and cole said, smiling when they saw the room. 

"You're welcome, boys. Now you rest up for a bit, mommy and I have some cleaning to do." Doug said. Ash and cole nodded and went to their own beds, laying down and shutting their eyes. Jen and Doug turned out the lights and left the room, shutting the door.


Bebe woke up with a wet diaper. She sat up groggily, rubbing her forehead. She looked around the nursery, seeing that her siblings were still asleep.

"Daddy? Mommy?" She said softly around her pacifier. The baby monitor was able to pick up her voice, and a couple minutes later, the nursery door opened.

"Hey kiddo, look at you using your words. What's up?" Doug asked, walking over to bebe's crib. He picked her up, bouncing her gently.

"Wet." Bebe mumbled, glancing down at her diaper. Doug smiled gently.

"Okay sweetie, let's get you changed." He said, carrying Bebe to the changing table. He laid her down and removed the wet garment, cleaning the girl up. After securing a fresh diaper around her waist, he placed her in a belle t shirt and picked her up.

"Snack, daddy?" Bebe asked sweetly. Doug agreed and carried the girl down to the kitchen. He sat her in her high chair and went to wash his hands, preparing a bowl  of fruit for Bebe after.

"There you go, baby girl. Eat up, and then we can see if your brothers and sister are up." Doug said. Bebe nodded and picked slowly at the fruit, not caring that the juice was getting on her hands.

After her snack, Bebe was left with sticky purple hands and a cheesy grin. She giggled, kicking her feet.

"Look at you! You're all messy, silly girl." Doug chided jokingly. He dampened a small ducky print rag and walked over to Bebe, wiping off her face and hands. "There, all clean. Let's go check on the other kids." Doug said. He picked Bebe up and went upstairs, turning into the nursery.

Mark and Lucy were awake, but Antonio was still asleep. Doug sat Bebe on the floor and got mark and Lucy out of their cribs, sitting them on the floor to. He walked over to Antonio's crib and looked down at him.

"Hey bubba, it's time to wake up." He said gently, lifting him. Antonio sighed softly and put his head on doug's shoulder, refusing to open his eyes. He was comfy, and he didn't want to wake up. "You can't sleep all day, Antonio. Let's at least get you downstairs and you can sit in the playpen." Doug said.

Once everyone was downstairs, Doug sat Antonio in the playpen, and put Bebe in her rocker. As and cole sat on the couch with mark and Lucy, munching on Cheez its.

Antonio laid down on his side and held his teddy bear in his arm, sucking his paci. He didn't know why he was so sleepy today, he just couldn't stay awake.

"Bubby sweepy?" Lucy asked, looking up at Doug. He nodded.

"Yes baby, he's very sleepy." He told her. She hummed and crawled over to Doug from her spot on the couch and climbed into his lap.

"Wuv you, daddy." She smiled, leaning against his chest.

"I love you too, sweet pea." He said, patting her tummy.

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