Part 36

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The next morning was nice and calm. It was a little bit after 10 am and the babies were in the living room, watching cartoons.

Ash was coloring, looking at Blues clues on the tv every couple minutes, calling out the answers to the different questions.

The doorbell rang, and Doug went to answer it.

"Hello? Can I help you?" He asked the man on the front step.

"I'm looking for my son, is he here?" The man asked. Doug assessed him and thought for a second.

"What's his name?" Doug asked.

"Antonio." The other man replied. Doug frowned and looked at him again.

"Give me a moment, I'll bring him out here." Doug replied, shutting the front door and walking into the living room. He knelt down next to Antonio.

"Bubba, your birth dad's here to talk to you. Do you want me to come with you?" Doug said softly.

Antonio shook his head before standing up, walking to the front door. He quickly took his pacifier out of his mouth before opening the door.

Seeing his dad was so weird and surreal. He came out of his headspace quickly, clutching his paci in his fist.

"Hello son. Can I talk with you, please?" The man asked.

"Sure." Antonio said, unsure what else to say. He stood by the other, waiting for him to speak.

"I know I was very angry when I found out that you were regressing. It wasn't right." He said. "I was still mad at your mom for leaving, but there's more that I never told you."

Antonio crossed his arms, trying not to look as hurt as he felt.

"I know about mom." Antonio said. "She took one of my friends in there when she was struggling to regress. She traumatized her and then had the audacity to try and get me to live with her and her new boyfriend." 

Antonio's dad sighed.

"I don't understand any of this regression business, and I thought your mom had roped you into it. That's why I was so angry at you."

"I didn't start regressing because of mom. I did it for extra credit before I even found her again. I really like it, and everyone in this house is nicer than you've been in months."

The front door opened and Doug watched the two interact. He wanted to be there in case things got ugly.

"I'm glad you have something to turn to when you're stressed and upset. I can't give you any of that, so I just wanted to say goodbye, and that I still love you."

Antonio felt a tear fall down his cheek. Taking in all of this information was a lot for him, and he was beginning to regress.

"I... I love you too." He said softly. His dad nodded and turned to leave.

"Take care of yourself," Doug said. "Antonio's in good hands. He's right where he belongs." With that, Antonio's dad left, and doug guided Antonio into the house, shutting the door. He scooped Antonio up and rubbed his back.

The boy began to cry.

Doug shushed him and carried him up to the nursery, sitting in the rocking chair.

"What the matter, baby boy?" Doug asked gently, wiping Antonio's tears away with his thumb.

"Nuffin." Antonio said after taking in a breath. "Wove you, daddy." He said, snuggling into Doug's chest.

Doug popped his pacifier back into his mouth and smoothed his hair back.

"I love you too, bubba."


(Next section takes place after the end of part 23)

After a couple hours, Bebe woke up and looked around. She was still swaddled tightly, and she wanted something to eat.

The nursery door opened and Anna walked in, smiling.

"Hi baby girl. Feeling better?" She cooed softly, walking in. She undid the swaddle and scooped Bebe up, carrying her over to the changing table. "I see someone needs her diaper changed." Anna said.

Bebe whimpered and squirmed as Anna removed the dirty diaper, wiping her bottom and front. She sprinkled baby powder on her and placed a clean diaper under Bebe's bottom, taping it up snuggly.

After a bit of wriggling, Bebe realized it was a thicker diaper than usual.

"That's a nighttime diaper, baby. You almost leaked through the other one, so mama's just thinking ahead." Anna said. She left the room to wash her hands, and when she returned, put Bebe in a clean onesie. She picked her up and laid her back down in her bassinet.

"I'll be right back with your baba. I think some quiet time with mama will help you get back into your headspace." Anna said, leaving the nursery.

Just as Bebe had a minute to herself to think, Leo walked in and looked down at her.

"Still trying to be a big girl, huh baby?" He cooed, rubbing a few circles on Bebe's tummy. Bebe whimpered.

"Give it up, little one. You're a baby, that's final. Big kids don't wear diapers or sleep in bassinets." Leo said.

"Only because you make me." Bebe mumbled, looking up at him.

Leo smirked and scooped Bebe up. She struggled to get out of his arms, but he held her tightly to his chest, rubbing her back and shushing her.

"Don't give me that attitude, or you'll be getting punished again. My baby's spent enough time up here, you wouldn't want to extend that too much." Leo said.

Anna finally returned and looked at the two, smiling.

"Aww, are you a daddy's girl today, baby?" Anna cooed to Bebe. Bebe whined in protest, trying to push away from leo again.

Anna took Bebe gently from his arms and sat in the rocking chair, cradling her.

"I've got Bebe if you wanna get the other kids fed ." Anna said, and leo left. Anna kissed Bebe a forehead and talked soothingly as she fed her.

"I know you're upset, but you can't be fussy with papa. We're doing what's best for you." Anna cooed, smiling at Bebe.

Bebe didn't want to argue, even though she felt very differently that how Anna did, so she just drank her bottle.

When it was empty, Anna burped Bebe and popped a pacifier in her mouth, holding her close.

"That's my good baby. You can stay up for another few minutes, but then you need to go night night." Anna said.

Bebe put her head on Anna's shoulder. She was very tired and wouldn't Ming going to bed now, even though it was still fairly early.

Anna caught on to this and stood, laying Bebe back down in her bassinet.

"Goodnight baby, mama will see you in the morning." Anna cooed, leaving the nursery and shutting the door.

With that, Bebe fell asleep. She was ready to just get out of here. She missed her mommy, daddy, and siblings.

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