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At 8 o'clock on Saturday morning, Jen sent a group text to the four kids to let them know that she was going to pick them up at 9, and to have a small bag ready with a comfort item, cell phones, and wallets and ids. She wanted to keep her babies grown up stuff safe, so she would lock it in a small vault in her closet.


Lucy hummed as she packed her 2 stuffies in her back, and her pacifier and a bottle. She also put a sweater in, and her toothbrush and toothpaste. She went to get dressed, happy to meet her new mommy and daddy.

She put on a pink t shirt with white overalls and pink shoes. She brushed her hair, which was a pixie cut that was shaved in the back and on the sides.

She picked up her stuff and walked to the lobby, glad to be a part of this.


Antonio packed nervously. Mrs Wallace sounded so nice, but he was a little scared about what this would be like.

He put his personal stuff in his bag, and squeezed his lucky red bandana tight in his fist.

With that, he picked up his backpack and walked out of the dorm to wait for Mrs Wallace.


Bebe got a late start, but got dressed very quickly. She put on a black long sleeve shirt and blue jeans, putting on black loafers too. After thinking for a minute, she fishtail braided her hair in a single braid and decorated it with a black headband.

She brushed her teeth and swept her important stuff in a bag. She thought about if she wanted breakfast but decided she was too nervous to eat. She left the dorm and went to the lobby of the school, unsure of what was to come.


Mark ran to the front lobby so quickly you would think he was being chased. He woke up at 8:50 and packed what he could before he had to leave.

He got to the front lobby with 5 minutes to spare, and noticed that there were 2 girls and 1 boy. The red haired girl was the one he bumped into the other day. His face turned pink.

"Hi, I'm mark." He said, reaching to shake the girls hand.

"I recognize you... I didn't get hurt though, so you're okay. I'm Bebe." She told him, laughing.

"I'm Lucy. Nice to meet you." Said the brown haired girl.

"I'm Antonio." Greeted the other boy. "Are you all here because of the Wallace's experiment?" He asked, and the other 3 nodded.

Suddenly, a black truck pulled up, and a woman stepped out.

"Good morning everyone, I'm Mrs Wallace." She said, shaking everyone's hands. She opened the trunk and help the group put in their backpacks to they could leave. Once that was done, Lucy, Mark, Antonio and Bebe all got in the car. Antonio and mark sat in the very back, and Bebe and Lucy sat in the middle.

Mrs Wallace got back in the car and started to drive away from the school.

"Alright everyone, you may be wondering about the experiment. As you know, you filled out something like an application. This was to help me get to know you. With that said, you know that you will be staying with me and my husband as our babies." Jen said.

"Excuse me Mrs Wallace, but if you don't mind my asking, what will we do about school?" Antonio piped up.

"Well sweetie, you will be on an extended break, I should say. Your professors were all notified that you would be doing a new program, and that you wouldn't be attending classes. You do have the option of taking your classes next year, after the experiment is over." Jen explained.

The 4 students nodded.

"Umm, what should we call you and your husband?" Mark asked.

"I would like to be called mommy, but you can call me what you're comfortable with. Jen said. She smiled into the rear view mirror.

"How long is the experiment?" Bebe asked.

"It might be a few months. It depends on if you like it and if you want to stay. It could even be permanent, but Doug and I won't force any of you to do something you don't want." Jen replied.


When they got to the house, everyone got out of the car and got their backpacks. They walked up to the house and sighed in awe; the house was big and beautiful.

"I love it, it's gorgeous." Bebe commented.

"Thank you dear." Hen smiled. She opened the door and held it as the kids followed her inside.

"Please put your backpacks in that bin, with your phones, wallets and keys inside them. If you have a comfort item in there that you want on hand, remove it before you put the bag down. Doug and I want to keep your grown up stuff safe." Jen announces.

Lucy pulled her stuffies and paci and bottle out, and put the rest in the bin. Bebe, mark and Antonio just put their bags in the bin.

"Alright, follow me to the dining room, please." Jen said, and the 5 went to the dining room.

They saw Doug sitting at one of the 2 head chairs of the table, drinking a cup of coffee. He looked up at the kids and smiled. "Hello all, I'm Doug. It's very nice to meet you." He said warmly. "Please take a seat." He added.

The 4 kids each took a seat on 1 of the long sides of the table, and Jen sat at the other head seat. She pulled out 4 sheets of paper.

"I have here all of your applications. Thank you for cooperating, this helped me get to know a little about all of you." She told them. "You probably noticed that we asked for your favorite colors, snack foods, movies, and what clothes you like. This was so we could get you each your own plates, cups, and other stuff like that. Does anyone have any more questions?"

"How old do we have to be as babies?" Mark asked.

"Well, Doug and I are going to have a little bit of an observation period to determine what ages you naturally regress to. That way, we can take good care of you and know what you need and want." Jen replied honestly. Mark nodded.

"Mrs Wallace, I might know what age I'll be." Lucy said shyly. Jen looked at her curiously. "I'm a little." Lucy clarifies.

"That's good to know, darling. We still want to double check in your case, so you can get proper care."

Doug cleared his throat. "I think for our first day we'll get to know each other a little better. Why don't you 4 wait in the living room, and Jen and I will make breakfast. While we eat we can go over house rules." He told them. Antonio, Bebe, Lucy and Mark nodded and walked together to the living room, and the 2 new parents went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

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