Baby's home

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Jen ran frantically into the living room, where Doug was drinking his coffee while the babies were still asleep.

"Doug, I gotta go get Antonio. His dad kicked him out and he was crying on the phone. I'll be back later today." She said, getting her coat on. She grabbed her keys and ran out of the house. Doug could hear the car start and pull out of the driveway. He set his coffee down and put his head in his hands.

A few minutes later, the baby monitor crackled, showing that the babies were up. Doug went up to the nursery. He picked mark up first, and changed his diaper. He put him in a blue onesie and gray sweatpants, setting him down in his crib. Doug then changed Lucy and put her into a pink onesie and white overalls. He put some pink knee socks on her. He got Bebe out last and changed her, dressing her in a yellow onesie with black leggings.

Doug picked up Bebe and walked out of the nursery, Mark and Lucy toddling begins him. He got the toddlers to sit at the table and sat Bebe in her high chair while he made oatmeal for breakfast.

After all the food was cooked, he gave Mark and Lucy their bowls and they started eating. He set babes bowl down to where she could reach, but she did nothing.

"Daddy needs you to eat, Bebe. Do you want daddy to feed you?" Doug asked. Bebe didn't say anything, she just sat there.

"Not hungry." She whispered. As if to act against her, her tummy growled loudly.

"I think you are hungry, but you just don't want to eat. Daddy wants you to at least eat a little bit, okay?" Doug said. Bebe shook her head. "How about a bottle? Can you drink some milk at least?"

"No want anything." Bebe said. 

Doug realized that she was in a little older of a headspace today. "Alright sweetie pie, you can eat later." He said.

When Mark and Lucy finished eating, Doug gave them bottles of water. They went off to the living room and looked through some books to read.


At lunchtime, Doug had all the babies at their seats in the kitchen. Mark and Lucy were eating grilled chees sandwiches cut into quarters, and Bebe had a cup of yogurt in front of her. Doug sat in his seat and turned it to face Bebe more. 

"Do you want me to feed you, baby?" He asked. Bebe nodded. Doug opened the yogurt and scooped some on the baby spoon, moving it near Bebe. She opened her mouth and accepted the food. She let Doug feed her until the yogurt was gone.

"There's my good girl. Are you still hungry kiddo?" Doug cooed. Bebe shook her head. "Okay, but let daddy know if you want a snack later." Bebe nodded.


Jen finally found the curb where Antonio was waiting, crying and shaking while holding his red bandana for dear life. Jen put a hand to her mouth in shock when she saw that her babies hands were starting to turn blue. She cot out of the car and walked over to him, standing him up and hugging him tightly.

"Oh, my poor baby." She cooed. She picked up his bag and put it in the car, walking him to his seat. Antonio got in the car and buckled his seatbelt as Jen got back in the car. She dialed a number on her phone and put it to her ear.

"Doug, it's me. I found Antonio and we're heading home now. I'll see you soon. Love you." She said, hanging up the phone. She reached into the back and pulled out a blanket, wrapping it around Antonio. "It's okay bubba, we'll be home before you know it. Just take a nap." Jen said soothingly. Antonio pulled his pacifier out and sucked on it, holding his red bandana. He curled into the blanket and buried his cold face in it, falling asleep at last.


Jen pulled into the driveway at 3 that afternoon. She texted Doug to let him know she was home and that she needed him to come out and carry Antonio inside.

Doug walked outside and opened the passenger seat door, unbuckle Antonio. He picked him up and kissed his forehead. "Has he been asleep this whole time, Jenny?" Doug asked his wife.

"Yeah, he was exhausted." Hen replied. She picked up Antonio's bandana which he had dropped, and tucked it into her pocket. The couple walked inside and up to the nursery. Antonio started moving, whining behind his pacifier.

"Hey bubba, welcome home." Doug cooed. Antonio started crying and wrapped his arms around doug's neck. "Daddy!" He sobbed.

"It's okay sweetheart, mommy and daddy are here." Jen said, smoothing Antonio's hair, wiping his tears away. "Daddy's gonna give you a bath and get you dressed, okay?" She continues. Antonio nodded, clinging to his daddy.


Doug secured Antonio's diaper and put some footie pajamas on him. "There. Bubba's all safe and comfy back at home." Doug said. He picked up Antonio and carried him to the playroom. Lucy Mark and Bebe were already there, Mark and Lucy playing with the play kitchen, and Bebe was lounging on a bean bag.

Doug set Antonio down and let him decide where he wanted to play. Doug then went to pick up Bebe. "I think it's time for a snack little one. You didn't eat a lot today." He said, carrying Bebe away.

"What happened, Tonio?" Lucy asked crawling over to her brother. Antonio looked sad and cried a little bit. "My dad kicked me out. He doesn't like me anymore." Antonio said, sucking his pacifier. Lucy hugged him. "We like you." She said. Mark crawled over and joined the hug. 


Doug sat in front of ebbed high chair with a bowl of oatmeal. He dipped the baby spoon into it and held it to Bebes mouth. "Open up baby." He cooed. Bebe kept her mouth closed. "Come on Bebe, daddy needs you to eat." Doug said. Bebe shook her head.

"If you don't eat, you're gonna go to time out." Doug warned. "No." Bebe whined. "Then let daddy feed you sweetie." Doug said softly. Bebe shook her head again and Doug sighed. He picked her up under the armpits and carried her upstairs, opening the door to the time out room. He walked into the room and set Bebe down facing the corner.

"Daddy will be back in 10 minutes." Doug said, walking out of the room, shutting the door behind him. He could hear Bebe crying. He felt bad, but Bebe knew the rules, and it was only 10 minutes. He walked to the playroom to check on the other babies.


"Daddy!" Lucy smiled, crawling over to Doug. He picked her up and kissed her forehead. "Hey kiddo. What are you up to?"

"Playing blocks." Lucy said. "Oh I see." Doug said. He put Lucy down and picked up mark.

"Bubba you need a change." He said. Mark pouted. Doug carries him out of the playroom and into the nursery.


Doug set mark on the changing table and unsnapped his onesie. He took out a new diaper and placed it under mark. He undid the old diaper and took it off, setting it aside. He held marks ankles in one hand and lifted his legs up, wiping his bum.

Mark whined a little. "No daddy. Want down." He said. "In a minute bubba." Doug said. He picked up the baby powder and poured it on marks bum, lowering him onto the puffy diaper. He powdered his front and pulled up the diaper tightly to tape it. He then balled up the old diaper and threw it away.

He put mark's onesie back on him and picket him up, patting his bum. "All set bubba. Thank you for being such a good boy." Doug cooed carrying him back to the playroom. He set mark down and ruffled his hair. He left the playroom and went to the time out room.


"Do you know why you were put in time out?" He asked Bebe. "Didn't eat." Bebe sniffles. Doug nodded. "That's right. Are you ready to eat now without being fussy?" Doug asked. "Yes daddy." Bebe said. Doug smiled and picked her up, carrying her to the kitchen.

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