Untitled Part 22

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Bebe woke up with a soiled diaper. She cried and waited for Doug to come take care of her. Doug walked into the nursery, cooing and shushing her.

"What's the matter, baby girl? Do you need a diaper change?" He asked, picking Bebe up. He patted her bum and nodded. "Let's get you changed, sweetie." He said, laying her down on the changing table. Doug undid her onesie and rolled it up, opening the dirty diaper. Bebe whimpered as the cold air his the, but Doug settled her down. He wiped her front and bottom clean, sprinkling her with baby powder.

Bebe sniffled as Doug placed a new diaper on her and closed it, taping it shut. Bebe felt better when the clean diaper was wrapped around her bottom, and stopped crying.

"All better, kiddo. Let's get you all dressed, and then we're gonna go downstairs." Doug said. He pulled out a white and yellow striped onesie and put it on Bebe, snapping it shut. He picked her back up and patted her bottom again. He popped her paci back in her mouth and carried her downstairs.

"Charlie, this is our other little girl, Bebe. She's the youngest out of all the kids." Jen told her brother, who smiled. "She just woke up from a pretty long nap, so she should be pretty calm tonight. If you have any trouble, the emergency numbers are on the fridge, and you have me and Doug in your phone, of course." Jen said. She reached out to take Bebe from Doug and kissed her cheek.

"Aw, she's so sweet." Charlie said, smiling. "Hi Bebe, I'm your uncle Charlie. I'm going to be babysitting you tonight." Charlie cooed.

"Bye bye baby, mommy loves you." Jen cooed to Bebe. Bebe hugged her and smiled. Jen handed Bebe to Charlie, and she and Doug looked into the living room. "Bye little ones, see you in a little while." Jen said, waving at the other five kids.

"Bye mommy!" Mark and Antonio called, while Ashton, cole and Lucy just waved. Jen and Doug left the house. Charlie walked into the living room and sat on the couch, cradling Bebe.

"Alright kids, what do you want to do?" Charlie asked, looking at the five older kids.

"I wanna play basketball!" Cole cheered. Ash, Antonio  and mark all agreed. They made their way outside to the basketball hoop, all the lines on the driveway.

Charlie stayed inside with the girls, unsure of what they wanted to do.

"Uncle Charlie?" Lucy asked suddenly, looking up at the other.

"Yeah kiddo?" Charlie asked, walking over with Bebe and sitting on the floor next to Lucy.

"I'm glad you're here, you really nice." Lucy said and smiled.

"Thanks Lucy, I'm glad I'm here too." Charlie said. He patted Lucy's back and stood up, looking for a bouncer or playpen for Bebe.

"Bebe's playpen is over there." Lucy said, pointing behind the couch.

"Thanks Lucy." Charlie said, walking over to the couch and pulling the playpen out. He set it up with one arm and sat Bebe down in it.

Back outside, the boys were having a great game. Ash and mark were on a team and cole and Antonio were on a team. They were neck and neck, on the final point of the game. Antonio threw the ball over the other boys heads and sunk it in the net, scoring the winning point.

"Yes, that's what I'm talking about!" Cole yelled exited, running up to Antonio and hugging him. "Good game, guys." He said to ash and mark, high fiving them. The four walked back inside and into the kitchen for water.

"Hey guys, how was your game?" Charlie asked them.

"It was fun." Mark said. He grabbed a glass of water and went to the living room, sitting on the floor next to Lucy. The other boys followed, sitting on the couch.

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