Untitled Part 21

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Bebe had not talked much lately, still trying to work through her trauma from being kidnapped. The other kids were trying to help her readjust to being safe back at home, but she was retreating back in her shell.

"Good morning sweet pea. How's my little girl doing today?" Jen cooed as she walked into the nursery. She picked Bebe up and set her on the changing table, changing her diaper and outfit. "Let's go down for breakfast." Jen said, carrying Bebe to the kitchen. She set he in her high chair and went to make Bebe oatmeal and a bottle.

The small girl ate very slowly and quietly, sitting still as a statue. Jen was concerned for her, but didn't want to throw a bunch of questions at her. Doug walked into the kitchen and smiled when he saw Bebe.

"Hey kiddo. How are you today?" He cooed, ruffling bebe's hair. She couldn't help but smile up at him. Doug smiled back.

"Alright baby, do you want mommy to feed you your bottle or do you want to hold it yourself?" Jen asked. Bebe held out her arms to Jen and Jen picked her up.

The doorbell rang, and Doug went to go answer it. "Jenny, we have some visitors." He said, walking into the living room with two boys. Bebe looked at them and smiled.

"Ash. Cole." She mumbled happily. Bebe looked at Jen and signaled to her that she wanted to be put down. Jen did so, and Bebe ran to hug the boys. "What are you doing here?" She asked.

"There's something you need to see. Can you come with us?" Cole said. Bebe looked at Jen and Doug for permission, and they nodded.

"Yeah. Let's go." Bebe said. She followed the boys out of the house and to a small blue sedan she had not seen before. She got in the back seat and ash got in the drivers seat, cole sitting next to him. Ash pulled out of the driveway and drove down the road.

15 minutes later, they arrived at their destination. It was Anna and Leo's house. Bebe started getting tears eyes. "No." She whimpered. How could ash and cole bring her back to Anna and Leo? They were gonna keep her locked up for sure, and never let her out of their sight. Jake and Kelsey would be Mean to her again and they would tease her for sure.

"Bebe, it's okay, we promise." Ash said. He and cole got out of the car and motioned for Bebe to follow him. She did, but with caution. They got to the front door and when ash opened it, ebbed heartbeat quickened. She reached out for Cole's hand and held it tight.

When they walked into the house, it was strangely quiet. Was this all some sort of prank? We're Anna and Leo gonna come out at any moment and hold Bebe captive again? Bebe started crying, and cole picked her up to comfort her.

"Hey, it's okay. There's nobody here. The house is empty." Cole told her. He rubbed her back and walked into the kitchen, spotting a paci on the kitchen counter. He picked it up and placed it in bebes mouth. She sucked on it and it started calming her.

"Come on guys, we're here for a reason." Ash said, turning to them.

"Okay, but there's something I want to do first." Cole said. He walked upstairs with Bebe and ash followed them. Cole walked down the hall and went into bevels former nursery. 

When they entered the room, Bebe started getting fussy again. Cole bounced her and rubbed her back.

"Bebe, you're alright. Just take a look around for me, okay?" Cole said. Bebe lifted her head from the boys shoulder and looked around the room. It was the exact same as when she had been there.

"Why did you bring me here?" She asked.

"To prove that they're gone." Ash said, leading the group out of the nursery. He brought them to the older girls room and went in. All the furniture was still there. He opened the drawers, revealing nothing. They were empty.

"I don't get it." Bebe said. 

"They're gone. We realized it the other day. The dressers in the boy rooms are empty, same with in the master bedroom." Ash said.

"But why would the nursery be in tact?" Bebe asked.

"Think about it. They didn't need anything from your room because they weren't planning to take you." Cole told her. Bebe was still confused.

"But it's a  nursery sized for a teenager or young adult. Wouldn't that be suspicious?" Bebe asked. The boys chuckled.

"Bee, it's a college town. People do weird and different stuff all the time, it might just seem like a prank." 

"We should get her back home. We've kept her here long enough. Look at her, I think she's starting to regress." Ash said. Sure enough, Bebe was sucking her pacifier. She looked around, her eyebrows going down. 

Ash and cole left the house and sat Bebe in the back seat of the car, buckling her in. "I'm gonna sit with her back here." Cole told Ashton. The other boy nodded, and they headed back to the Wallace house.

When they got there, cole unbuckled Bebe and stepped out of the car, reaching in and taking her in his arms. She nuzzled her face in his shoulder and rubbed her eyes sleepily. Cole smiled. Ash followed them to the front door and knocked. Doug opened the door and ushered the boys inside.

"I'll take Bebe." He said, and cole handed the girl to him. Bebe smiled at Doug and cooed happily. "Thank you, boys. We're very happy you got her home safely." He said.

"Of course. That place wasn't good for her, and not for us, at least in the end. But Anna and Leo are gone, who knows where they are now." Ash replied honestly.

"We would love to repay the favor, so if you two ever need anything, please let us know." Jen said as she walked in from the kitchen, a bottle in hand for Bebe.

Ash and cole looked at each other before turning back to Jen and Doug.

"Actually..." cole began, shifting his weight from side to side. He took a breath before talking again. "We wouldn't want to impose, but we were wondering-" he said.

"Of course. We have plenty of room. We would love to have you two stay here as well." Doug said warmly. Ash and cole beamed and hugged the two. "We'll have to get some more furniture, but we should have enough clothes and toys." He added, looking to Jen.

"I'll start looking. Boys, why don't you go play with the other kids?" Jen said. Ash and cole nodded and ran up to the playroom.

Bebe yawned and gripped doug's shoulder. He looked down at her and kissed the top of her head. "Okay kiddo, let's get you fed and put down for a nice nap." He cooed, carrying her up to the nursery. He sat in the rocking chair and Bebe opened up for her bottle, drinking the formula happily. Doug rocked gently and hummed, and before the bottle was half empty, Bebe was sound asleep. Doug burped her and replaced the bottle with her pacifier, carrying her to her crib. He laid her down and turned on the baby monitor, smiling once more at her peaceful state. He was so glad she was home, safe and sound. He left the nursery and closed the door, heading to the playroom to let the other kids know to quiet down a little. They gladly complied, agreeing that Bebe needed her sleep.

Doug went into his and jens room where Jen was looking online for more cribs. They didn't have any in stock, so she wasn't sure what to do.

"Let's see what age ash and cole regress to and sort out their bed situation in a day. For now, we have a pull out couch that they can sleep on, as well as a couple sleeping bags and stuff. They'll be fine for a couple nights." Doug said, seeing his wife look discouraged. She nodded and closed the laptop.

"You're right. I guess I'm just so used to our other four being so little, I don't see other ages often." Jen said. Doug hugged her and kissed her, swaying her side to side in his arms.

"I get that. Don't worry, we'll get it figured out. Now then, I think we deserve a little date night. We'll call in a babysitter and go out for dinner, what do you think?" Doug said, dancing around the room with Jen. She smiled and kissed him.

"That sounds perfect. I'll go make reservations." She agreed. She picked up her phone and called their favorite restaurant, looking forward to a nice dinner.

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