Part 16

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At 11, ash, Bebe and cole were being tucked in for a morning nap. Anna put Bebe  in her bassinet without a fuss, as the littlest one felt comfortable in her bassinet. She had her soother bobbing in her mouth and she listened to the sounds around her. 

Cole was a little difficult, because he was also being put down for a nap in the nursery.

"Mama, pease not here." He lisped, sitting on the floor. Anna picked him up, but it took a minute to get him settled.

"I know it's a girly room sweetie, but I don't want you in your big boy bed. You could fall and get hurt." Anna cooed. She put cole down in the crib. "Mama will see you 2 later. Sweet dreams." Anna said, turning on the mobile in the crib and the baby monitor.

"Where ash?" Bend mumbled from behind her soother. Anna smiled and pushed it back into her mouth.

"Ashton is going to nap in mama and papas room. He's having trouble adjusting to his new age. You'll see him after you nap. Night night pumpkin." Anna said. She left the room.

When Ana walked into hers and Leo's room, she saw Leo rocking Ashton in his arms. "It's time to go to sleep. You're getting fussy." Leo cooed.

"Not sleepy." Ashton said. He crossed his arms and pouted. Leo put Ashton down in the playpen on his back. "Mama." He whimpered, holding his arms up. Anna walked over to the playpen.

"It's alright little one. Mamas right here. Go to sleep." Anna cooed. Ash's bottom lip wobbled, and Leo placed a soother in his mouth. Soon, ash was asleep. Anna and Leo left their room and went down to the kitchen to talk.

Bebe closed her eyes to try and sleep, but her stomach growled loudly. She was hungry. She looked over at cole. He was already asleep. She didn't want to wake him by crying, but she needed to get Anna or Leo's attention.

"Mama!" Bebe yelled. She looked up and saw that cole was still sleeping. Bebe waited for a few minutes before Ann's walked into the nursery.

"What's the matter sweetie? Did you have another nightmare?" Anna cooed. She picked Bebe up.

"Hungry." Bebe said. Anna smiled.

"Okay, let's go get you a snack before your nap." Anna said. She carried Bebe downstairs, and bends stomach growled again. "My my, someone's very hungry." Anna said. She put Bebe in her high chair once they got to the kitchen. Anna went to the fridge and pulled out a cup of strawberry yogurt.

"What's up with our little girl?" Leo asked. He sat at the counter with a cup of coffee.

"She was hungry. I didn't want her to have trouble sleeping, so I'm just gonna give her some yogurt before I bring her back upstairs." Anna told him.

"What about the boys?" Leo asked.

"They're asleep. They'll stay on their schedule. Bebe might be a little thrown off, but we'll fix that tonight. Won't we pumpkin?" Anna said, cooing at Bebe. She stood in front of the chair and opened the yogurt, dipping the baby spoon into it. She brought the spoon to nenes mouth.

Bebe ate the yogurt quietly and when it was gone, Anna picked her up. "Alright, I'm gonna put Bebe down. I'll be down in a few minutes." Anna said. Bebe whimpered.

"Not sleepy mama." Bebe said. She looked up at Anna with puppy dog eyes.

"That's not your choice, baby. It's naptime. You can come back downstairs after your nap." Anna said. Bebe started crying. Anna rubbed her back.

"Here, I'll take her." Leo said, taking Bebe from Anna's arms. He rested her against his chest and held her close, bouncing softly. "You're ready for a nap." He said. He carried Bebe over to the couch and sat with her until she calmed down. Once she did, he stood up and went upstairs.

"Papa..." she whimpered as he put her in her bassinet. He put her soother in her mouth.

"It's okay kiddo, just go to sleep. You'll feel better when you wake up." Leo said. He turned on nenes mobile and left the nursery.

Cole sat up. "Are you okay?" He asked. Bebe shook her head. Cole got out of the crib and walked over to Bebe.

"I wanna get out of here." Bebe said.

"I know. We'll leave tonight. I'll tell Ashton later. You'll be home before you know it." Cole said. He stayed next to Bebe until she fell asleep, then climber back into the crib.

As he closed his eyes, the light on the baby monitor blinked. 

At 12:30, Ashton, Bebe and cole were brought down to the kitchen for lunch. Anna and Leo made chicken noodle soup. There was a bowl of it one all the high chair trays and a bottle of milk. 

Anna sat Bebe down in her high chair and held the spoon up to her. "Do you want to feed yourself?" She asked. Bebe smiled and nodded and took the spoon. She started eating the soup, happy that she was given some freedom.

Anna and Leo looked at each other and smiled. They each fed ash or cole, then Anna went to get bottles. She put one on all of the high chair trays 

After drinking the bottles, the kids were picked up out of their chairs and put on the living room flor to play.

"Play nicely little ones. Papa and me will check on you later." Anna said. She and Leo walked away, unaware that the kids were scowling at them.

Bebe looked down at the floor sadly, feeling down.

"Hey B, it's okay. We're gonna get out of here." Cole whispered, hugging her.

"You keep saying that but it hasn't happened yet." Bebe said, starting to cry. Cole hugged her tighter and Ashton hugged her on the other side.

"Just try to calm down. Let's do something fun." He said. Bebe sniffled. "Like what?" She asked him. He looked around the room, trying to find something to do.

"I don't know. Please don't be sad. We'll get you home before you know it." Ash told her. He picked up a stuffed dog that was on the floor and gave it to her. 

The three laid down on the floor, all holding a stuffed animal or blanket, taking a little cat nap. Anna and Leo walked back into the room and smiled. "I'll take Bebe upstairs if you want to take the boys. Bring coley first, I think." Anna said.

Bebe woke up feeling refreshed. She was a little groggy, so she went to rub the sleep out of her eyes. She couldn't move. She tried to move her leg, but nothing happened. She was worried. She tried to sit up. Nada.

Bebe whimpered. What did Anna and Leo do?!

The nursery door opened and Leo walked in, walking over to the bassinet.

"What's wrong, little one?" He cooed, picking Bebe up. He held her against his chest and rocked her. He picked up her pacifier that she dropped and popped it back in her mouth. "Oh, are you upset that you can't move, sweetie?" He asked. Bebe let out a quiet whine in response.

"It's okay baby, it won't last foeever. Just relax, papa's got you." Leo said, kissing ebbed forehead. She cried out behind the soother, and Leo held her up against his shoulder, rubbing her back. He kissed her forehead and carried her down to the living room.

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