Untitled Part 24

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It was nap time, but Antonio just wasn't tired. He laid in his crib, holding his bandana in his hands. He used to take it everywhere, but he could hardly stand to look at it anymore. He threw it onto the floor and rolled onto his side.

How could his mom have done such a horrible thing? Antonio sat up and looked around the nursery. Lucy, mark and Bebe were all asleep, and he didn't want to wake them. He heard footsteps and tooled to the doorway to see Doug walking into the nursery.

"Hey bubba, why are you still up?" Doug asked softly. Antonio reached his arms out to Doug, and the man picked him up.

"Sad, daddy." Antonio mumbled. He nuzzled his face into dougs neck, and the other rubbed his back.

"What's the matter, kiddo?" Doug asked. He sat in the rocking chair and started to rock gently.

"Don't have parents no more." Antonio said around his paci.

"What are you talking about?" Doug asked.

"Mom is mean and dad doesn't like me anymore." Antonio explained. Doug smoothed his hair back.

"You know what, bubba? Jenny and I are your parents, and we will never leave you." Doug said. Antonio smiled and leaned closer to Doug.

"Thank you." He said.

"You're welcome, baby boy." Doug said. He sat with Antonio and rocked him for a while longer, until he felt the smaller boy slump against him fully. He was asleep. Doug stood up and laid him in his crib, leaving the nursery.

An hour later, the babies all woke up and were brought to the playroom where ash and cole were.

"Hey guys, can I ask you something?" Antonio asked.

"Yeah." Ash said. Antonio looked down at Bebe. He couldn't ask anything about the house around her, it would scare her. Antonio crawled over to the older boys and sat across from them. 

Mark and Lucy noticed, and decided to help keep Bebe distracted so the others could talk.

"How did my mom treat Bebe? She was so scared when she and that guy found us we came to get you guys." Antonio whispered.

"She and Leo treated Bebe like a real baby, usually a pretty young one. Bebe hated it there, and she wasn't there willingly like the rest of us." Cole said.


Bebe was bored as usual, she never really had anything to do. The other kids were playing outside, leaving her alone in the house for now with just Anna and Leo. She looked around the living room from her playpen, where she had a small array of foam blocks.

"Hey, sweet girl. Why don't you come sit with mama?" Anna cooed, walking into the living room. She scooped Bebe up from her playpen and carried her over to the couch. Bebe leaned against Anna's chest. She usually didn't want Anna and Leo hanging around her, but she was tired, so she didn't really care.

Anna hummed softly and swayed side to side with Bebe, relaxing the girl. She sucked her pacifier and closed her eyes, feeling more comfortable than she had in a while. Though she didn't like being there, she was glad Anna was at home this time and not Leo.

"Okay sweetie, let's go get you in the bath and then you can take a nice nap." Anna said, walking upstairs with Bebe. She carried her to the bathroom and shut the door, sitting Bebe on the bath mat.

Anna plugged the tub up and filled it with warm water, adding strawberry scented bubble bath. When the tub was full, she got Bebe out of her clothes and placed her in the water in a large baby seat.

Bebe sat quietly as Anna washed her hair, playing with some small bath toys.  When she was all clean, Anna picked her up and wrapped her in a hooded towel, carrying her back to the nursery. She laid her on the changing table and pulled out a new diaper, placing it under her bottom. Anna sprinkled her with baby powder and closed up the diaper, taping it snuggly.

Anna dressed Bebe in a long sleeve onesie and white soft socks before picking her back up. "Alright baby girl, time for a nap." She cooed. She laid Bebe down in her bassinet and smoothed her hair out.

"No nap, mama." Bebe babbled, reaching out for Anna. The taller one smiled and kissed beneath forehead. 

"Yes little one, you're sleepy. Mama will see you in a little bit." Anna said. She placed a new pacifier in nenes mouth and turned on the mobile and baby monitor, leaving the nursery after shutting off the light.

/end flashback/

"She's better off here. We all are." Antonio said. He was still angry at his mom for hurting him and his friends, but he needed to let it go. He didn't want to hurt himself by thinking about what happened with Anna.

As Antonio sat in a kind of trance,  the playroom door opened and Doug walked in.

"Hey kiddos, it's time to eat. Let's go downstairs." He said, picking up Bebe. He lead the way, with the other kids after him.

Jen and Doug got all the kids in their seats and then brought the food in, placing a bowl in front of each kid. Doug sat in front of bebe's high chair and picked up her spoon, scooping some of the spaghettios onto it, bringing it to her lips.

"Come on, sweet pea, open up for daddy." Doug cooed gently, smiling. Bebe opened her mouth and at the bite, chewing slowly. "Good job, baby girl." He praised, getting another bite ready.

Bebe ate the rest of her food without a fuss, and Doug was proud.

"All gone. We'll done, Bebe. Let's go get you a bottle." Doug said. He got up and went to get a bottle for Bebe, coming back and picking her up, carrying her to the living room. He sat on the couch and cradled her. Bebe latched onto the bottle and drank the milk calmly, looking up at Doug with big eyes.

Doug kissed her forehead and hummed softly. When the bottle was empty, Doug burped Bebe and laid her down on her tummy on the carpet.

"Okay sweetie, you play here while daddy helps mommy with your siblings." He said, leaving the room.

Bebe looked at the toys in front of her. She didn't feel like playing, she wanted her daddy to hold her. She started crying, and Doug was back in the room in seconds.

"What's the mater baby girl? Does someone need a change?" Doug asked, worried. He picked Bebe up, and she calmed down in the next minute. Doug smiled and kissed her forehead. "Okay kiddo, daddy will hold you." He cooed, bouncing her gently. Bebe giggled and leaned into Doug, putting her head on his shoulder.

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