Part 29

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"One, two, thwee." Mark counted, covering his eyes. He, Lucy, ash, cole, Bebe and Antonio were currently playing hide and seek, and he was it.

"Seven, eight, nine, ten. Weady or not, here I come." Mark said, getting out of the corner, uncovering his eyes. He walked carefully around the living room, looking for the other kids. He saw Bebe, sitting on the floor with a blanket on her head.

Doug watched as the kids interacted, and saw Mark creep over to Bebe.

"Where could Bebe be? Is she invisible?" He asked. Bebe started giggling from underneath the blanket. Mark reached out and lifted the blanket up. "Found you!"

Bebe squealed happily, giggling. Doug chuckled and walked over to her.

"Okay, baby girl, indoor voice." Doug said. He picked Bebe up and bounced her gently. "I think someone's ready for a diaper change. Markie, you can continue playing with the other kids, I'll be back in a few minutes." Doug said. He carried Bebe up to the nursery, laying her on the changing table.

While she was usually so good, she became very upset and whiny. She kicked as Doug unbuttoned her onesie, and undid the tapes of her used diaper.

"It's okay, sweetpea, daddy will be done in a minute." Doug cooed, trying to calm Bebe down. He grabbed a wipe and lifted bebe's legs, wiping her bottom clean. He sprinkled her with baby powder and placed a new diaper on her, taping it shut.

As Bebe quieted down, Doug refastened her onesie and picked her up, sitting her in her crib. He went to wash his hands and went back to the nursery, picking up bebe.

"Why were you so fussy, pumpkin? Are you feeling okay?" Doug asked. Bebe just calmly sucked on her pacifier, resting her head on doug's shoulder. He patted her back and hummed softly, going back downstairs.

The other kids had finished their game, and were now playing with stuffed animals. Doug sat Bebe down on the floor next to Lucy. The older girl smiled and handed Bebe a small teddy bear.

Bebe gurgled softly behind her pacifier and hugged Lucy.

Cole stood up and ran over to Doug, clutching a stuffed tabby cat by its paw.

"Daddy?" He asked, tugging on doug's sleeve.

"Yes Cole?" Doug asked, looking down at the boy.

"Can I ask you something?" Cole asked. Doug nodded and walked into the other room with cole so they could talk privately.

"What's up, kiddo?" Doug asked.

"I don't think I'm a big boy. I think I'm three. Anna and Leo only wanted one baby and no toddlers, so they made me be older, but I feel like I'm younger." Cole said. He looked up at Doug with puppy dog eyes.

"Okay, that's fine, bubba. Mommy and I will do a short observation period and see if you do in fact regress to a three year old. Once we can confirm, we'll switch out some of your big boy things for toddler things." Doug said.

Cole beamed, and reached out to hug Doug. The man pulled him onto his lap and held him close.

"There's not really room in the nursery, but we can just get you a toddler bed, and you can still share a room with Ash, how's that?" Doug said.

"Good, daddy. Fank you." Cole said. He hugged his daddy again before jumping down, running off to play with his siblings.


Jake and Kelsey were in the living room, playing with blocks. Kelsey was having fun, but Jake looked miserable.

"Cheer up, Jakey. Now we get to play together."  Kelsey said. Jake scoffed, rolling his eyes. He picked up a block and threw it across the room.

Footsteps got louder, and Leo walked into the room. "What was that, babies?" He asked. Kelsey wasted no time in pointing to Jake, smiling behind her pacifier.

"Jakey, we don't throw things. Do you wanna tell papa why you did that?" Leo asked, walking over to Jake. 

Jake got on his hands and knees, pushing himself up to stand, but Leo grabbed him around the waist and pulled him onto his lap. Upon landing, jale's diaper squished against his bottom, and he realized he used it.

Leo must have realized what happened, and he picked Jake up, carrying him to the nursery. Jake screamed and cried, trying to get out of Leo's arms, but the man tightened his grip. When the ey got to the nursery, leo shut the door and laid Jake down on the changing table, unsnapped his onesie.

"Stop it, Papa! I'll be a good boy, I promise!" Jake begged, kicking his legs. Leo sighed and looked down at the boy.

"Jakey, you can either calm down for me or I'll give you medicine that will make you unable to move, and you'll be a helpless little baby for the next few hours." Leo said softly.

Jake froze for a second, but began kicking and screaming all over again. Leo decided that if he wanted to be fussy, that was fine. He knew how to deal with fussy babies, after all.

Leo grabbed a syringe and little bottle of clear liquid. He filled the syringe and brought the needle to jakes arm, pressing it in place. He pushed down the end, and injected Jake with the medicine.

It only took about 10 seconds for the medicine to kick in, and when it did, Jake was still. His body felt numb and heavy. He cried, upset at this new development.

Leo smiled and cooed at him. "Oh, I know you're sad, kiddo, but you have papa no choice." He said. He looked down at jakes diaper and frowned. "The first real diaper change is always the hardest, and lucky for you, you have a messy one right off the bat." Leo cooed.

Jake sobbed as Leo removed the tapes and pulled down the front of the diaper. He tutted at Jake and grabbed a baby wipe, lifting his ankles in one hand.

He wiped Jake clean, and since the boy was immobile., he couldn't escape the infantile treatment he received.

Finally, Leo cleaned Jake up and applied some rash cream to his bottom, and baby powder to his entire lower region. He grabbed a new diaper and taped it up securely, replacing jakes onesie. He went to wash his hands, leaving Jake to his thoughts. It was nice to be clean, but now he knew how Kelsey must have felt for all these years.

He had been so needlessly mean to her.

Leo returned and smiled at Jake. He picked him up and kissed his forehead.

"I know that was hard for you, Jakey. Soon enough, you'll learn to be a good boy. In fact, you won't care where papa changes you, you'll just be glad to get out of an icky diaper, and into a clean one." Leo coos.

Jake cries, exhausted. He can't take this for much longer.

"Okay, fussy boy, time for a nap. When you wake up, maybe we can do something fun." Leo said. He laid Jake down in the new crib, turning on the mobile. He left the room and shut the door again.

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