Chapter 36 - Five O.

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Jessica gasped at the fact that her mother was even in the hospital. She don't know how, but everyone that she didn't want in her life were suddenly popping up out of nowhere. Jessica wanted to lift up, but she was still in pain from giving birth.

"What are you doing here?" Jessica shouted. "Give me back my baby!"

"Shh. I just wanted to see my grandson, Jessie." Her mother smiled.

"You didn't even want him! Give me my son back now!" She said louder as Daniel woke up from her voice, but acted like he was asleep. "And how did you even find me!?"

"Jessica I remembered the date that you were due." Her mom said as she scoffed at her. "You really think that I wouldn't figure out that you went over Justine's house?"

In an instant, Jessica hit the red emergency button next to her hospital bed. She was so angry that she began to slam and bang on it repeatedly. All she wanted was someone to assist her immediately so that she could get her son out of her mothers hands.

"Jess what are you doing?"

Seconds later, 2 nurses came inside of the room. They had a health aid kit in their hands just in case she was bleeding of any sort.

"Tell her to give me back my baby!" Jessica shouted loudly as she pointed to her mother, and inched out of her bed.

"No please, ma'am." Her mother begged as she held DJ close to her. "I was just trying to spend some time with my grandson."

"Get her out of my room!" Jessica screamed, causing her to jump.

"Ma'am, you have to give her her child back." One of the nurses said.

"Jessica. It's me. Your mother!" She said as she turned her way, and began to tear up.

Suddenly, Daniel walked up to Jessica's mother and slowly tugged the baby out of her hands. Daniel gave her mother an angry glare as he walked over to Jessica, and handed her DJ. Daniel leaned over her and gave her a kiss while Jessica kept her eyes on her mother.

"Thanks baby." Jessica snarled. "I want her out of my room. Now!"

"No wait. Please. Please!" Her mother wailed as two security gaurds escorted her out. "Jessica. I love you!"

"Wake me up if some shit happens like that again." Daniel nodded as he walked over to the couch, and laid back down.

Jessica, Daniel, and the baby slept for a good 4 hours. When they woke up, the sky was purple, indicating that it was rearing from the night. Minutes later, Cody walked into the room with a gift and a card. Jessica gasped when she seen him, not knowing what he would say.


"Hey Jess." He smiled. "I drove out to the location you text me. I brought you and Daniel a gift."

Jessica looked at Cody and could see how hurt he was. She felt bad, but she always found a way to get drawn back to Daniel. She knew that it was wrong to leave someone after 4 years especially since he comforted her when she left Miami.

"Thanks." She smiled. "How was school? Did you graduate?"

"Yeah. Did you?"

"I had to take online classes while I was preparing for the baby. Both me and Daniel." Jessica mumbled. "What about prom? Who'd you take?"

"Nobody. I just went with my friends."

"Oh." Jessica said in an awkward tone as she looked over to the left.

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