Chapter 14 - Dishonor.

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Daniel and Jessica walked back together, and had small talk on the way. They were carrying their heavy bags of teddy bears, when they walked in and seen Angela, Vanessa, and Joseph standing there by the front door. Their smiles, turned into instant frowns. They didn't know why they were standing there.

"I want to speak to my brother. ALONE, Jessica." Vanessa growled.

"Whatever." Jessica said, rolling her eyes and dragging her bag to the guest room. The minute Angela heard the door shut, she went haywire.

"Why the hell were you kissing her, Daniel?" Angela shouted.

"Excuse me?"

"Don't play games with me, Daniel! I seen you two kissing in Ricardo's Hummer!"

"I can't believe that you actually trust her!" Vanessa whined. "Now why were you kissing her?"

"That's none of you guy's buisness." Daniel snapped. "None of you are my parents, so I don't have to explain shit to anybody! Yeah we kissed, but so what?"

"You don't even know that girl, Daniel." Joseph scoffed. "She could be more kniving than you think she is!"

"Actually, we've been talking for 2 months. Y'all don't know her like I know her. She's actually nicer than you guys think that she is. You'd know that if you took the time to actually GET to know her." Daniel continued as he walked into his room, and shut the door.

"Fuck man!" Joesph snarled as he sat on the couch. "I can't believe that he is actually falling for her, man."

Angela glanced over at Jessica's purse, then glanced back at her siblings.

"Oh don't worry." She smiled. "I have an idea."

The next day, Justine and her Mother in law decided to go shopping for some new decoration for her beachside home. Jessica woke up first, and seen everyone except for Daniel awake. She made her way back into the room, then seen Daniel walking out of his. Both of their faces brightened up when they seen each other.

"Jessica." Daniel smiled.

"Daniel." She smiled back.

"Oh Daniel! Come here!" They both heard Vanessa shout from the kitchen.

They both ran into the kitchen, and seen that Jessica's purse was slightly tipped over on the ground. By it, was Joe's chain, Joe's pictures of him in the 70's, and Joe's wedding ring. Jessica glanced down, then glanced back up at them in a confusing way.

"So Jessica, when were you gonna tell us that you stole our fathers things?" Vanessa smiled as she stood by her purse, and folded her arms. They'd planted those things in her purse so that they could make Daniel think that she was a thief.

"What? I never put those things in my purse!" Jessica said as she sharply turned to Daniel. "Don't believe them, Daniel. They're trying to set me up!"

"Come on, Daniel. Why would we lie about something like this?" Joseph snarled.

"Think about it, Daniel. I was with you ALL DAY yesterday. How could I have stole anything?" Jessica said. This comment won Daniel over.

"Come on, guys. Knock it off!" Daniel snapped.

While digging through her purse, Joseph pulled out his dads watch. Him, Vanessa, or Angela had put that item in there, so it indicated that she really stole from them. He held it up in the air, then gave Vanessa and Angela a confused look.

"Did you guys even see this watch in her purse?" He asked as he gave them a confused way.

"No?" They both responded as they looked at her.

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