Chapter 38 - Not Forgotten.

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Justine sped violently to the parking lot of the grocery store and seen Daniel's car on the scene. She lunged out of the car and raced to the car, but crime scene tapes covered it. She tried to go through it, but 2 security guards came in front of her, and held her back. Angela, Joseph, Vanessa, and Jeffery walked out. Though they weren't as frantic as Justine, they were equally scared.

"Ma'am, we have to ask you to step back." One of the guards said in a calm tone. "We're investigating the scene."

"That's my son car! That's my sons car!" Justine screamed as she kicked around in the guards arm.

"That's my nephews car seat!" Vanessa shouted as she pointed to one of the ajar doors.

"We're gonna need you guys to remain calm!" An officer said, stepping in front of them. "This could be someone elses car."

"What are the odds of someone having the same purse as my sister, the same carseat as my nephew, and the same car as my brother?" Joseph shouted angrily. "The license plate is my brothers license plate! He got it for his 16th birthday!"

"Ma'am, we have to run the license plate first!" The officer said loudly. "What is your sons name?"

"Daniel Simmons." Justine said in a sad tone as she calmed down.

"Well if it comes back to Daniel Simmons, we'll call you guys first." The officer said. "Not only that, but we have to see the survaillence video. Its gonna be an hour until we're able to view it so-"

"We will wait here all night." Angela said, interrupting the officer. "We will wait."

Justine, Jeffery, and her children waited on the curbside for an hour and 5 minutes. The minute the store opened, a few more officers came along and escorted the family into the survaillence room with a detective. They put inside the tapes and watched as random cars pull in and pull out.

"What time did they say that they were coming here, ma'am?" The detective asked as he pressed fast forward on the tapes.

"9:00pm." Justine said in an anxious tone.

The detective looked back at the screen and continued to fast forward until that time, when the instantly popped into the video screen. Justine jumped as she quickly put her hands onto his shoulders.

"Stop! Stop right there!" Justine said loudly as the detective rewound the video tape a little.

At 9:07pm, it showed Daniel's car driving into a parking spot. He stayed there for a minute, before pulling out and getting ready to turn the corner that his car was found in. Right when the car got into the stopped part, it showed a masked man running onto Jessica's side of the car, opening it, and pulling her out. She was kicking and scrambling around when they seen Daniel get out and punch the man a few times, when another masked man came behind him as jabbed something in his neck. Daniel was still fighting, when suddenly he stopped. The masked man dragged his unmoving out of camera view, and they walked Jessica out of camera view also. The camera waited for a few moments, when the masked man came back into camera view, picked up DJ, and walked back out.

Suddenly, Vanessa and Angela began to cry in each others shoulders. Jeffery covered his mouth in shock as his eyes bulged, and Joseph was trying to control his mother. She was going ballistic. She was kicking, yelling, crying, and everything else a parent would do if they'd seen their child get abducted or possibly killed.

"NOOOO!" Justine screamed as she continued to wail around. "MY SON! DJ! JESSICA!"

"Detective Mason, this is officially going to be labeled a missing persons report." He said on his walkie talkie.

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