Chapter 28 - Final Goodbyes.

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Today was the anniversary of their fathers death. Justine, Vanessa, Daniel, Joeseph, and Angela all sat around and said a prayer with Jeffery. Afterwards, Justine had informed them that they were going to a banquet around 9:00pm with all of their family to celebrate. Justine asked Jessica did she want to go and surprisingly, she did. She only wanted to go so that she could avoid going home early. Joe's mother had also flown in for the banquet.

Daniel, Joseph, and Jeffery had put on black suits with blue ties, while Jessica, Angela, Vanessa, and Justine put on black dresses with stockings and black heels. Vanessa had did Jessica's hair and put it into a neat bun. The front of her hair was smoothed down and the bun was similar to a black donut on the top of her head. Justine had informed everyone that they had to act like they still didn't like Jessica so that they wouldn't cause drama at the hall.

They drove in Justine's escalade and away to the hall. Vanessa, Daniel, Angela, Joeseph, and Justine all had to give speeches along with the rest of close of kin. They arrived and seen that there were roughly 100+ family members sitting inside of the dinner hall. But before they went inside, Justine wanted to make sure that they were all dressed up right. Daniel and Jessica were standing in a mirror in a unisex dressing room that they place had, while Jessica adjusted his tie.

"Alright Daniel don't forget. I'll be giving off the bitchiest attitude today." Jessica smiled as she tied his tie tighter.

"How do I look?" He said as Jessica went to the back of him, and fixed his collar.

"You look great." Jessica smiled. "Are you ready?"

"Yes. I'm ready."

Justine and everyone took a deep breath as they walked into the church. Everybody inside immediately stood up and gave them a round of applause. From cousins, to sisters, to uncles, to aunts, to brothers, eveyone was clapping for them. The family cherished a family who made a full year with their fathers murderer and kept their bond strong throughout this long journey.

Pictures of Joe with everyone were all over the banquet, and a picture of him alone flashed on a large projector screen inside of the church. Once the food got done, everyone stood up out of their seats and said a prayer for the food, and for Joe. Once that was finished, Justine and her family were the first to get their food and the rest of the family followed. They sat down and Jessica heard a few of the family members talking about her to Daniel and his siblings, and they talked about her to her face to make them seem like they truly didn't like her. About 30 minuttes later, Joe's mother went up on the stage and asked for everyones attention, then everyone in the church got silent.

"Thank you everyone. We are gathered here to celebrate the life and death of my son, Joseph Dwayne Simmons. He was my youngest of 3 sons and he was the baby of the family. I watched him pop out into the hospital and blossom into a grown man right before my eyes. He was so small and little, then the next thing you know, he had a wife and 4 kids. They're my grandbabies! I watch Vanessa, Angela, Joseph, and Daniel all grow before my eyes also. Not to forget the lovely wife named Justine who helped him raise those children. Right now, i'm going to have each of them come up and tell you how much of a great husbnd and father my son is. Everyone, welcome Justine!"

Everyone clapped as Justine walked onto the stage and up to the podium. She adjusted the microphone, then cleared her throat as she smiled at her family.

"Hi. I'm Justine Simmons, Joe's wife. We met in our freshman year of College and only after 6 months of dating, we found out that I was pregnant with my oldest daughter and child, Vanessa. When I told my mom, she was furious. And when he told his mother, she was furious as well. And now that I think about it, we were rushing things a little too quick. Before her birth, we got married so that we woudn't have a child out of wedlock. I honestly didn't think that our marriage would last since we were so young. But surprisingly, it did! We got out of college and had Vanessa, then approximately 3 months after that, we found out we were having another girl! We had Angela 9 months afterwards, and all he kept saying was: "When are we gonna have a boy?"

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