Chapter 7 - Who are you?

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"You told my mother?!" Jessica snapped as she gave Justine an evil glare.

"You won't behave under my rules, so i'll let you discuss your behavior with her." Justine said as she shut the door.

"Bitch.." Jessica whispered.

"Jessica? Do you hear me talking to you?!" Her mother yelled.

"I'm here mom." She moaned.

"How old are you?"


"12 years old and you're getting wasted! Who are those people that you're hanging out with, anyway?"

"Nothing. Just friends at community service-"

"Well I don't want you hanging out with them anymore, do you hear me?" Her mother snapped. "You got that bitch calling my phone-"

"What?! Why not, mom?" Jessica snapped. "They're my only friends. And this other girl named Belle-"

"Belle is the only person that you can hang out with! That's it!"


"If I find out that you're hanging out with any of those other people, I will give her permission to beat your ass. Do you understand me?"

"Why are you calling her a bitch?" Jessica shouted. "You were the one who can't keep your legs closed. Did you ever think about that?!"

"Excuse me?" Her mother yelled. "You better watch what you say Jessica or i'll make a trip down to Sanford in a heartbeat!"

"How? You don't even have a car!" She continued. "You having sex with 800 men each day is the reason why i'm here! You never thought about that, did you?"

Jessica's mom was silent. This statement was true, and Jessica adressing her about this made it more heartwrenching.

"Exactly!  When this year is over, i'm gonna go live with Grandma! I can't take this shit anymore!" Jessica yelled as she violently hung up the phone, and threw it against the wall, causing the battery to fall out.

Jessica was enraged. She was mad that they let her get that drunk, and she was more upset that Belle didn't stop them from taking her home.

On Monday, Jessica stormed into community service. Her anger was no better from Saturday, and when she seen everyone, this only made her angrier. She stomped to the table where everyone was, and let it all out.

"Why did you guys let me get that drunk Saturday?" Jessica snapped.

"What?" Keith laughed.

"Jessica you need to chill!" Sean said. "You were sober at one point when you continued to take the shots, so don't place the blame all on us. It was your choice!"

"You guys know how to control liquor and I don't!" She contined. "Not only that, but who drove me home while I was wasted as ever yesterday?"

"Me and Sean drove you home because we were looking out for you!" Jade said.

"No. If you were looking out for me, you wouldn't have let me get that far! You would've let me sober up, then took me home! I wouldn't have been in that much trouble if you would've done that!"

"How you like my screensaver?" Keith said holding out his iphone. It was a picture of her and Jade, kissing on the living room couch.

"K, delete that picture right now." Jessica growled. "And when did that happen?"

"At the party genius."

"Oh my god." Jessica said closing her eyes, and shaking her head. She then looked over at Belle, who was giving her a blunt look. She walked over to her, sat next to her, and gave her an angry look.

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