Chapter 21 - "You're a horrible mother."

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"Wha.....what do you mean?" Jessica asked in a worried tone.

"We tracked him down and found him. So now he can't rape anyone else!" Jade cheered. "We're gonna come get you so that you can get your revenge!"

"Jade i'm at home right now. My home!"

"Damn Jess!" Jade barked. "Why didn't you tell us that?"

"Gee wiz, Jade. I didn't think that you'd kidnap my rapist!" Jessica said loudly. Jade sighed on the phone, then spoke.

"Alright. I'll call you later."

"You guys aren’t gonna hurt him, are you?” Jessica asked.

“No. We’re just gonna let you give him a piece of your mind.” Jade said. “When do you come back to Miami?”

“In 2 days.”

“Well I guess we’ll hold him hostage until you come back.” Jade responded. “See you later!”


Jessica hung up the phone, and stared off into space. A robbery was one thing, but kidnapping was in a whole different area. “How’d they find that man?” She wondered. She didn’t feel bad for the rapist, but she wondered what was going to happen to him, and what they were going to do with him.

Jessica laid in the bed for a good 10 minutes, and realized that Daniel hadn’t come to bed. She stepped out into the hall, and seen her mothers door cracked. Thinking that he was in the bathroom, she checked inside of there first. When she hadn’t seen him inside of there, she checked inside of her mothers room.

There, she seen Daniel on his knees. Crying and kneeling down where his father died.

She didn’t know what to do. She felt so bad for him because it was her fault. She killed him and took away his only father. Daniel continued to cry silent and hard as Jessica walked over to him, and rubbed his back. He lunged up, and hugged her with all of his strength. Even though she was the one who did it, he still needed some comfort.

Daniel still liked Jessica. Even after seeing the room. It was a true sign of forgiveness.

“I’m sorry, Daniel. I’m sorry.” She said in a sad tone as his tears coated her right shoulder.

“I just want my father back. I miss him so much.” Daniel weeped in a low tone.

Jessica led Daniel to her room, and they laid down in her bed. They used his coat as a blanket as Daniel laid on her chest, and relaxed on her. Jessica realized that this is what Daniel always went through. Every time she was crying her eyes out, she’d sink into his chest. The tables were finally turned.

The next day, they both woke up and forgot that they were there. Daniel walked downstairs with Jessica, and seen that her mother was no longer there. He was about to start the stove to make some of the food that he brought, but their electricity had been cut off. Her mother had left to get some money to pay the bill.

“We don’t have any power. Again.” Jessica moped as she sat on her kitchen chair.

“That’s alright baby. I brought some chips just in case.” He smiled.

Daniel sat down next to her, and smiled. But Jessica could seen that his smile was force. He still was hurt from the day before, and she understood why. She couldn’t imagine seeing her own fathers blood in a room that he was last in. She put her hand on top of his, and he slid his fingers through hers.

“We still didn’t give each other our Christmas gifts!” Daniel cheered.

“Oh I know what I got you!” She smiled. “But it’s a surprise.”

“So is mine!” He cheesed. “I’ll give it to you when we get home.”

“Okay.” Jessica smiled. “Are you okay? You know from last night?”

“Not really. I’ve never lost a person that close to me. Let alone a parent.” Daniel sighed. “I just have to adjust to him not being here.”

“You’ll see your father again, Daniel.” She said in a comforting tone. “I’m not overly spiritual, but God will let you see your father again. It might be in the afterlife, but it’ll happen.”

The two was left with nothing to do in Jessica’s home. Daniel wasn’t used to it, and neither was Jessica. Jessica had been living in a comforting home since July, so this amount of boredom consumed them. Daniel looked at Jessica and said: “Lets have sex again!” And Jessica responded: “There’s no condoms.” They both laughed at his joke, then relaxed on the couch. At night, Jessica’s mother finally arrived home.

And once again, it was with another unidentified man.

“What’d you get me for Christmas, mom?” Jessica said as she jumped up, and cheered.

“Ooooh darling I forgot!” She giggled. “I’m sorry. I’ll get it another time.”

“Wow.” Jessica said as she shook her head. “Well, are we gonna do something since it’s my last day?”

“Sorry darling but no. Momma’s going out tonight.” Her mother said. “We’ll hang out some other time.”

“Mom another time is gonna be in a few more months!”

“I know. You can hold off until then, right?”

Jessica couldn’t believe what she heard out of her mothers mouth. She shook her head, and stomped up the stairs and into her room. Daniel was sitting at the kitchen table and was preparing to follow her, but he wasn’t going to do it this time. He felt that he needed to say something.

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