Chapter 30 - Football Star.

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Jessiva was sitting her room with Cody. It was Spring Break, and Jessica had planned to go with him along with 5 other friends to California. However, Jessica's mother had told Jessica that she wanted her to stay home because she had a surprise for her. Finally, her mother came into her room.

"Are you ready for your surprise?" Her mother smiled as she kept her arms behind her back.

"Sure Mom."

"I got you and Cody two tickets to Miami!" her mother cheered. "And I know you're ready to see you know who right?"

"Oh my goodness." Jessica said in shock as she lifted up, and covered her mouth.

"That's right! Tickets to the Miami Carol High School football game of the year!" She squealed as Cody jumped up in excitement, and gave her mother a hug. Jessica was not impressed. She thought that they were tickets to see Daniel whom she hadn't seen in 4 years, but it wasn't.

"Oh my god babe aren't you excited?" Cody cheesed as he shook her.

"Yeah!" Jessica faked.

However, it was the total opposite of how she felt. She would have rather went to California with her friends instead of to a lousy football game.

Cody got his older brother to drive hi and Jessica out to Miami City. They arrived at the game roughly an hour after they got checked into their hotel, but they were already too late. News coverage was there already circling the high school football field, and all of the bench seats were loaded. People crowded around and stood up while Jessica and Cody squeezed in on the bottom of thwe benches. This was the game that everyone was talking about in Florida, yet Jessica never paid any mind to it. The beginning of the game was starting and she was already bored, so she bundled up in her hoodie and leaned on Cody's shoulder.

"Oh come on, babe." Cody moped. "It cant be THAT boring."

"Well it is to me." Jessica snarled.

Seconds later, the first play was about to start. Suddenly it started raining hard, and everyone around were soaked because nbody knew about the weather change. Jessica slid on her hoodie while Cody seemed to be unmoved. The first play was being made, and it was the Dolphins [Miami] vs. the Bears. [Conneticut.] "One a count of three! Hut!" Someone hollered as Miami threw the football back to the running back.

Suddenly, the running back caught the ball, and began to run and zip through the rain along with the other players on the opposite team trying to catch him. He had two marks under his eyes that he drew on with chalk, and he was zig zagging and spinning around everyone who came in contact with him. His face was in complete seriousness, and he was huffing and puffing through his speed. Rain splashed him in his face, but there was no stopping him when it came to him getting in the in-zone. He made the touchdown in one play, and he ahd the schools crowd going wild.

"And there you have it! Daniel Simmons has made yet another brilliant play!" The announcer cheered.

Jessica eyes bulged as he lifted up, and looked at the linebacker. Daniel. Daniel Simmons. Her first boyfriend. Her first at everything. His number was number 1, and he was the superstar of the team. However when she looked around for Justine and the rest, she couldn't find them in the large crowd. She turned back around and looked at him.

"Oh now that we got a touchdown, you're interested?" Cody joked as he laughed.

Jessica laughed also, then kept her eyes on him the whole entire game. 2 hours later, they won the game by 45 - 16. Daniel had made 3 touchdowns, and he was celebrating with his teammates. He was jumping up and down because they had won their High School Championship. The minute they prepared to leave, cameras swarmed the team. However, they were trying to get coverage on the superstar of the team, Daniel.

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