Chapter 37 - Twist of Fate.

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While looking for their place to stay, Daniel and Jessica decided to take a trip to the Clinton Correctional Facility jail to show her father DJ. Still a 1 year old bobbling baby, DJ was thinking that they were going for a joy ride like he always did.

Daniel and Jessica walked into the prison, sat in a booth, and lifted up their baby towards the window. Jessica's father was speechless. Here, he was actually staring at his grandchild. Jessica and Daniel smiled at each other when they seen her fathers look, because they were proud of their son.

"That's my little grandbaby?" He laughed as he glanced at him. "What's his name?"

"Daniel Simmons Jr. But we just call him DJ." Jessica smiled.

"Wow. No wonder. He looks just like Daniel."

"That's what I told Jessica!" Daniel said as he sharply turned towards Jessica. "I told you that my families genes are beyond strong!"

"Uh whatever!" Jessica said as she put her hand up, and giggled. "I think that he looks like me."

Everyone shared a nice little laugh before slowly coming to a stop. Jessica's dad looked down, then looked back up at her.

"Wow. You and Daniel have been close for so long." Her father said. "Speaking of old times, do you still hang around that Community Service group?"

"Yeah...." Jessica responded in an embarrassing tone as she looked down at the ground.

"Jessica, look at me."

Jessica took a deep breath, then glanced back up at her father.

"You need to stop hanging around those people do you understand? Just because they seem trustworthy doesn't make them trustworthy." Her father said in a serious tone. "You'll regret it if you do. You'll continue to mess around them and they'll fuck around and take away someone you love. Now you don't want that do you?"

"No. No I don't."

"Then break it off with them." He said. "I used to hang around with 'fuck arounds'. They are nothing to fuck around with. Understand?"

"Yes. Thanks dad." She smiled.

"You're welcome baby. And you keep taking care of my grandbaby and baby. Are we clear?" Her father said as he pointed to Daniel.

"Crystal, sir."

"Alright. Y'all go on out and enjoy life or something." Her father joked.

2 weeks later, it was Justine's 41st birthday. And like every year, Daniel, Vanessa, Angela, and Joseph gathered at the house with amazing gifts, and Jessica joined in also. Jeffery served her favorite dish of Lobster and Greek Salad. It took them all the way until night time to prepare the day with their mother. They placed her dinner onto the table along with a lavender cake since it was her favorite color. Justine came home and seen the amazing decorations, and the house was dimmed so that the candle would light up in the dark. She covered her mouth and gave all her children hugs.

"Oh my god. Thank you guys!" Justine smiled. "You all never fail to amaze me!"

Everyone from Vanessa until the baby gathered around to sing Happy Birthday to their wonderful mother and then they finished making dinner. She sat down and picked up the baby, who was more than happy to see his grandmother!

"We're not done making the Risotto, but we're almost done!" Jeffery smiled.

"Uh oh." Vanessa said as she looked inside of the refridgerator.


"We don't have any milk. And we need it for the Risotto." Vanessa said in a bummed tone.

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