Chapter 35 - Daniel Simmons Jr.

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"Heh heh. Long time no see." Jessica snarled. "How did you find me?"

"Geez Jess! Just accept the gift, girl." Eric laughed as he walked closer to her. Daniel noticed that the look on Jessica's face wasn't pleasant, so he walked over to the two to see what was going on.

"Who are you?" Daniel asked as he walked up to Eric.

"Eric, this is Daniel. I'm sure that you remember him, right?" Jessica said.

"Yeah. This is the guy that kicked my ass at community service." Eric joked.

"Oh. You again?" Daniel smiled.

"Yeah.....anyway, me and the crew just decided to stop by!" Eric sighed as he pointed outside of the window. "We didn't want to disturb the family moment. Rocky and the rest are coming inside with gifts."

"Cool. Bring them in."

Suddenly, she seen Sean, Jade, Rakim, and Keith walk inside. Sean was very tall, Jade was just as developed as she was, Rakim still had his braids inside of his hair [Except that they were longer.], and Keith got a little skinnier. Though she didn't like Sean or Jade, she was shocked to see them. She was really excited to see Rakim and Keith the most. She put on a fake smile as they all walked up to her, and gave her a huge hug.

"I see that you have some friends here, huh?" Vanessa smiled.

"Yeah. They're old friends." Jessica cheered. "Hey guys. I haven't seen you in so long!"

"Jess! We've missed you!" Jade smiled. "You have to come over so that we can catch up on old times!"

Jessica's smile went into a frown when she thought about how monsterous they were back then. The drugs, the parties, and most importantly, the killing of someone who was once her best friend. Blondie.

"Don't worry. We're not going to kill anyone." Sean mumbled under his breath as Keith and Rakim chuckled.

"I'll think about it. Maybe i'll bring the baby over someday." Jessica lied. "Thanks guys!"

"You're welcome." Eric cheered. "Come on, y'all. Lets let her be with her family!"

Eric and the rest walked to the same van that Uncle Chulo owned, and sat inside of the car. Rakim was giving Eric a vile look, while Sean and Jade gave him a concerned look. Eric couldn't believe that Jessica and Daniel were going to be a family now. An actual family.

"Have you had enough, Eric?" Keith growled. "Are you done stalking her now?"

"This isn't done until I get my girl back. And I will get Jessica back." Eric said as he turned around and looked at him. "Mark my words."

A month later, Jessica woke up in the bed and seen nothing but blood under her legs. She realized that it was time to deliver her baby boy. She woke Daniel up, and he jumped right up with her. He called Vanessa, Angela, and Joseph and told them that it was time. Justine was extremely eager to get to the hospital, and so was Daniel. Jessica walked out of the bathroom, and smiled at Daniel.

"I'm so excited Daniel!" Jessica squealed.

"Me too baby!"

They drove to the hospital, and Jessica was immediately put into labor. The doctor asked her if she wanted an epidural, but Jessica refused it to prevent any paralysis. Daniel sat next to her bed on the stool, and waited to every fathers moment. Justine was sitting on the couch in the room, just waiting to see her grandson. Vanessa, Joseph, and Angela arrived at different times and prepared to see their first nephew.

1 hour into labor, and Jessica was really regretting the fact that she didn't get the epidural. The contractions started to kick in. Justine suggested that her, Vanessa and the rest left the room so that her and Daniel could be alone. Once they left, Daniel inched towards her bed and held her hand while he rubbed her stomach. Jessica wasn't saying anything because her stomach was hurting that bad. 2 more hours in, and the pain started getting unbearable. Daniel noticed that tears were streaming down her face, and he kneeled up on the stool, and kissed her on her head over and over. This wasn't helping her pain at all, but Daniel's comfort was all that she needed.

"It'll all be over soon, baby." Daniel whispered as he rubbed her lower stomach. "It'll all be over soon."

A couple more hours later, it was time. Daniel's family gathered around Jessica's table, and prepared for the baby to come. The doctors placed Jessica's legs onto the railings, and told her to push. Jessica began pushing, and the sharp pain in her pelvic area shot through her spine as the baby came close to her vagina. She stopped for a minute, took a deep breath, and began to push again.

The pain was becoming incredibly great, but Jessica struggled to push the baby through. She started sweating while doing it, pausing and taking deep breaths, then doing it all over again. Her hair was poofed out and she was more than exhausted. She'd been pushing for an hour.

"I can't do this.." Jessica cried as tears of frustration streamed down her face.

"You can do it, Jess." Daniel nodded. "You're strong."

Jessica looked at Daniel, and smiled. Daniel was the one who pushed her to do everything she wouldn't, and she was also doing this for him. She turned forward, sighed, then began to push with all of her strength. She held onto Daniel's hand while doing it and when she least expected it, it happened.

Daniel Simmons Jr. was born on Janurary 5th, 2016. He was 6 pounds, and 11oz.

Daniel jumped up when he heard his sons cries, as him and Jessica both began to laugh in joyfulness. Justine was crying her eyes out, and Vanessa, Joseph, and Angela all huddled around the baby as the doctors cleaned him up, and handed him to Jessica.

"You did it!" Daniel cheered softly as tears formed over his eyes. Both him and Jessica were laughing in crying, and Jessica slowly reached to Daniel and gave him a long kiss.

Their son was finally here.

Daniel only held his son for a short period of time, then he allowed his mother and his siblings to hold him. Jessica and Daniel wouldn't seperate. They stayed close while looking around, and watching everyone observe their son. They both held hands, and looked on in awh. This moment was so beautiful to them, and their bond had never been so close.

While Justine and the rest began to set up at home, Daniel fell asleep on the loft couch. Jessica also fell asleep after breastfeeding DJ. She was stroking his face, and when the baby fell asleep, she found this time to catch up on her rest.

When she woke up in the middle of the night, Daniel was still there. However when she looked in her arms, DJ wasn't there. She panicked as she jumped up from her pillow and searched around. In the corner of the room, she seen someone holding the baby and playing with him. She had a few baby toys in her arm, and she was flaring it around in the babies face. Finally, Jessica lifted up and cut on the lights.

It was her mother. Sitting in the hospital room.

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