Chapter 5 - Rebels.

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Jeffery picked Jessica up, and left to go pick up groceries. She tried to walk through the front door, but it was locked. She took a deep breath, and walked towards the back. But when she walked back there, she heard multiple voices. She didn't want to go back there because of how she looked, but she didn't have a choice.

"Can you guys shut up?!" Angela yelled violently as she moved the front window back. "You're too loud and i'm trying to take a nap!"

"Shut up Angela and go back inside of the house." Daniel said making a layup on the basketball court in their backyard.

"Keep being loud and i'm gonna tell mom."

"You're the only 15 year old I know who still says 'i'm gonna tell mom'!" He laughed. "Take your miserable ass back in the house!"

Out of nowhere, they seen Jessica walk through the back, and stand there. She seen Daniel standing there with four different boys, which she assumed was his friends. She'd also seen Angela standing in their huge window that led to their large living room. Everyone was staring at her, giving her a dirty look while she felt like a deer caught in headlights. After the highly awkward moment, she looked down and slowly made her way to the window where Angela was.

"That's the girl who murdered your dad?" Malik, one of Daniels friends whispered.

"Yeah that's her." Daniel growled. "She took my dad away."

"This small ass girl?" Justin, another one of Daniel's friends asked. "And what is all of that on her back?"

"Probably all of the shit her and her mother is covering up." He responded.

"I'm not going to let you sit here and talk bad about my mother!" Jessica snapped as she turned around his way. "Watch what you say about her!"

Daniel watched her turn back around, as he threw the basketball at her back. She fell violently as everyone around her laughed extremely hard. Angela was laughing as she stood at the window, and Jessica was furious.

"You're violating the contract." Jessica growled as she slowly stood up.

"I didn't do that. The basketball did it!" Daniel laughed as he watched Jessica get up, and walk into the house. 

"Get used to this!" Jessica heard Angela yell up the stairs as she watched her walk up. "Because you're gonna be treated like this every single day until you're out of our house!"

Jessica walked upstairs, changed her clothes, got in the shower, and had a small conversation with her mom. The feeling of having hot water was such a good feeling for her, because she never had it. She stayed in the shower for a while, washed her hair, and got ready to prepare for the first meal that she's ever had with a different family.

She put her hair in a curly wet ponytail, walked downstairs, and walked slowly into the kitchen. She watched as everyone looked at her awkwardly, as she took a chair and sat down at the end of the table, where their father usually sat. Jeffery came over and put some Salmon onto their plates with smothered alfredo sauce. Jessica looked at the plate and could tell that it was 'fancy rich people food', but didn't mind it until she found out it was fish. Everyone began to dig in, while people watched her stare awkwardly at her plate.

"Why arent you eating?" Justine asked in an irritated and stern tone.

"I don't like fish." She said.

"Well I don't know what to tell you." Justine responded as she continued to eat her food.

"Can I eat something else?"

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