Chapter 44 - Game Over.

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"Are you sure that you want to do this, DJ?" Jessica asked. "This is a dangerous job."

"Please, mom. REAL danger is going out on that field, and risking getting your neck snapped everyday!" DJ laughed as Jessica laughed along with him.

"Alright. The first thing we're gonna do is-"


Jessica and DJ looked at the door, and it was Cody. A few years after leaving college, Jessica married Cody and they had a daughter named Cheyenne. [Who also walked through the door with him.] He kept her identity secret because she asked, and told him the reason why. She had a daughter when DJ had turned 2, and they stayed close. They've been married for 22 years.

"Hey sweety!" Jessica said as she put on a fake smile.

"Hey Dad." DJ said as she walked up to him and gave him a smile. "Ew Cheyenne."

"Ew DJ." She joked as she barged passed him, and put her purse on the table.

"Sweetheart, what happened to your face?" Cody asked as he put his palm on the side of her face.

"I fell in this large brush of branches." Jessica lied as she shook her head. "It tore my jacket, cut my face, and did a whole lot that I didn't think that it would do."

"Damn babe you have to be careful!" Cody laughed as he walked into the living room, and sat down. "Did you want me to put some alcohol on it?"

"No it's okay." Jessica said as she shook her head, and made her way upstairs. "I'll handle it myself."

Jessica walked upstairs into the bathroom, grabbed a rag and wet it with hot water, then wiped her face. She took a deep breath and looked in the mirror. Her hair was flat because Jade had wet it, and her face had multiple small cuts, and one large cut on the side. She got in the shower and washed her hair and body, put some lotion on, put on her pajama's, then slumped into her bed.

She leaned over into her small drawer, pulled out one of the many pictures she kept of Daniel, and placed it along the headboard. She smiled as she folded her arms, laid forward, and faced the picture. She stared at it for a while, then sighed. Jessica always talked to the picture as if Daniel was there.

"Well I killed Keith." Jessica said as she inched closer to the picture. "And I found Jade. We're gonna fight it all out tomorrow night at 9:00pm. I'm gonna kill that bitch, baby. I promise."

Of course, the picture didn't move. It was still, and it was a picture of him with a blue adida's jogging suit on. He was smiling and showing all of his teeth like he always did, and his eyes were chink. It looked like he was having the time of his life.

"I would give anything in the world, if I could see you again." Jessica wailed out as tears soared down her face. "If I could just hear your voice. See you smile. Hear you say my name, or anything in general. If I known that you were going to leabe me that night, I would've stayed with you. I would've told you more than just 'I love you'. I would've told you how I felt. I would've told you more."

Jessica grabbed the picture, leaned up, and kissed the picture. She inched it away from the photo, and said a few of the last words that she wanted to tell him before she seperated away from him 25 years ago.

"I love you, Daniel." Jessica sighed. "I promise that all 4 of them will wind up dead. I promise."

The next day, Jessica told DJ that she would inform him when she would allow him to go on this mission with her. DJ called his coach back and told him that he would be attending the 5:00 game like he said instead of cancelling for his mother. Jessica was kind of glad that he couldn't come, because she wanted to fight Jade all alone. With no people around, no kids around, nobody around.

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