Chapter 19 - Words of Wisdom.

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Daniel slept with Jessica to make sure that she was alright. She was shaking while she still held him because she'd never been in a situation like that before. Her shaking soon went away when she fell into a deep sleep.

All she wanted to be with, was Daniel.

He woke up early the next morning with her, and wrapped her arms in some bandages around her gashes. Him, Jessica, and Daniel made their way up to the communtiy service. Jeffery thought that Daniel was coming to be with Jessica, but he wasn't.

He was coming to defend her.

Daniel grabbed her hand and walked into the building with her. Both of them looked equally upset, and they both were ready for whatever was about to go down.

"Who is he, Jess?" Daniel said in a serious tone as he paced towards the table.

"The guy in the blue shirt." She said as she pointed to Eric.

Almost instantly, Daniel had tackled Eric onto the ground and began to violently lash out at him. He had his shirt balled up into his left fist, and Daniel was punching him with his right. Eric tried to fight back of course, but there was no overcoming Daniel when he got angry. Jessica was cheering him on, when she seen Sean getting ready to jump in. Everyone in the lunch room crowded around. Sean tried to attack him, but Daniel lunged up and began to give him a few blows. Before they arrived there, Jessica warned him that Sean would jump in so Daniel would already be aware.

Lisa came in like she usually did, and snatched Eric out of the fight. He scrambled and attempted to get at Daniel, but Lisa was very strong. Daniel was panting extremely hard. He had a torn shirt, and a small scratch on his face.

"Excuse me sir, who are you?" Lisa asked Daniel.

"Let's get out of here, Jess." Daniel said as he grabbed Jessica's hand and paced out of the jail.

Jessica loved this side of Daniel. And even though her and Daniel were only walking out of a place as simple as community service, it felt like her and Daniel were walking away from the world. She liked that it was her and Daniel against everybody. After all, he was all she needed by her side.

"Hey why are you getting back inside of the car?" Jeffery asked Jessica.

"I got kicked out, and she called Justine." Jessica lied. "Let's just go home."

When Diggy and Jessica got home, they got right to playing Guitar Hero like nothing happened. They ate snacks, watched TV, played Guitar Hero, played Basketball with the boys, and did the same routine that they often did.

By night, Daniel and the rest found out that Justine was going to be staying at Ernest's for the night. Everyone was furious about it, but they realized that they couldn't do much. Overall, it was worth seeing Justine happy.

Angela, Vanessa, and Joseph had noticed how much closer Jessica and Daniel were getting. They followed each other around, they spent countless hours together, and it went as far as them holding hands a majority of the time. Vanessa understood why, but he didn't want to tell them because she didn't want them to know about him losing her virginity.

It was 3:39am, and Daniel and Jessica had called it a night. Jessica wanted to sleep with Daniel again, but she was afraid that she might look a little too desperate. She sunk into her thick pillows, and prepared to go to sleep alone.

Then her door opened and the person closed the door. When the light went away and Jessica's dark eyes had adjusted to see who it was, she seen that it was Daniel. Her heart jumped and skipped two beats because she was so happy.

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