Chapter 8 - Frenemies.

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Jessica told Justine that she wasn't feeling good, so she let her skip a day of Community Service. She never looked at her, because she didn't want her to wonder about the bruise on her face. This would be the first day that she would get to see what it was like when she didn't go. She expected to be stuck with all four of Justine's children, so she planned to stay in bed.

But she was starting to get hungry, so she made her way downstairs to make her some breakfast. Jeffery was still asleep, and the only other person who was at the house was Daniel. He was making himself a hot dog, and she went and got her some eggs, bacon, and cheese out of the refridgerator to make herself a breakfast sandwhich.

Jessica hated Daniel because he picked on her along with his 3 other siblings, so she wasn't plan on making any eye contact with him. What so ever.

She brushed past him about 3 or 4 times in the kitchen because they both were moving back and forth. Jessica was mixing her eggs, when Daniel had said the first words that he'd ever said to her, that didn't involve arguing.

"What happened to your face?" He asked in a concerned tone.

Jessica didn't answer him, and she still didn't make eye contact with him. She grabbed a pan, put her eggs inside of the pan, and began to cook her eggs. Daniel stared at her, then continued to ask questions.

"Did you get into a fight?"

"That's funny." Jessica scoffed as she continued to scramble her eggs. "I come home with a bruise on my face and you finally have the deciency to ask me am I okay?"

"Don't get snappy. I was just seeing if you were okay."

"Don't show this bullshit concern for my safety when you and your shitty excuse for siblings continued to pick on me!" Jessica shouted as she sharply turned to him, threw down her spatula, and tears flowed down her face. "You never spoke to me once so don't do it now!"

Daniel stared at her as she gave him a frightning angry look. She bent down and picked up her spatula, then rinsed it off. She got right back to cooking, and Daniel slowly got right back to making her breakfast. When she got done, she went right back upstairs, and went back to sleep.

3 hours later, she woke up. She was way more rested, and way more relaxed. Jessica walked back downstairs, and seen Daniel looking at the tv in an irritated way. He was still in the living room, and he was watching the movie 'Baby Boy'. She sat down, and when she heard the next line in the movie, Jessica's face scrunched up in disgust.

"Baby you're my rib.." Jody said. "You know, like Adam's rib?"

"Yes baby. Yes." Evette weeped as she cried in his shoulder.

"Oh my god. You like this shit?" Jessica said as she looked at Daniel, and pointed to the tv.

"Hell no!" Daniel shouted as he tossed her the remote. "You can change it!"

Jessica giggled as she began to scan through the channels. Daniel scoffed as she shook his head, and looked at Jessica. She was still scrolling, when he took a deep breath. He said something, that she never thought that he would say.

"Uh....whatever your name is....i'm sorry." Daniel mumbled. Jessica muted the tv, then slowly turned his way. She put on a small grin, then she took a deep breath also.

"The names Jessica." She smiled. "Apology accepted."

"I was saying sorry because I felt bad. Right after you yelled at me in the kitchen." He continued. "I realized that me, my brother, and my two sisters shouldn't be bullying you like that. I was joining in because...I've never lost anyone that close to me and I hope that I never do. Me and my father was so close and when I found out that he died, I just lost my mind. All I could think of was revenge, but then when I thought about if my mom was in the same position, I would've done the same thing. That's something that my siblings need to realizem but they're too angry to do it."

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